The Creation Of Shanna


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Val finally recovered, arching an eyebrow.

"Just three?"

"In this amount of time, yes."

"Well, well, how many does Shanna have?"

Mike smiled.

"You'll have to ask her, but I doubt if she could tell you. She usually passes out after about forty minutes, although she does sometime wake up in time to finish with me. Sometimes not. And she's right, she is the best I've ever had."

Val wouldn't let it go.

"So, if You found better, you'd be gone?"

Mike was starting to get irritated, it was one thing to play, but she was pushing it.

"No, I'll never find better because I won't be looking. She's the moon and stars to me, my first true love. I'd never betray her, you could bet your life on it. Plus, she's a lot meaner than she looks. I'd have to sleep with one eye open the rest of my life. I like my sleep, and I love my girlfriend. It doesn't get any simpler, and I'll never need more. Understand?"

His voice had gone from playful to serious. Val mentally backed up.

"My loss, I wish I'd met you first. Any chance you've got brothers?"

Mike was smiling again.

"Sorry, just me."

She sighed dramatically.

"The story of my life. Come on, Sherrie, I need to fix my face."

They stopped and picked Shanna up on the way to the bathroom.

Shanna was still irritated, but when Val told her what he said she was all smiles again.

Val gave her a piece of advice that she wished many times in the future she had heeded.

"That man loves you desperately. I had a man like him once, the one true love of my life, but I threw him away playing childish games. Be careful, as far as you are concerned, he's dead serious. Don't try to play him, it will end badly."

Shanna thought about that, knowing she was turning into a tease. She decided to add one more song to her list. She was adjusting her thigh highs, making sure the little white bows were centered exactly, when Sherrie opened the door. Mark was standing there, waiting on Sherrie.

She was feeling good, and not above a little deviltry. She made sure Mark got a good look at her stockings, before raising her dress slightly to expose her black thong. His eyes went wide and he turned red. Sherrie turned around just in time to see her smoothing her dress.

"Shall we go?" she said, towing Mark and Sherrie along, while Val trailed along.

Mark smiled at Mike when they got back.

"I'm sure we'll remember you guys for awhile."

They had just settled in when they called Shanna to the stage. The MC played her up to the crowd.

"Guys, you're in for a treat. This is Shanna Jones, from London by way of San Francisco. She and her boyfriend are here on vacation, so make them welcome!"

There was a polite smattering of applause, she was an unknown quantity. Then she started singing.

Her voice was strong, pleasant. The first song she did was country, Hanging On The End Of A Kiss, by her favorite, Faerie. She looked right at Mike the whole time. The crowd applauded strongly.

"This next song is for my boyfriend. It's a pre-apology for all the mean and thoughtless things I'll probably do over the next fifty or so years to him. Remember, honey, it doesn't mean I don't love you."

It was a song by Ingrid Michaelson, The Way I Am.

By the time she was done she was standing right in front of Mike. She dropped the mike when he swept her up in his arms, kissing him passionately.

When he put her down she retrieved the mike and went back to the stage.

"This is my last song, and I want my boyfriend to sing it with me. Help me get him up on the stage."

They were applauding wildly as Sherrie, Val, and Mark dragged him to the stage. They sat on two stools. She whispered in his ear.

"I love you, baby, forever. The song is Dream A Little Dream Of Me, the Momma Cass version. I'll take the first verse, you take the second, and we'll do the end together, okay?"

There were a few stumbles, but in the end, his light baritone was blending well with her contralto. She kissed him to oohs and ahhs of the crowd. He was about to get up when she stopped him.

She looked out over the audience.

"One more thing and we're done. Honey, the other day you bought something for me. I'd like to show it to them."

She held up her left hand, and for the first time he saw she was wearing the engagement ring.

"My honey bought this for me a few days ago. Isn't it precious?"

There were cheers from the crowd.

She looked sad.

"But, even though he bought it, he hasn't officially asked he yet."

There were some boos from the women.

"I'll put it up when we get back home, and hope some day he asks me for real."

The women were looking downright hostile, and the men were all glad it wasn't them on stage.

Mike in his usual way, took control of the situation. There was a gasp from the crowd as he pulled the ring from her finger. Tears formed and overflowed down her cheeks.

"I've pushed him too far" she thought, regretting her actions.

She was about to flee the stage when he grabbed her hand and went down on one knee.

"Miss Shanna Jones, it is my ultimate pleasure to

ask you in front of all these witnesses if you would consent to be my mate, my life partner, my wife. Please say yes."

Tears were running down her cheeks and the cheeks of every woman in the bar. Once she recovered she grabbed her mike.

"Gee, this is so sudden" She joked, getting a laugh.

Then she kissed him.

"There can only be one answer, and I can never say it loudly enough." The word shook the rafters.



The kareoke night turned into an impromptu engagement party. While Mike was still sober enough, he pulled Mark to the side.

"I'm standing drinks for the rest of the night, don't worry, I can afford it. What I don't want is a bunch of drunk drivers on the road. Can you help me?"

Mark thought for a second before going outside, so he could hear.

"Sheriff? I got a situation here. There's a rich guy at the Split Fence who just asked his girlfriend to marry him. He's standing drinks at the bar, but he's smart enough to not want anybody drinking and driving. He's asking for my help to line up sober drivers. He'll pay, well. Any suggestions?"

The Sheriff was there in thirty minutes, with his wife. They had called the local churches. The request was odd, but they saw the wisdom of it, and in an hour church vans were lined up in the parking lot. No one drove that night, and eight churches got hefty donations. It was a night many remembered the rest of their lives.

Shanna had seen Mike drink, had even seen him buzzed, but she had never seen him like this.

Men were lined up to shake his hand, and girls to give him a kiss. The same was true of Shanna, almost everyone in the bar kissed her at one time or another. By the end of the night, Mike was blitzed.

They poured him into Marks' car, there was no way to get him into the Mustang. Mark had to leave as soon as they got to the lodge, he was called in.

Luckily he hadn't had too much to drink.

He helped, Val, Sherrie, and Shanna get Mike into the cottage and across the bed.

Shanna got him undressed and into bed, covering him well. The girls talked for awhile, more to make sure Sherrie was able to drive than anything else.

Shanna had made coffee, and excused herself to get changed, some guy had spilled a drink all over her. She decided to have a quick shower.

Val and Sherrie were reliving the night when they heard a thump in the bedroom.

"Should we check on him?" Sherrie asked nervously.

Val had an ulterior motive and urged her along.

"Yes, what if he's fallen and can't get up?"

Even Sherrie thought that was lame.

"All right, just a quick peek."

They crept to the door and opened it just a bit. Shanna had left the lamp on, and Mike had knocked it to the floor trying to turn it off.

Sherrie quickly picked it up and was going out when she ran into Val.

"What?" she said in exasperation.

"Look" it was almost a whisper.

She turned. Mike had rolled over, bunching the covers beneath him. He was nude, and they got a full frontal view. He was half erect.

"My God! She wasn't kidding! Look at that thing, it's huge."

Despite their better judgement, they crept forward.

"How can she handle it? You saw how small she is. He probably wasn't kidding when he said she passed out on a regular basis."

Sherrie was talking quietly, not taking her eyes off him.

Val was easing closer. Despite knowing better, she was reaching out to touch him.

"It's magnificent! It's, it's....."

The door to the bath came open and they jumped back.

"What it is, ladies, is private property. Look but don't touch."

Shanna stood in the door, glowering.

They both started apologizing, red faced.

She waved them off, moving to the bed and covering Mike, but not before she stroked him a time or two. She wanted to tease them by showing his full length.

They watched, unable to take their eyes away.

"Let's go into the sitting room, shall we?"

They were still apologizing, but she waved them down.

"I know, I'm still getting used to him."

Val was rapt, and couldn't stop asking questions.

"How can you handle him? I wouldn't be able to walk after he was done with me. Have you had other lovers this size? How does he compare?"

"Actually, I don't have a basis for comparison. He was my first. The shit actually apologized to me, saying he was below average in size. When I found out different I gave him bloody hell!"

Shanna couldn't help giving Val another dig.

"I'm sure I'm ruined for regular men, but I never intend to have a regular man. Why would I when I own his heart? I guess I'll go to my grave never knowing other men, and that's just fine with me. Now, it's late, and Mike is supposed to go fishing tomorrow, so I'll say goodnight."

She ushered them out and went to the bedroom, shedding her robe and lying down beside him, naked.


Mike was a little less than chipper, but by the afternoon he was recovered enough to fish.

The guide took him to a section of the river and told him where his area started and stopped, where the best holes were, and the right lures to use.

Shanna had on a pink exercise suit and a pink visor, and had packed a blanket, some water, and snacks. She had a trashy paperback romance novel.

Even slightly hungover Mike appreciated to sleek, form hugging pants she had on.

She found a sunny spot with a bit of sand, and settled down.

He had a ball, starting at the far end of his area and working his way back to Shanna. He caught a good many, but few were of size.

By the time he was back to Shanna, she was bored.

He was working a particularly deep pool that showed a lot of promise, when she got up and undulated her body, pressing against the fabric.

"Mikey, I'm bored." She practically whined.

He didn't even look around, determined to get the lure in the right spot.

"Then you should have stayed at the lodge and used the spa, or went shopping. Now, be quiet."

"It's gotten hot, too. I think I'll take off my suit."

No man alive is going to turn his head when his woman is undressing. She had slipped the top off, revealing a pink bikini top. Mike didn't like her breast forms, and she was surprised in a thirty two A cup she was quite cute. With her back turned, she wiggled out of her pants, revealing a matching thong. She twirled around in front of him.

"You like? I bought it this morning while you were asleep. Is it too tight?"

She bent over, and the fabric in back disappeared.

She looked over her shoulder giggling.

"I know something we can do for fun."

He frowned.

"You know how much I paid for this trip? I want to catch a big one, now be quiet."

She sighed.

"All right, maybe I'll take a walk. Maybe commune with nature."

The rod suddenly went almost double in his hand. This thing had to be huge.

He had almost reeled in, when a pink bikini bottom floated by. It broke his concentration, and the fish spit the hook out.

Mike was furious.


He looked up just in time to see her bare bottom disappearing into the pines.

Nine minutes later[it takes a while to get out of waders] he had her on her back, the blanket lying on top of a thick patch of pine needles. She was screaming into his tee shirt as he pounded her harder than she had ever been taken before.

Later, after he had rolled off and was cuddling her, he started grumbling.

"Damn it honey, I almost had the biggest trout I had ever seen landed."

Shanna giggled before cooing in his ear.

"Well, giving the choice between you hot little woman and a smelly old fish, I better win every time!"

He hugged her harder, before he started laughing. She was a little put off.

"What's so funny?"

"You, baby. You haven't been a woman a month and you've already discovered the power of pussy."

She needed to understand.

"Explain, what is the power of pussy?"

He hugged her tighter.

"You know very well. It's the ability of women to make their men do something they normally wouldn't do, just by offering their sweet little bottoms. But be careful, honey. Use it too much, and it loses its' effectiveness. And if you think withholding it works, you're in for a rude surprise."

"Men will put up with it for awhile before the baser urges take over. Learn early, you're not the only woman that has one of those, and if you keep your man away from it he may look elsewhere. You don't have to worry about me, though, I'll never let it get that far. You'll end up bent over the closest piece of furniture with a red bottom from the spanking you'll get. Clear here?"

She wasn't exactly happy with the analogy but promised him she would never use sex as a weapon.

They snuggled for a few minutes, before hearing the guide calling them. Shanna panicked, what was left of her clothes were lying on the beach. Mike was grinning at her plight until she snatched his shirt out of his hand and ran away.

They came off the ridge, her wearing only his tee shirt, and him in jeans. He grinned at the guide.

"Sorry, just taking a break."

He was standing there, holding the bikini bottom he had pulled out of the water. Shanna gently took it out of his hand.

"I wondered where that went to."

She giggled, gathered up her clothes, and disappeared into the pines. Five minutes later she reappeared with her exercise suit on and handed Mike his shirt.

"Thanks, honey. Can we go back to the lodge now.?"

Mike gave up, gathered his gear, and they left.


Shanna paused, finally talked out. It had been three hours.

"I think that's enough for tonight, Anna. I'm tired. Just a comment in closing. That was the absolute happiest I have ever been in my life."

Anna couldn't help but ask, "When can I hear the rest of the fairy tale?"

Tears were in Shannas' eyes, remembering what came next.

"The next part isn't a happily ever after, Anna. it's more a horror story, but that's for another time. Suffice to say he spoiled me extravagantly. Know what happens when you spoil someone? If they don't have enough moral character, they get rotten. And I was rotten to the core. Good night, Anna."


Look for the next chapter in BDSM, and as always, thanks for your comments and votes.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Of all your works, this is the only (last) one I’m a bit squeamish about. Had Shane been aware of his gender issues and met Mike, that’s one thing. Him being manipulated by Mike into being TS, no matter how well intentioned, detracted from the romance parts.

Well written though. Sometimes I don’t have to enjoy the plot to appreciate the authors thoughts.

Still, a 6 on the 5 scale. On to da next….part.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

Not a devotee of TS stories, only read others by Ultimate Sin an excellent author. But this chapter was good even though Mickey is an opportunist, manipulative asshole. Not a nice person at all.

Still, l give it 4/5

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

Read thru all six chapters to find out what becomes of Shanna and the story never comes back to her and this staring encounter with Anna. A tad bit disappointed. But some good creativity over all. Thanks for writing.

Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago

This is the first TS/CD story that I have read, it held my interest and attention until the end.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago

I'm not a huge fan of TS stories, but you did this one well. I like the introduction of re-occuring characters. Love the Wiley and Moira characters!!!

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