Shifting Priorities


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Dita's smile finally escaped and flashed brilliantly at him. The one he returned to her was relieved and she blushed fetchingly as she bit her lip.

"You are a very charming man, Mr. MacDenny," she said to him with a raised eyebrow.

He shrugged self-consciously. "I'm just trying to be sincere."

"This is good. Keep it up," she said with a coy smile as she headed off to the restaurant. He followed after a moment.

When he reached the table he saw the guides had joined them. He took a seat between Vivian and Kimberly.

"Today's route is so lovely! I have no desire to race through it!" the petite red head said to him with a happy smile.

"Same here," Kyle responded, smiling as well.

Vivian leaned forward to address Kimberly around Kyle. "The ride in the afternoon is even more scenic. It takes you through three more villages before reaching the chateau where you'll be staying overnight. I've managed to convince Fiona to get back on the bike for the rest of the ride." Her eyes suddenly locked on Kyle's and her face bloomed with the heat of embarrassment before she looked away.

Kyle looked questioningly across the table to Fiona to see her knowing smile. So the ladies in the van had 'talked'. Vivian had likely heard from the staff from the last chateau as Dita had as well. He sighed.

The waiters arrived and took their orders, sparing everyone from having to address the awkward silence.

Jules managed to keep them entertained through lunch by telling them the history of the region and they were enthralled.

The dynamic of the group had changed dramatically with the exit of Alfred and David. Fiona's soon-to-be ex-husband had been aggressive on the road and perceptibly condescending towards the casual riders. David... well, he just didn't want to be there and they all knew it. With the pressure removed, everyone was so much more relaxed. Kimberly especially blossomed in these conditions. The hesitation she'd shown around her husband was gone and Kyle was happy to see her laughing joyfully at something Larissa was saying. He'd known they'd get along.

Fiona was chatting with Helen, Skye, and Dita and he could hear them giggling. From the glances he was getting across the table he picked up that he might be involved somehow in that conversation.

This left him with Vivian and Jules, the latter giving his vocal cords a rest as he ate his own lunch.

"How do you work out the rotation for who drives the van and who gets to enjoy the bikes?" Kyle asked Vivian as he'd heard the wistfulness in her voice as she described the afternoon's route to them earlier.

"We try to take turns over the subsequent weeks so we all get to ride our favourite sections at least once every three weeks. It's all worked out on a calendar. Unless injury or illness prevents it, we'd all prefer to be on the bikes," she answered and Jules nodded.

"That seems fair. Sounds like an awesome job!" Kyle stated.

Vivian grinned happily. "Yes, the only drawback is being away from home for so long. I switched a week on an Austrian tour to work this one this week so I could visit home on our way by."

"Cool!" Kyle said with a big smile.

"The chateau you're staying in tonight is particularly beautiful and overlooks the river. Did you get the upgraded room in this one?" she asked curiously.

"Yes," he said with a nod.

Skye perked up when she overheard this. "Kyle, who are you going to favor with the upgraded room this time?" Her volume and emphasis on 'favor' made it clear for everyone to hear.

He gave her a vexed look then noticed Helen's hopeful expression and recalled their conversation at breakfast the previous day and the promise he'd made while dancing. "I promised the next one to Helen."

The woman in question clapped her hands together with a little squeal of happiness then her face flushed with embarrassment. Her smile, however, would not be subdued. She held Kyle's eyes and he knew what she wanted. He gave her an almost imperceptible nod and she struggled to hide her ear to ear smile.

He caught Skye giving him a happy smile of her own and knew she was thrilled for her mother. He thought she was a really good daughter if a bit of a hellion! He snorted to himself and ate the last bite of his lunch. He was swallowing when he looked to his left to see Vivian watching him. He wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Did I get something on my face?" he asked and she started.

"No! Sorry, I didn't mean to stare!" she blurted apologetically.

Kyle looked across to Jules but the man just shared a smile with him and went back to eating.

There was a burst of almost hysterical giggles from across the table and more lustful glances from the ladies so Kyle decided he was finished his lunch. He turned back to Vivian.

"What time are we back on the road?"

"In 30 minutes," she answered quickly.

He nodded and got up from the table. "I'll be back in 25."

He headed across the street and made his way down the road to a pharmacy he'd spotted the sign for. He made a quick purchase then headed back to the parking lot. When he got back he stowed his shopping bag in the support van as Vivian had returned to it then went into the restaurant's men's room.

He quickly did his business and was on his way out when small but strong hands planted on his chest and pushed him back inside.

"Skye! You can't be in here!" he yelped as she guided him backwards into one of the stalls and locked the door behind herself.

"We don't have much time and what you're doing for mum got me so fucking hot!"

He frowned at her. "I'm not doing her a favor, you know. I really like Helen!"

Skye grinned at him. "I know! That's what makes it so great! Come on! We have to be quick!"


Skye dropped to her knees and tugged his cycling shorts down. Then he was in her mouth and growing rapidly.

"Geezus!" he gasped, grabbing the stall walls to stabilize himself. She bobbed her face over his groin quickly pumping his cock into her mouth until it became hard.

She pulled back and ripped open a condom pack and rolled it down his cock with her mouth and hands. She stood and spun them around so his back was to the door and she turned to face the wall as she pushed her own shorts down to her knees.

Kyle looked down at her perfect, round cheeks and saw how wet she was. He stepped forward and pressed the head between the puffy lips.

"Oh! Oh fuck!" Skye gasped quietly.

She was tight but so wet he had no trouble pushing himself all the way inside her in just a few thrusts. He moaned at the amazing sensation.

"Oh fuck! Kyle! Fuck me! Quick!"

He drew himself out and, gripping her hips tightly, he slammed her ass back against his body. He set up a steady pace then began to accelerate his thrusts until he was pounding her ass, the wet slaps filling the bathroom.

"UUUuuhhhh! FFFUUUUUHHHH! FFFFFFUUUUUUHHHH!!" Skye moaned as her pleasure mounted. She moved one hand down to rub her clit and the other to tug a nipple to force her own release to spike.

Kyle was right there. He needed her to finish as he wasn't going to last much longer. He reached forward and took a grip on her pony tail.

"AAAHHH!! FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKK!!" Skye wailed as his hold on her hair was just the trigger she needed to trip over the top.

She clenched down on his cock which began to fire into the condom.

He growled as he held her ass against him, enjoying the waves of bliss coursing through his body. He could feel her trembling as he finished. He drew himself out and tugged the condom off.

Skye turned and dropped her ass onto the toilet seat with relief then leaned forward to suck his softening cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it and cleaned him.

He gasped as it was too sensitive but she pulled free with a pop and smiled up at him. She stuck out her tongue, showing him the cum she'd collected, and made a show of swallowing it.

He pulled up his shorts and she stood to do the same. They rushed out of the washroom and made it to the parking lot to see the group riding off ahead of them.

Vivian was standing by the support van looking distinctly uncomfortable.

"Sorry about that," Kyle said with a weak smile but Skye just gave the woman one of her trademark wicked grins.

They got on their bikes and headed out after their group. As they rode something popped into Kyle's head. He looked over at Skye. "You carry condoms with you when you cycle?"

She barked a laugh at his incredulous expression and shook her head. "Not usually but I brought some this trip as I planned to get mum laid. She's been sad since Dad fucked off with his secretary. I've gotten her out of the house and exercising but her self-confidence took a bad hit and she hasn't been with a man until that first night with you. She really enjoyed that!"

He shook his head in amazement as he listened. "This trip isn't exactly designed to be a singles hook-up scene."

She grinned and shrugged self-consciously. "I thought we might hit a nightclub or two on the trip but discovered too late the places we'd be staying had nothing to offer like that. It was truly kismet we met you and I'd love to thank your fiancé for being so colossally stupid."

That shocked a laugh out of Kyle and they shared a happy smile. His expression turned puzzled again. "Why were you carrying a condom on today's ride?"

"Hey, I'm thrilled for mum but a girl's got needs and you fill that need really well. I was just looking for an opportunity," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

"And you made the opportunity," he said realizing he'd been stalked and claimed once more. Her wicked grin was back.

They caught up to the group and rode up next to Helen and Fiona who both gave them knowing smiles.

Fiona indicated she was doing well when he asked. Her look told him she regretted nothing. He felt the heat in her eyes go straight to his cock.

Kyle kept moving up the group while Skye stayed at her mother's side. No doubt to share the details of her latest adventure with her mum and Fiona.

He caught up to Carl and Larissa and gave them a smile as he passed. The man's smile was brief and conflicted but Larissa's was nervous and... a little dreamy. He quickly lifted himself out of the saddle to rush ahead before Carl noticed his wife's state.

As he caught up to her Dita was smiling at him. "Hunted again?"

He snorted then nodded self-consciously.

"I think you are going to be physically drained once this tour is over," she said teasingly.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." He raised his eyebrow at her and she laughed at him.

Kimberly coasted back to them. She smiled at Kyle with a twinkle in her eye. There was a long straight stretch coming up which ran parallel to the river, mature trees shading the entire section. "Sprint to the next bend?" she asked hopefully.

"Bring it," he said and a wide smile burst onto her face.

When they rounded the corner Kimberly leapt from the saddle and surged ahead. Kyle pulled himself up onto his pedals to give chase and struggled to close the gap. The woman was a natural sprinter! They shot past Jules who shouted out a cheer to them.

Kyle poured on the power but only managed to catch up to her rear wheel as they reached the next wide corner. She gratefully let herself sink back into the saddle and coasted as he pulled up next to her, panting heavily. "Damn woman, you're fast!" he gasped with a grin.

Kimberly was breathing hard too but her smile was exultant. She loved to win!

They rode easy for a while letting the others catch up. Just before they did Kimberly looked over at him.

"Thank you, Kyle."

He glanced curiously at her. "For what?"

"For convincing me to stay and ride. You were right. This is the best therapy!" she sighed looking at the river.

"It worked for me. I had a feeling it would work for you as well. I could tell how important cycling was to you. I can't think of any place I'd rather be right now. Can you?"

She grinned shyly and shook her head.

"There you go!" he grinned in return.

Jules pulled up next to them. "We are about to enter the first village. There are sections where we might have to get off and walk our bicycles as the pedestrian traffic can be quite busy." They nodded and slipped their bikes behind his to follow.

The rest of their party caught up just as they entered the narrow streets of the village. Kyle used his cell phone to take photos of the group riding between the old buildings, peering into the shop windows, and interacting with the locals. By the time they exited out the other side of the village they were all gushing about how quaint and picturesque it had been and how they were looking forward to the next one.

The afternoon rolled on and they were enthralled by the scenery and enjoyed the next two villages immensely. By the time they reached the chateau they were all feeling that this day had been the best so far.

As they gawked at the splendor of their next accommodation from the wide driveway before the building, they realized Vivian hadn't been wrong with her opinion of the beauty of the chateau.

Kyle looked up towards the top floor where the Imperial Suite was and admired its large windows. He turned and looked behind them and realized it would have an awesome view of the grounds and the river beyond.

They left their bikes with the guides and made their way inside. Kyle gestured for Helen to join him at the check in desk. She was smiling at him happily.

"Hi, Kyle MacDenny," he said to the man behind the counter.

"Ah! Monsieur MacDenny! Welcome! The Imperial Suite has been prepared for you and your bag has been taken to the room," the slim fellow stated with a wide smile. "Is this Ms. Carrington?" he asked, turning his smile to Helen who blinked in confusion.

Kyle channeled some of Skye's impishness and leaned forward to speak conspiratorially to the older man. "Let's just say... tonight, she is. If you could have someone move Helen Livingston's bag to the Imperial Suite as well, that would be great."

The man's eyebrows looked like they might disappear up into his thinning hair as his surprised eyes jumped between Kyle and Helen. Her face was blushing nicely but also showed her excitement. She swatted Kyle's arm playfully.

"Of course, Monsieur MacDenny. I'll have this done immediately!" he said looking slightly flustered. He gestured to a young bellhop to attend to it. He turned back to Kyle. "If you could give us a moment, I'll just process the next guest."

"Of course!" Kyle said and guided Helen to stand a bit to the side as Skye stepped up to the desk.

"Ms. Carrington, the second." Skye said with a straight face and watched the clerk's smile turn into shocked confusion.

"Skye! Don't be such a tease!" Helen scolded with a gasp. "She's Skye Livingston."

The young woman grinned at them as she signed in and the man gave her a key for her room. The bellhop had already left to take Helen's bag from her room to Kyle's.

Sky waited with them as the other guests got their rooms. Once the bellhop returned, Skye headed off to her room to change. Kyle moved back to sign in and get his key and a second one for Helen. As he was turning away the clerk caught his attention once more.

"Oh, pardon! Apparently, there was a call for you earlier but the caller did not leave a message. It says they hung up rather abruptly," the man said with an annoyed expression as he looked at the note.

Kyle looked back at him in surprise. "No name?"

"My apologies but the message was taken by one of the morning staff and there is very little information here. The note simply says they asked if you were here. When they were told you weren't here yet but would be arriving in the evening they hung up. Again, I am sorry the message is so incomplete."

"Who knows you're on this trip?" Helen asked.

"I gave my itinerary to my boss but he promised to leave me alone this week. It was probably him just having a moment of weakness," Kyle said with a grin. He took the message from the man, read it himself and shrugged, crumpling it into a ball. "I'm not calling him back. I'm on vacation!"

"Yes!" Helen cheered.

He tossed the crumpled note in a high arc into the trash can behind the counter and cheered for himself causing Helen to giggle. She hooked her arm through his elbow and they headed for the stairs.

There were a lot of stairs but they finally reached the landing before a fancy door. Helen looked at him with an excited grin so he gestured for her to open the door with her key. She did and they walked into the large hotel room. Directly before them was a large seating area. To the left was a set of ornate doors which Helen rushed to and opened with a flourish. Beyond was a large bedroom with a grand canopy bed.

"I hope they supplied rope so I can tie you to those bed posts," Kyle said earnestly and Helen's eyes flew wide as she spun to stare at him.

"I'm teasing... unless you actually want me to tie you down and take you unmercifully all night," he finished with a raised eyebrow and a naughty smile.

Helen felt an intense thrill course through her body as her mouth worked silently. She was completely frozen by her conflicting thoughts and emotions. The idea of being tied up frightened her greatly but Kyle having his way with her, totally dominating her, driving her wild all night sounded like something she wanted very much... but might not be able to endure. Their last evening together had wiped her out.

He smiled at her. "It's fine, I'll ravish you in other ways," he purred.

She grinned widely at him then her smile slipped into a worried look. "I'm not young like Skye or sexy like Fiona-"

"Helen! Please don't think for a minute that I don't find you incredibly attractive and damn sexy! I'm amazed that I get to spend some time with you! I really like you!" he said stepping close to her and tilting her face up to his so he could kiss her tenderly.

She melted against his chest as his kiss became more passionate and she clung to him.

Once he pulled back he smiled at her dreamy look. "We need to freshen up and head down to the dining room to meet the others. We'll have time to really enjoy ourselves later."

She sighed and nodded.

"Do you want to shower first or shall we shower together?" he asked and her eyes widened in surprise and delight once more. "No funny business... yet."

They went into the opulent bathroom and ooo'd and ahhh'd over the décor before stripping out of their cycling clothes. Helen ooo'd some more when she eyed his sweaty muscles and he drank in her lovely body with a big smile on his face.

They managed to shower without giving in to their desires, much, and walked out into the seating area afterwards wrapped in towels. Helen moved to the window to admire the view and Kyle couldn't stop himself from slipping up behind her to press his body against hers, wrapping his arms around her from behind. His hands automatically cupped her breasts through the towel and she gasped as his lips found the side of her neck. A tremor ran through her body.

Kyle glanced out the window and saw Carl and Larissa walking the grounds hand in hand.

"Our friends are going to see you standing in the window. The slightest tug and this towel will drop away and your beauty will be exposed to the world. They'll see your lovely breasts," He squeezed her nipples drawing another gasp from her and her ass began to grind back against his cock. "They'll see the wanton look on your beautiful face. They'll know what a naughty, sexy woman you are."

His kisses reached the top of her bare shoulder and she whimpered with need. She was rubbing her thighs together as she ground against him.

He was surprised when she tugged her towel away herself then squeezed his hands tight over her tits. She pulled his right hand down between her legs and he slipped his fingers into her hot pussy. She was naked but his arms were now covering her private bits. However, there was no hiding what they were doing.
