More Than Friendship Material Pt. 01


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Todd's headache was back in spades. Why, for the love of God, were girls so hard to read. If Liz were in love with him, and as crazy as that sounded, it would explain a lot, why didn't she just say something and not expect him to figure it out. Then, who would have thought Hollie wasn't quite the party girl she seemed, and how did she turn out to be the one who told him about Liz? He downed some more Tylenol and headed over to X-Mart. He was really not looking forward to pornland tonight. There was just too much on his mind.

Suddenly, his phone rang and it was Hollie. Todd sighed and cringed. Now what? She's probably pregnant. Shuddering at that thought, he picked up the phone. "Hey Hollie. Did you make it home OK?"

"Yeah," Hollie answered, "but I'm not going to be here long. I have an errand to run. Speaking of which, can you text me Liz's number?"

"Do I want to?" he asked, his voice flat and toneless.

Hollie laughed. "Don't get paranoid. I'm not going to do anything bad. You know I like her."

"Yeah, I know. I'll send it when I get to work."

Hollie laughed again and said a quick goodbye. Todd turned up the radio and drove the rest of the way to the adult store on the outside of town. "Please, please let this be an uneventful night," he prayed.

At the store, Todd nodded at Jim and sent Hollie the number as promised. Falling into routine, he clocked in and made his trip around the store to put things where they needed to be. Sundays were usually dead, even at night. That was a good thing. Maybe he'd call Ben and arrange another trip to the Point later. He didn't think he'd need another stress relief night, but after the latest turn of events, he did. Plus, he was a little afraid of seeing Liz when he got home. That really bothered him. Liz had always been a comfort, someone he could share anything with. This weirdness was getting to him.


Liz sat quietly in the back of the car as Ben drove and Mary chatted about their day. She had made Liz model her fingers and her toes and then talked about their mini shopping spree. By the time they got to the X-Mart, Liz's head was starting to hurt, and she hoped that the gas station next door carried some sort of pill to help ease the pain.

Climbing out of the car, Liz grabbed her purse and gave them a little wave."Hey, I'm going to grab some Tylenol and a coke, you want anything?? I'll meet you guys there."

Mary wagged a finger, "You better not chicken out. I'm telling you, 50% off vibes and store discount!!"

Liz let out a snort and turned on her heels made a bee line for the store. Hoping for some relief. She loved Mary, but goodness the girl had some energy!

She snagged herself a candy bar while she was at it. Why not? Chocolate always made her feel better. With coke, candy bar and Tylenol, she slowly dragged her feet back to the X-Mart. Funny how walking over there made her feel more pervy than actually driving up into the parking lot.

Opening the door, she walked inside, surprised that her best friend was nowhere in sight, but his car was there. Ben was wondering around the counter, but Mary was waving at her to come over.

"Come on, lets hit the back. That's where the fun stuff stays!!" Mary called. Of course, Liz already knew this. She chugged her coke and Tylenol down, then set the bottle and her candy on the counter, before being taken hostage once again.

With still 15 minutes before Jim left, Todd decided to chill in the stockroom for a few minutes before taking over the register. The stockroom was a surreal mix of video cases, rubber toys, and unpacked boxes. He could still remember the first time he told Liz's mom about his new job. She had said a prayer for him.

Chuckling to himself, he gathered up some more of the discounted vibrators that Mary and (lord help him) Liz preferred, to restock the display. He also checked the inventory and price list on strap-ons, in case Mary hadn't been kidding about that particular purchase.

Heading back out to the store, he was surprised to see Ben up at the sales counter. His friends 6'2" frame was leaning casually over the counter, looking put together as usual. His short blond hair was cropped neatly, his body displayed casually in a pair of dark blue jeans and a sleeveless shirt that showed off his tanned, muscled arms. A couple of girls hiding in the lingerie section peeked over at his buddy, almost sighing as Ben shot them his winning smile, making his baby blues sparkle playfully. Todd shook his head and grinned, but wondered what was up. Usually, Ben would either call before coming over, or Todd would call and let him know that things were slow. Jim and Ben knew each other casually and were chatting as he made his way up and joined them, setting the box down on the counter.

"Yo Ben." he said giving his friend a fist pound. "Didn't expect to see you here tonight. Mary off doing something?"

"No, she's over digging through your toy box again. I'm surprised you missed her coming up here."

"I wasn't really paying attention, man. I have a lot on my mind."

"That's too bad. It's such a little thing, it's likely to get crushed."

Jim laughed out loud at that as he made his way out from behind the counter, "I'm leaving the perverts in your capable hands, Todd. I'm sure you're well experienced with that."

This time Ben snorted with laughter, and Todd joined in. He didn't mind a few jokes at his expense. It was a guy thing. "So how was dessert this afternoon?" Ben asked.

"Never got to have it. Hollie wanted to 'talk.'"

"Oh shit. That's never good."

"You're telling me, and what she wanted to talk about was...Oh my God! Liz, what are you doing here?"

Liz had been instructed to take Mary's toys to the front for price checks and approval from Ben. She hadn't seen Todd, so she wasn't overly surprised that it would be at the time that her arms were loaded down with various toys. He, however, seemed completely horrified. The look on his face actually made her giggled a little as she unloaded the items into Ben's arms. "Price check and approvals, my good man."

With her arms free, she shoved her hands into her blue jeans and gave Todd a sheepish grin. "Sorry, Mary dragged me along. I told her I had laundry to finish up, but she insisted I shop for toys instead."

"Damn straight!" Mary called out from the other room. "Todd, open up this dressing room. I have something I need to try on. And Liz, get your cute little butt in here with me."

"Noooo way!"

"Yes way. Come on, come along..."

Liz sighed and shuffled over to the dressing rooms, Todd following behind, his mouth still hanging open. He was still shaking his head in dismay as he opened up the dressing room and let the girls pass him by. Liz followed Mary in, and someone closed the door. A couple of the regular video booth trolls stared wide eyed and tongues dragging at the fantasy come to life. "Watch where you're looking guys," Todd snapped. "Those are friends of mine." The trolls muttered some quiet apologies and scurried away and Ben quirked a brow his way.

"That was a little harsh on the customers, man," Ben admonished.

"Sorry." He sighed as he returned to the counter. "I'm a little tense."

"Hell yeah you are. Did Hollie break up with you?"

"No. Nothing so easy as that. She wanted to talk to me about Liz."

"What about her? I thought they were getting along well."

"They do. She was just worried, this is so hard to say."

"Then just spit it out. You know, like you do with your boyfriends."

"Ha ha. Well, as it turns out she really likes me but wants to be careful before really getting involved, because she thinks that..." His train of thought was quickly derailed as he caught sight of one of his surveillance monitors and the expletive came out of total shock. "What the fuck!?"


Mary was trying to get Liz to dress up to give Todd a little show, but she was having none of it. Frustrated, Mary dressed up instead and took a strap on out of the box. Wasn't something customers usually did, but she slipped it out of the box to take a better look. Liz looked at it, both curious and horrified at the same time.

Mary smiled wickedly as she slid it to where it should sit. "Help me with the buckles."

Liz fumbles with the straps, trying to not took too much skin, even though she was in more than she had worn earlier and adjusted the snaps until Mary's new 'cock' proudly stood out from her body.

"That just looks crazy."

Mary giggled, "Maybe, but with this bad boy buried in your body, you'd go nuts."

"Not my body." Liz told her and Mary cock a brow and cornered her pretty friend, pressing close to her body. Liz squeaked in alarm as Mary pushed the hard, fake cock between her legs and ground against Liz's jean clad pussy. She gasped as the pretty redhead's breath just brushed her neck and sent shivers down her spine.

"Don't knock it till you try it hun..." Mary purred.

Liz swallowed hard and bit her lip as her nipples hardened. The girl was way too good at this game. Just then Todd's voice rose above everything else, making even Mary jump. Liz scrambled to the door and poked her head out, looking around to see what on earth was going on.

It was out of habit that Todd randomly glanced down at the security cameras that panned around the store and parking lot. Being part of his normal work routine he did it on auto pilot. Other than the occasional lot lizard and would be shoplifter, he hadn't had a lot to deal with. The bigger issues were more for the overnight crowd. One of the cameras was in the dressing room. Employees were supposed to turn that one off when customers of the opposite sex were in there. Too late, Todd realized that he had forgotten to do so.

He looked down, just in time to see Mary nuzzling Liz's neck and rubbing up against her with one of the strap-ons he had price-checked earlier. His loud expletive erupted forth without time for him to stop it which made even Ben jump. Jerking his gaze around, he found that the girls had been equally concerned and had had run out of the dressing room with concerned looks of surprise.

In their rush to find out what the issue was, Mary pushed Liz almost all the way out of the dressing room, her strap on poking her in the behind as she leaned around to see what the problem was. "What's going on?"

Ben gave the girls a shrug and Todd looked at the girls, stunned and noticing the flush on Liz's face, her pretty eyes wide and staring at him like he had gone nuts. "Um...errr....nothing." He slapped the back of his neck and turned away, letting the girls close the door.

Ben gave him a weird look and still embarrassed, his friend tried to shrug it off. "I thought I saw a coyote behind the store," he lied.

"That's what you're going with?" Ben asked.

"Yep. Coyote. Complete with Acme box and sign with a word on it."

"You're worrying me, Todd."

But their conversation was once again cut short by Liz and Mary's reappearance at the counter

Liz handed the strap-on to Ben, treating it with kid gloves like it was a live snake. Todd could tell she was embarrassed, and wondered just how up close and personal she had gotten with Mary before he saw them. Little Todd jumped at the thought. Todd rang up the item without really paying close attention to Mary.

With her arms wrapped around her man, Mary smiled sweetly. "So Todd...what's up? I was just thinking, we should all get together sometime soon and have dinner. We haven't done dinner in a while...dinner, some movies, a few drinks..."

He was actively avoiding looking at Liz, and Mary and Ben were saying something about going out for dinner. He'd get the details from Ben later. Completing the sale, Todd handed the credit card receipt to Ben for him to sign. At that moment, music erupted from Liz's purse. Todd inwardly cringed, since the ringtone was the same song he had been dancing to for Liz last night. Was that intentional or coincidence?


Meanwhile, Hollie got the text message from Todd. She knew he was reluctant to send it, but she wanted to put the information to good use. From Todd's reaction earlier, she could tell he had been blindsided. Knowing how uptight Liz seemed to be, it was no shock that she was letting Todd figure things out for himself, if she really was in love with him. Unfortunately, that wasn't good for anyone involved; Todd, Liz, or herself. I'm going to unwind that girl and help her deal with her feelings if it kills me, she thought.

Feeling resigned to the fact that things had to be made clear, she dialed the number that Todd had given her, hoping that this paid off one way or another. She counted the rings, studying her fingernails and hoping that she would get an answer. Then finally, a familiar voice came through.

"Hello?" Liz answered, slipping outside where it was a little quieter. She walked to the car, leaning against the hood and watched Todd and the other two chit chat about whatever it was they were arranging.

"Lizzie! It's Hollie!"came the happy voice on the other end. Liz smiled slightly, despite the fact that she was adding to all the confusion.

"No, I will not go to the bar with you!" she teased and Hollie burst into giggles.

"Trust me, that wasn't my plan. I was hoping you'd be free for dinner tonight or a movie?"

Liz fell silent a moment, the idea of staying away from the apartment and Todd did seem appealing for the moment. To escape the issues at hand, but she was tired and had a lot of digesting to do, especially with Mary trying to paw her way into her panties. That girl had balls, brass ones and she was pretty sure they weren't Ben's balls.

"Um...I'd love to Hol, I really would, but I've had a long ass day with Mary and I just want to go home and crash. I'm still nursing a headache and I'm just beat. Maybe tomorrow? I have to work in the morning, but I can do lunch or dinner, whatever. Just let me know."

Hollie sighed, and she could tell the pretty blond was pouting, but Liz wasn't going to give in this time. "Tomorrow then. Can I text you later?"

"Sure girl, unlimited! Anytime."

"Great, talk later and say hi to Todd for me!"

Liz hung up, pocketing the phone and returned to the shop. Leaning against the counter, she nodded to Todd. "Hollie says hello."


"Yeah, we're going to go out tomorrow at sometime. I dunno maybe after work. Told her I'm too beat today and have too much stuff going on."

He seemed exceedingly busy with some videos and gave a little grunt in response. Liz patted the counter and pushed off. Looking at Mary, she asked, "You guys ready yet?"

Todd had no way of knowing what Hollie had in mind and now he'd have to wait till tomorrow to find out. It was amazing how complicated things could get in such a short time.

Mary answered Liz, "Yeah, we're done. Todd's in his grumpy place for some odd reason. Let's cruise. Later Todd."

'See you at home." Liz added, as the two girls headed out the door, but Ben lingered behind.

"You sure you're alright. You never did finish telling me what Hollie wanted to talk about."

"Yeah. I'm OK. Too many people around tonight. I'll holler at you later, and give you the whole scoop"

"OK, man. Take it easy." Ben followed the girls out and Todd laid his head on the counter. He needed to pull things together. Once Todd's friends had left, the trolls felt more comfortable in coming out from the video booths.

Todd motioned them over. "Look guys. I apologize for earlier. I had a headache and I've had a really stressful day."

The trolls glanced up from their usual way of looking at the floor and muttered "S'ok."

"No," Todd continued, 'It's not OK. Here are some video tokens on the house. Go nuts." The trolls' eyes lit up and they gratefully took the golden coins, like they were Gollum taking up the One Ring. Come to think of it, Todd thought, they all may be related. They scurried back to the dark happily.

Todd smiled. "Ah perverts. Count on them to bring some normalcy back to my day."

Chapter 11

The ride home was surprisingly quiet. Mary kept glancing back at her, looking a little worried even though Liz slanted her a smile and a shrug, trying to tell her it would all work out in the end. "Are you sure you don't want to come home with us? Or we can hang with you." Mary suggested, earning her a curious glance from Ben. Mary leaned closer and slid a hand over his thigh.

"Nah, I'm fine, Mary. Really, it's cool. I'm just tired."

"We can experiment, no pressure, take your mind off of things."

Ben almost swallowed his tongue and braked a little too hard, jerking the car. Liz blushed and smiled shyly. "That's okay, little miss perv. You're going to give Ben a heart attack. Have a heart."

Mary giggled and shrugged, turning away, but loving the challenge. She knew that under that shyness was one hot girl waiting to break free and let loose. It made her shiver with delight at the possibilities and by the feel of things, little Ben liked the idea as well. She winked at her man and caressed his thigh as he drove, finally pulling up to Liz's place.

"OK guys, thanks for the fun. I'll see you later. Text me with dinner details."

"Wait!" Mary hollered at her before she opened the door, digging into her goodie bag for a moment before producing a new pink vibrator for Liz. "Half off baby, enjoy."

Liz laughed and shook her head. "Ben you have your hands full. You two have fun!" Tucking the vibe close to her body, she covered the box with her purse and hurried into their place.


Hollie cursed up a storm. She couldn't believe that Kevin had caught her by surprise and dragged her into his car. Fear and adrenaline pumped through her veins, but more than anything, she was pissed. "You fucking idiot!! You must want to go to jail for a looong time to pulling this shit."

"Shut your mouth, slut! You're going to get me in to see Liz or I'll just have you for myself!" Kevin sneered.

She needed to buy time, Hollie thought to herself. As much as rape didn't sound like any fun at all, she didn't want to take him to take advantage of Liz either. Maybe together they could take him down again.

"OK...Jesus...calm down."

Kevin let out a little growl. "She turned down the wrong guy, fucking bitch. Thinks she's better than me just 'cause she's smart. She's not even that hot. She should be happy that I want to slip her some dick."

Hollie cringed, yuck. How did other girls not see what a psycho jerk this guy really was? God she wished he had her cell, but she had dropped it in her struggle to get away. He jerked the car to a stop and dragged her out. She was strong, but not strong enough to withstand his own. "Ow! Watch it!"

The banging at her door startled Liz who was folding Todd's clothes into neat little piles to put away when he got home. "Liz? It's Hollie!"

Having just gotten in and kicked off her shoes, Liz sighed and felt her shoulders sag. Not again! Still, she had never been good at ignoring anyone, not even annoying Jehovah's witnesses. Opening the door, Liz was shocked to see both Hollie and Kevin, but before she could put two and two together, Hollie was shoved into Liz. Both girls stumbled, clinging to each to each other while he leered at them. His eyes looked half crazed as he slammed the door shut. "I'm sorry, he made me come along so he could get to you." Hollie gasped. Liz pulled away and tried to make a dash for the phone, but Kevin was too quick.

She tried to scream, but again his meaty hand smack across her lips and Hollie tried to run for it, but he squeezed Liz so hard that her muffled she scream made the girl stop. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she looked at Hollie. "Don't move bitch. Slow and calm. Get in the bedroom, now."

On wobbly legs, Hollie stumbled forward. "Please Kevin, don't do this. Don't hurt us."
