From the City to Simmons


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"Is everything all right?" Tina asked.

"I think so, but I don't know. We've got some things to talk about and now's as good of time as any," Chris replied. He took a seat while Carrie got them plates and served them each a piece of cake.

"You're making me nervous, Chris. What do you want to talk about?"

"Carrie's been looking at places online. We've got a real shot at getting out of the city. Ohio. We want you to come with us. You interested?" Chris asked.

"Would you really take me with you? Is that what you want?" Tina asked, looking at Carrie.

"I can't imagine going without you, Tina," Carrie said.

"I don't have any money, I can't help pay for it or anything. I'm still trying to pay off my hospital bills. You guys work so hard and I feel like I'm just taking up space."

"There's gonna be a lot of space out there. You don't have to come with us if you don't want to, but I'd really miss you if you don't," Chris said.

"Oh I want to, I want to!" Tina exclaimed.

"There's something else. Uh, we were thinking that Ohio would be a good place to start a family," he said.

"Like have kids and stuff?" she asked.

"Yeah, like have kids and stuff. The thing is, uh, Carrie can't have kids. You understand?"

Tina thought that she had a pretty good idea. She took a long breath and thought about what it was that she was about to say. Carrie wasn't the only one that had ideas. "I want to go with you, and I think it would be wonderful to have your babies, Chris. I like whatever it is that us three have, I don't know if there's even a word for it. The only times that I've ever thought about getting pregnant scared me to death because I was never ready for it. With you guys, I think that everything would be all right. But I want to get married."

"Married?" Chris asked, his jaw dropping for the second time that evening.

"Married?" Carrie echoed. The thought had never occurred to her.

"Yeah. If you want me to have your kids, then you have to marry me. You and Carrie can't get married and you can't have kids. I can do both of those things. I don't want to just feel like the third wheel to you two. I want to be your wife," Tina explained.

"I guess I never thought about that," Chris said.

Carrie didn't really know what to say. She just looked at Tina, partly shocked, partly bewildered.

"Don't worry, Carrie. I'm not trying to take him away from you or anything like that. We've already talked about how much you two love each other. Well, I love him too, and I want to get married. Things can stay just how they have been, only it would make me feel like I really belong," Tina said.

Chris looked to his sister. "Would you have a problem with that?"

"I guess I thought that if you were ever going to marry anybody that it'd be me. Pretty silly since that can't happen, huh? It makes me pretty jealous that you can marry her and not me. Would you hate me for being a little jealous, Tina?"

"I can't hate you, Carrie. I'm the one that's jealous. Chris won't ever love me like he loves you. Can you let us have this one thing together?" Tina asked.

Chris was thinking about how difficult it was, and was going to continue to be keeping both of these girls happy. It was difficult enough to plan the lives of two people. Add in a third and it made for quite a volatile mixture. He hadn't even agreed to get married yet.

"I just want everything to work out for us. Things have changed so much for me in the past few months, for all of us, really. Do you think that we can make it work?" Carrie asked.

"I don't know. I hope so. I have dreams too, you know. Getting married to the man I love is one of them. I've never had a real family before, I've always wanted one. Growing up in a house with my parents and my brother, it just wasn't real. You guys are. A family with you would be...nice. It's kind of like we're one right now." Tina replied.

"Even if it's a weird one?" Chris asked.

"Weird doesn't mean bad. It can be pretty good, I think," Tina said. That was good, she'd been calling Chris weird for quite some time. "I don't want a huge wedding or an extravagant honeymoon or anything. Just a ring on my finger so that I can show people that Chris loves me. That he loves me so much that he wanted to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me. That's all I want, really. It doesn't even have to be a real diamond or anything. Just something I can show people to prove that someone really loves me." She was starting to tear up.

Carrie could see the extent of the feelings that the girl had. "I can't argue with that, maybe it would be a good idea if you married Chris. It would be selfish to keep you from your dreams when I can't marry him, anyway. It would be good for the kids and would make us a real family. Like a legal real family. Do you promise that he and I can stay like we are now?" she asked.


"Then you two should get married," Carrie said, reaching across the table to touch the back of Tina's hand.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Tina said, smiling ear to ear.

Chris wasn't averse to the idea of marrying Tina, but he found it rather remarkable that the two girls had just made the decision for him. They were starting to develop a habit of treating him like a toy to be shared between them. He supposed that there were both advantages and disadvantages to that, but still, it was the point.

"Don't forget that I'm still here and I'd love to have a say in whether I get married or not," he said. He wanted to say it with a straight face and sound stern, but it didn't really come out that way. He was too happy. The girls seemed happy, as well.

"Don't be silly, Chris. We'll tell you what you want. Now say, 'Yes Tina, I will marry you'. Then we can all live happily ever after," Tina said.

"And have babies," Carrie added.

"Yes Tina, I will marry you," he said.

Tina practically knocked Chris from his chair when she leaped from hers to throw her arms around his neck. "I'll make you happy, I promise. I promise. You too, Carrie."

"You make me happy just watching you," Carrie said.

Tina eventually released her grip on Chris and sat back down in her chair. "Well, what do we do now?"

"I think I'm just going to sit here for a minute and see if my head's going to explode or not," Chris declared. "Maybe eat this piece of cheesecake."


The three of them continued to flesh out their plans during the next couple of days. Nothing was written in stone, of course, and they hadn't set any dates for anything. They had decided that Tina and Chris would get married at a justice of the peace, there were certainly plenty of those around. The two of them drove by a place every night on their way to the restaurant that offered the service twenty-four hours a day for the cost of thirty-five dollars. Not very romantic, but they weren't going for romantic.

They did decide to go on a honeymoon, however. Kind of a business honeymoon. The three of them would take a trip out to Ohio for a few days and investigate some properties first-hand. Chris left most of the real estate research for the women. They seemed to enjoy it, and had more time for it, anyway. That's what they were doing huddled around the computer one morning when Chris came through the door.

"Chris, what are you doing home? Is everything okay? You feeling all right?" Carrie asked, looking up from the screen. Even though he hated his day job Chris very rarely skipped out on work.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I've got like three weeks of vacation time. I took a day."

After he and Tina had to decided to get married, Chris had taken a trip to a jewelry store. Even though spending money was something akin to against his religion, he had decided to buy an engagement ring, especially after hearing Tina's thoughts on the matter. A real one with a real diamond, and not something that you had to use a magnifying glass to see, either. The price was...painful. He hadn't told Carrie about it because he bought her one, too. It was nearly identical to the one for Tina but the stone was pinkish in color. As for the money, he justified the spending since it was for the women that he loved. He'd been working nearly eighty hours a week for over five years. This was something that he had to do. He had burglarized the girls' jewelry collections for a couple of rings, hoping he could somehow get the sizes right. Now, all he could do was pray that they didn't have to go back for resizing.

"A day off? Are you sure you're all right?" Tina asked. She studied him while he was standing there in the kitchen. "You look kind of like you're going to get sick."

"I kind of feel like that, actually," he replied, taking a couple of steps over to where she was sitting.

He dropped to one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket. He made sure it was the right one, not wanting to look like too much of a fool. He didn't think it would be such a big deal, but he found himself shaking. Tina's mouth hung open in anticipation; she realized what was going on.

"Tina, I know this is kind of after the fact, but will you marry me?" he asked, opening the box and displaying the ring. Tina gingerly reached for the ring, feeling it's weight and noting the size of the stone. She slipped it onto her finger and held it up to the light, beginning to leak a few tears.

"It's beautiful, Chris. And huge. Is it real?" she asked, not taking her eyes off it.

"Yup. So, does that mean yes?"

Tina came out of her chair and wrapped her arms around Chris. "Yes, oh my god, yes. I, I can't talk," she replied. She let go of him and began to fan herself with her hands, tears rolling freely now.

Carrie was looking on with a smile. She was happy for Tina and thought it was a very grand gesture from Chris. She wasn't surprised, but she had kind of wished that he would have told her about it. They had always been a team, and that ring must have cost a fortune. She felt that rotten, stabbing pain of jealousy threatening to ruin her mood.

Chris stood and helped Tina off the floor, sitting her back down in her chair. He kissed her forehead. "Get a hold of yourself, now." He handed her a paper towel. "Here, wipe the snot off your face."

"I can cry if I want to," she bawled.

Carrie placed a hand on Tina's back. "Looks like you made her a happy girl, Chris." Tina nodded in agreement and held her hand out to Carrie so that she could inspect the ring. She watched as her brother lowered himself to one knee again, this time in front of her, and pulled another small box from his pocket.

"Carrie, I don't really know what to say or how to say it. I love you. Will you be my...sister?" He opened the box, exposing the ring in the same way that he had done for Tina.

It was Carrie's turn to cry when she slipped her ring on. She too, was having a hard time finding words. "I love you. It's beautiful. And it's pink. Is it a diamond?"

"Yeah, it's a red diamond. When I was picking the stone, I was thinking of you and your strawberries. I know that's silly. Is it okay?"

Carrie just nodded her head and showered Chris with kisses. She sat back in her chair and let Tina inspect her ring, the two of them weeping in joy. Chris was feeling rather manly, having such an effect on the two woman. After a while, he was feeling rather neglected, seeing as how the two only seemed to be interested in hugging each other and waving their rings in front of each others' faces. Tina didn't seem upset at all that Carrie got a ring, as well.

"Well, I guess I'll get back to work then, since you two seem busy," he said, stepping toward the door.

"No!" they both shouted in unison.

"You can't leave us like this," Tina said.

Carrie rushed over to him and held him firm in her arms. "No, I need you to stay. We need you to stay."

Chris really hadn't planned on going anywhere, he just wanted to see their reaction. He supposed it was okay, he was kind of hoping for some nudity, though. If a giant diamond wasn't a pantie dropper, he didn't know what else to do. He really didn't have any other cards to play.

Tina came over and joined the hug. "It's just what I always wanted, Chris. I love you."

"I love you, too, kid. Are you guys all right with each of you getting rings like this? All right with each other? I mean, we've got kind of a love triangle here."

"Tina and I are good with it, if you are. We've done a lot of talking when you're not around, you know. We just are what we are and we're going to go with it. It's your fault that we're both in love with you so I figure if there's any problems you're going to have to figure it out."

"Are you okay, Tina? Any problems with us?" he asked, mentally crossing his fingers, hoping for none.

"Carrie just about said it all, I guess. We need a bigger bed, though. That's a problem." They all got a laugh out of that as they untangled and stood in the kitchen.

Carrie spoke. "You know, we all laughed at that, but it is a real problem. Your bed's tiny, Chris. I don't want to sleep alone, and I bet Tina doesn't either. We can't be all cramped in there like sardines. We need to be comfortable and have room for sexy time."

Tina giggled.

"I do like sexy time," Chris agreed.

"Well then, why don't we go get an early lunch and pick out a new bed? You've already been spending money like the end of the world's coming, we can get something decent without spending another fortune. Then maybe we can come home and break it in. What do you think, Tina? Does Chris deserve sexy time?"

"I say 'yes' to sexy time," Tina replied.

"Yay. Everyone, to the car, let's go!" he cheered.

They enjoyed a light lunch in town and then paid a visit to a discount furniture store that had same-day delivery. Tina and Carrie used a combination of charm and cleavage to insure that the store wasn't going to waste any time in getting the bed and mattress that they picked sent to the apartment. They had to race home to beat the truck. Carrie and Chris scrambled to clear a space for the new bed while Tina waited for the delivery guys.

It didn't take long for the guys to put the bed together and get rid of the old one, all the while they were casting envious glances at Chris and sizing up the two girls. By the time that they left, it was still early afternoon. Chris and Tina still had several hours before they had to go in to the restaurant, Carrie had a couple before she had to go to the store.

"California King, baby. You know what?" Tina asked as she flopped backward onto the new bed. "We didn't get any sheets."

"I'll pick up some at work tonight," Carrie said, flopping beside the other girl. "This is nice."

Chris looked at the two girls laying in front of him. "It looks really nice with you two on it. Really completes the room."

Carrie smiled while Tina giggled. Their hands touched briefly while they were laying there, and soon they were holding them. Tina turned her head to face Carrie, then wiggled closer. Carrie understood what she was doing and did the same. They kissed each other briefly on the lips, before breaking and going back to a much deeper, passionate one.

Chris groaned inwardly at the sight, once again one of his fantasies coming true before his eyes. Instead of ripping his clothes off and jumping on the bed, he was content to stay put and watch. He wanted to see what they were up to and how far they would go.

As Carrie and Tina continued to kiss, they got a little more into it. Carrie crawled on top of the younger girl and pinned her arms down to the mattress by her wrists. She continued to kiss her, working her lips up the side of her neck so that she could whisper into her ear.

"Do you think that we're getting his attention?"

Tina kissed back and answered. "Yeah, you've got mine, too."

Carrie giggled. "Let's give him a little show."

Tina had no problem with that, was actually looking forward to it. She knew that sex between her and Carrie was inevitable, especially since they planned on sharing their lives, and their bed, with Chris. Besides, Carrie was hot as hell, it wasn't exactly a hardship. "You've got too many clothes on if you want to show him anything."

Carrie sat up a bit and quickly had her top off and her bra unsnapped. She leaned forward and sighed with satisfaction as Tina took one of her nipples into her mouth. She, like Tina, had no problems at all with what they were doing. The two had become close over the last few months and this just seemed natural. She hadn't ever even kissed a girl prior to this, so this was all going to be new territory, and she was looking forward to exploring. Kissing Chris was great, kissing Tina was too, but in a different way. Everything about the girl was fantastically soft and sensual. It was going to be fun. She sighed again as Tina moved to her other breast and her hands caressed her back.

The two worked together, managing to get Tina naked from the waist up. Carrie worked on her breasts for a few minutes, all the while getting seriously aroused. She backed off the bed and pulled down Tina's shorts and panties in one swift motion. She spread the younger woman's legs and brought her lips down to taste her pussy. It was slick and smooth, with a taste that she was vaguely familiar with. She had experienced something similar while kissing her brother after he had eaten her. This wasn't exactly the same, but close. Tina seemed to like what she was doing, so she kept at it, burying her face in the wet cunt, loving the scent, loving the flavor. Tina was moaning with the pleasure of the contact.

"Do you see that, Chris? Your sister likes eating pussy," Tina pointed out in between moans.

Carrie decided that she did, indeed, like eating pussy. Before Tina had said anything, she had temporarily forgotten that Chris was even in the room. Now she understood why he liked doing it so much. She felt her shorts being tugged down, and she worked her body to wriggle out of them.

Chris couldn't take any more. Seeing his sister go down on Tina, and listening to it, was just too much. He needed to get in on the action. Seeing as how Carrie was kneeling at the edge of the bed with her ass pointed right at him, she was the obvious target. He got her shorts off and the two girls were wearing nothing but the rings he had given them earlier.

He reached out and caressed the taught flesh of Carrie's ass, letting his fingers glide to the softness of her sex. She seemed to be very aroused, but didn't react much to his touch, concentrating as she was on Tina's pussy. Having already removed his clothing and at a monumental state of arousal himself, Chris lined the head of his cock up and slammed all the way into his sister. She groaned into Tina, suddenly feeling herself filled with his rigid dick.

Carrie welcomed the sensation of having Chris inside of her, it was just what she needed. She kept crying out into Tina's magnificent pussy while he worked her from behind. Tina liked watching the look of ecstasy on Carrie's face while she was being fucked. It was incredibly sexy, though it was interrupting the rhythm they had going of getting her snatch eaten.

"You like getting pounded by your brother's big cock, don't you?" Tina teased, using the flat of her hand to rub her own clit.

"God yes!" Carrie cried out. He started to really hammer into her.

Christ, this is hot! Chris was in heaven.

"You're a naughty girl getting fucked like that and licking me at the same time. It looks so hot." Tina reached out and put a hand on the back of Carrie's head, pulling her face tighter against her crotch.

Carrie began to cum and started whimpering something that no one could understand as she tried her best to keep licking Tina. Tina just giggled and relaxed the grip that she had on the girl's head. "There you go sweetie, that looked like a nice one. Did that feel good?" she asked, running her fingers through Carrie's hair.
