The Lingering Scent of Jasmine


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"Before we take a stroll through the garden there are a couple of friends I want you to meet." She then surprised me by whistling loud enough to be heard half a mile away. A few seconds later two Doberman pinschers showed up and sat on either side of her. "Rick, meet Zeus and Apollo. I named them after the dogs on the TV detective show 'Magnum PI'. I spent six months going to a school with them to train them to be my bodyguards. My grandfather insisted on having the state-of-the-art security system installed but I feel a lot more comfortable knowing the boys are constantly on patrol here. I also have two of my father's shotguns in the house and I know how to use them."

"Well so much for my plan to tie you up and steal your jewelry."

"Tying me up is negotiable but you'd look silly in my jewelry."

As the four of us walked through the garden I asked her, "Sam, this house is magnificent. Who planned all of this?"

"I did. I majored in interior design at college and my grandparents taught me everything I know about gardening and landscaping since I was old enough to walk. Most of the furnishings in the house are from my family from long ago and belonged to my great grandparents. My mother and I have added the occasional piece over the last two years.

"It's truly spectacular. It should be in a magazine like Southern Living or Architectural Digest. Do you like living here by yourself?"

"I haven't had much luck with men. The only man I felt like I was in love with broke my heart and the others just don't meet my standards. I want somebody like my grandfather. He's kind and honest and loves me unconditionally. He's my best friend and the man I measure all others against."

"I'm sad to say, but I don't think they make men like your grandfather anymore."

"Ohhh I don't know about that. I think they've made one more man like him." She batted her eyes at me to let me know she was talking about me.

"You don't know me that well Sam. Even though I was raised in the south and had wonderful grandparents that I loved dearly, I might not be all that your grandfather is."

"So far you are. I really feel like you and he were cut from the same cloth. I got that impression almost immediately when I met you. I was certain of it when you sent me flowers on my birthday. You have no idea how much that meant to me."

"It meant a lot to me to have somebody to send flowers to. Even if we never become more than friends I will still send you flowers on your birthday."

"Oh Rick. You see; that's what I'm talking about. You don't have any expectations of what might happen between us yet it doesn't change the way you would treat me. That is so rare Rick. I can't abide men who only want to have sex with me. It's not that I don't like sex, I'm actually quite fond of it, but I'm different and I know that. I am old fashioned and I want a man I can respect and be friends with before I get in bed with him."

"Sam, it's not old fashioned to have good taste and manners and charm and elegance. These things and many more are what set you apart from other women. You have a very good idea of who you are and you exhibit that character to the people you come into contact with. I don't blame you or judge you for being discriminating about the men you allow to be close to you. You are not obligated to suffer fools and you have the courage to live your own life even if you don't meet many men you find interesting. I really admire you for that."

She turned and moved close to me then put her arms around my neck. "I designed this garden to be romantic. I think perhaps you should kiss me so we can see if I was successful."

I put my arms around her waist and gently brought her to me and softly placed my lips on hers. Without either of us trying, the kiss became ebullient with passion. I pulled her tightly against me and savored the sensations that practically assaulted me. The softness of her lips, the warmth of her body, the way her braless breasts pressed against my chest and the pervasive fragrance of her jasmine perfume all combined to make me dizzy with delight. When we finally pulled back her eyes told me that she had felt the same way about it.

"You succeeded beyond your wildest expectations. This garden is definitely romantic."

"We should just have time for a glass of Champagne before dinner is ready. Let's go back to the house and we can sit on the porch while we drink it. Zeus, Apollo, Rick is a friend. Now you go back to your pen and stand guard."

She took my hand and we strolled back to the house. I opened the wine and poured some into the two crystal flutes she took from a cabinet full of glassware. I handed one to her and again she took my hand and led me to the back porch. It was only a few minutes past seven but in late May the sun didn't set until after eight so it was still light out. The trees surrounding her property were just beginning to cast shadows over the garden and a light breeze caused the branches to gently sway.

She took me to a porch swing suspended from the ceiling by chains. It had been a very long time since I had sat in one of these and I had forgotten how exhilarating traditional courtship could be. Slowly rocking while we talked and drank our wine felt marvelous.

"Did you have a nice birthday Sam?"

"Oh yes, it was very nice."

"What did you get for your birthday?"

"My mother took me shopping today and bought me some nice clothes. I'm actually wearing one of the items she bought me."

"Is it that lovely choker you have around your pretty neck?"


"Will I get to see what it is?"

"Oh I do hope so Rick. My favorite present was a beautiful flower arrangement that a very nice man sent me. I couldn't stop looking at them all day long."

"I hope you don't mind if I continue to surprise you with little gifts like that from time to time."

"Oh Rick, you are the most wonderful gift I got for my birthday and you can keep giving me little presents for as long as you want as long as you give them to me in person. I'll want to thank you properly for your generosity."

She laid her head on my shoulder and squeezed my hand. "You can't imagine how many times I've sat on this porch by myself wishing I had someone like you to share it with. This means so much to me. I already know you well enough to know that you need somebody to care for as much as I do. We're both lonely but I don't feel lonely with you."

She was right. I did need somebody to care about. I needed to be close to somebody and feel alive again and it didn't matter to either of us that I was twenty-four years older than her. Our souls were the same age and our hearts had the same yearning.

I heard a beeping sound and she stood up and said, "That's the timer on dinner. Let's go eat. I can serve you in the dining room if you prefer but I think you're the kind of man that feels comfortable eating in the kitchen. We don't need formality anymore."

The table in the kitchen was nicer than most dining room tables and had the perfect homey, rustic look and feel. She opened the French doors so the soft breeze could blow through the kitchen from the porch.

"I'm actually a very good cook but I thought you'd appreciate something basic and country tonight."

Opening the oven, she took out a large pie plate and placed it on a trivet at one end of the table and arranged plates and silverware on either side so we could sit across from each other. "While that cools for a moment I'll get you something to drink. You can have some more wine if you like but one glass is enough for me. I'm going to have some iced tea. I made it unsweetened in case you have a problem with sugar but I have several sweeteners if you want them."

"I'd love a glass of tea; with lemon if you have it."

She brought me a glass that could have come from a roadside café from sixty years ago. It was filled with the auburn colored liquid and just enough ice to keep it cool. A freshly cut lemon wedge was stuck to the rim. Iced tea is a tradition in the south. The beverage is second only to holy water in the reverence it is given. Like pimento cheese, there are many family recipes for it but it's best in its pure form: Lipton tea bags brewed in water that has been boiled and allowed to cool ever so slightly before pouring it over the bags. Lemon or lime is the best accompaniment but a sprig of fresh mint in the glass is also welcome.

She used an antique pie server to cut the pie into pieces after removing a well-worn, small metal funnel from the center that acted as a chimney to let steam escape while the pie was cooking. She picked up my plate and slid the utensil under a piece and extracted it deftly from the pie plate then placed it on my plate. As soon as I saw the side of the slice I knew I was in for a treat. Nothing looks, smells or tastes like a homemade chicken potpie. She retrieved another slice and put it on her plate then sat it down across from me and sat down.

"This is my grandmother's recipe and one of her specialties. It's my favorite comfort food and always makes me feel better when I eat it. Every ingredient in it comes from family farms no more than twenty miles from here. Even the flour for the crust was ground at a mill close by. It's the same place I buy oatmeal and grits. The chickens are certified organic and free range and are raised by a Japanese family."

"Like you it is deceivingly simple. Unpretentious but elegant. Uncomplicated but delicious. Real and satisfying, it does not promise more than it can deliver and never disappoints. It contains the one ingredient you cannot purchase, it was made with love and it tastes divine."

"Oh Rick, my grandmother would have loved you."

"I sincerely hope her granddaughter could feel the same way about me."

"Rick I've loved you long before I ever met you. I've just been waiting for you to show up."

"I am truly sorry it took me so long. Please accept my apology and I promise, I'll make it up to you."

"In that case we can skip dessert and decide on where we should make love for the first time."

"I'm not going to let you cheat me out of dessert by tempting me with sex because I'm sure it's equally as delicious as dinner. However, I will allow you to postpone serving it if you're sure you really want to spend the rest of the evening making love."

"Oh I most definitely want us to make love. And if you can make it last the rest of the evening I'll give you all the dessert you could want."

"What do you say to starting in your bathroom?"

"Why there?"

"Because I want to discover you slowly. I want to take my time learning about you and your body. This is not going to be a sprint; it's going to be a marathon. I want to see if you can expose yourself to me completely and give yourself to me without reservation. The best way I know to begin this process is with a bath."

"Then a bath it will be. Just let me put a few things away in the kitchen and we will head for the bathroom."

I helped her clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher and then we headed into her bedroom. "I knew you'd be the kind of man to help with the dishes even though you are a guest. My grandmother must be smiling somewhere."

"Sam at my age you must have known that I would be thoroughly domesticated and housebroken. If you and I are to be lovers then we should do what lovers do for each other, in and out of bed. That's just the way it works."

"Would you like to undress me or should I do it myself."

"I think I'd like to watch you."

"There won't be much to watch. I just slide the zipper down in the back and it falls off."

She illustrated that while she was talking and her dress fell to the floor. I had been right about her not wearing a bra. All she had on now was a tiny white lace thong and her high heels.

"Is that the item you bought today that you hoped I'd get to see?"

"Yes. Do you like?"

"Very much. But it too will have to go."

She slid the little garment down her thighs and when it reached her knees she let it drop. She stepped out of it and then removed her shoes.

"Well, this is me. What do you think?"

"Turn around slowly."

She swayed her hips slightly as she made a slow turn then stood with her hands on her hips looking at me apprehensively.




"Because the only man I ever felt like I was in love with never looked at me like he really desired me. He also told me he thought I was frigid and an unimaginative lover. He usually finished so quickly I don't think he ever took the time to make an accurate assessment of my sexual skills but he rarely showed much concern for my satisfaction. I don't want to disappoint you."

"Oh Sam I am sorry to hear that. I don't intend to take the opinion of a selfish, inconsiderate jerk seriously and neither should you. He had no idea what kind of woman he was dealing with nor did he know how to appreciate you. I will not make that mistake. You're lovely and I'm confident that I can make you feel very different than he did. One thing I've learned in fifty years is that a man's pleasure is derived primarily from giving pleasure to the woman he loves."

"You get naked and I'll get us a bath started. Do you like bubbles?"

"I can't remember the last time I took a bubble bath. Let's have them; and anything else you want to put in."

It didn't take me long to remove my clothes and I stood watching her light candles and put bath salts into the tub as it began to fill with water and bubbles. I could tell she was still nervous and excited at the prospect of what we were going to do and I had to admit I was more than a little bit excited myself.

"That should just about do it. Why don't you stick your foot in and let me know if the temperature is OK?"

The tub was large and was actually a soaking tub so we could both stretch out and even lie side by side in it. I put my foot in one end and the water felt a little hotter than I normally prefer but I was sure I'd get used to it quickly. I put the other foot in and eased down to lie against one end. She got in the other end facing me.

"The last time I was in a tub with a man was probably when my father gave me a bath when I was a baby. This is a new experience for me. I think I like it."

"Good. I know I like it, even though it's been a long time since I took a bath with a woman. We both need to relax and get comfortable with each other. I'd like you to move over here and lie between my legs and lean back on me."

She moved slowly to get in position and I put my hand on her forehead and laid it on my shoulder. It felt good to have her body lying against mine. I used my right hand to scoop water and bubbles up and rub it against her chest, letting the water cascade down her torso. When the bubbles began to fade away I put the handfuls of water directly on her breasts and held them in my hands. Her nipples extended as I gently rolled them between my thumb and finger.

"Ummmhhhhh that feels so good Rick. I love to have my nipples pinched and kissed and licked."

"I want you to tell me everything you like Sam. I want to please you in every way I can."

"I'll tell you everything, show you everything, do everything but..."

She twisted and turned to her side until she could look at me.

"I can't do it if you're not going to be around after tonight. I want to show you everything and give it all to you but not just for one night. If that's all you want then lets just get out of this tub and go fuck so you can go home happy and I can try to forget all about you. I can't bare my body and my soul for a one night stand. I'm not that kind of girl."

"If you really believe I would ask you to do this for a quick fuck then tell me to go home now. At my age, one more piece of ass, even one as cute as yours, is not going to make that much of a difference in my life. Do you think that's all I came here for, to eat your wonderful food and jump in your bed and never see you again? I'm not that kind of boy."

"So what you're telling me is that you'll hang around for a while to get some chicken potpie and the pussy is just a fringe benefit?"

"Basically, yes. That's my intention."

She grinned as she slid up my chest to put her face close to mine and said, "My grandmother told me the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. If that's the way it has to be then so be it."

"Sam, I already had the debate with myself about thinking I could have a beautiful twenty-eight year old girlfriend and despite all the reasons I shouldn't, I've decided I want to at least give it a try. If you want to go steady with me then I'm all in."

"You mean you're ready to give me your ring and take me to the prom?"

"If that's what you want then yes, I'll even rent a limo."

"Oh Rick! Please don't tell me it's too soon to say this... I love you."

"I wouldn't dream of telling you not to say it. I love you too Samantha."

She twisted back around to lie on her back and put her head on my shoulder. "Then you may resume your marvelous attention to my breasts."

It seems that no matter how old you are, the beginning of a romantic relationship is a daunting task. I felt like we had passed an important milestone by both of us laying our cards on the table and clarifying our expectations of wanting this to be more than just a hit and run. I knew she had some uncertainty and fears about what an older man could offer her as a lover but she also felt an undeniable attraction to me and needed to be reassured that I wasn't after her for a night of fun.

I had my own doubts. Not only about her but also about my ability to satisfy a young woman, and not just sexually. Fortunately I still had no problems yet in that capacity but I was a lot more set in my ways than men her age. I led a more sedate lifestyle and wasn't used to having somebody around me all the time. Once we had admitted to the truth of being in love with each other, we both seemed to be much more at ease with the situation.

I resumed dragging water over her breasts and fondling them with my hands. Her breasts were really quite lovely, they were a little more than I could hold in my hand and had a remarkable softness but were still perky enough to not spread out and lie flat against her chest when she lay on her back like she was now. Her areolas were a beautiful shade of pink and her nipples were sensitive and responsive to being touched. I couldn't wait to suck on them.

Her breathing became deeper and slower and she made soft moaning sounds as I continued to massage her breasts and tweak her nipples. My cock began to stiffen. When she felt it twitch against her lower back she put her feet flat on either side of my legs and raised her hips up as if she were doing the bridge pose in Yoga. Her hand sought out my cock and when she found it she placed it against her pussy and lowered her hips down and straightened her legs, trapping my cock with her upper thighs.

"I want to feel you get hard Rick. I want to know that I can make you do that. It's important to me that you think I'm sexy and a cock doesn't lie about that."

The warm water and the warmth of her pussy combined with the way her soft breasts felt in my hands conspired to give her what she required as my cock steadily stiffened between her thighs. I could feel her slit against the top of my shaft as it began to pulse.

"Oooohhhhh Yessss Rick, that feels so good. Throb for me Rick. Desire me. Show me how much you want to be inside me. Ohhh Rick, my whole body is tingling just from the touch of your hands and your cock on me. Nobody has ever taken the time to make me feel like this."

"I think I can make you feel even better. Get up and get on your hands and knees."

She rose up, reluctantly freeing my cock from her thighs' warm embrace. I pulled my legs back so she could kneel in the long tub on all fours. I knelt behind her upturned ass, picked up a bottle of body wash and poured some on her lower back and ass cheeks. Then I began washing her ass, scooping up water and letting it dribble onto her soft globes. I loved watching the sudsy water slide down her crack and ooze over the puffy outer lips of her pussy then drip from her clit back into the tub.