The Procedure


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Steve looked down at the coffee table and saw the salesman's card. He leaned forward and picked it up.

"Let me think about it." Steve said.

"Take all the time you need."


The literature that Steve read over at home seemed simple enough. The company very explicitly stated that they did not offer designer baby services and only offered to edit genes to correct mistakes. No mistakes means no birth defects.

Of course, Steve wasn't even dating anyone. There wasn't even anyone on his radar. He was content with his life. His mom was doing ok. His sister was doing well in school.

Allie. Her name lingered in this thoughts. He told himself not to think about it. Don't make the connection. Don't take that next step in logic. She was his sister and any kind of thought like that about her was WRONG. It was just wrong. What would Padre Gus say? Or whoever was the priest now at the church where his mother went.

There was no peace. For days his mind kept going back to his sister. He'd have to force himself to just not think of anything at all and empty his head. He found that he'd pull out that business card and look at it. But he wasn't really looking at it. He was seeing his sister's face there.

A few more days passed and then a few weeks and Steve finally got his head back to normal, though his sister giving him a subscription to a porn website for Christmas was a new thing for his mind to think and think and think about. Seriously, what kind of sister gives her brother porn for Christmas? Ok, silly question. The best sister in the world.

On New Year's day Steve finally decided. He was going to do it. He was going to go ahead and get that procedure done. Not because of his sister. No. Not for that. Just because ... well, who wants even the smallest possibility of birth defects at all? He might eventually get a girlfriend and then get married and have a family and he wanted to make sure those kids were healthy. Since you never know when cupid will strike you have to be ready ahead of time. It was not about his sister. No. He was innocent of that. This was just a general precaution. It wasn't about his sister at all.

So much did he want to convince himself that it was not about his sister that he went ahead and approached this woman who worked down the street. He'd met her at the coffee shop a couple of times and she was ok. Sandy was her name. Yeah. Sandy. He approached her the next time he saw her and just asked her on a date. She was surprise but happy so she accepted. See. There you go. It wasn't about is sister at all. There was every legitimate possibility in the world that he would marry Sandy and later have kids with her and since he didn't know what kind of things were going on in her family history, it was best to just get the procedure done and not have to ever worry. So there.

So, Sandy. She was a short, thin blond who hadn't gone to college. Why were there so many women like that around here? Unlike Allie, who had cleavage enough to spare because she was just that smoking hot, Sandy's breasts were very much two independent hills on her chest. But that was ok. Not everyone has to be the same. And Sandy was pretty. No one could say she wasn't pretty. She had no ass to speak of but what decent guy judges a woman on the size and roundness of her ass? Not Steve. No. He was going to treat her with the utmost of respect and judge her on the content of her character. Yeah, that'll scare her off fast. He had no problem of this relationship going anywhere. It was doomed.

Steve was a perfect gentleman on their Friday night date and he wouldn't be able to blame anyone if they might have thought that he was her brother instead of a romantic interest from the way he acted. Sandy was right there in line with it too and Steve found out that behind her mysterious eyes, she was actually the dullest and most boring person in the world with no real hobbies to speak of and no real passion for anything that she was willing to share. Nope, not going to have sex with her. No way.

This brought Steve back to thinking about his sister. Why couldn't he approach her? Now that he'd had the surgery why couldn't he take his shot the same as any other guy who asked her out? So he was going to. He was going to ask her out. But he had to be subtle about it and ease her into it. After all, she didn't know about the surgery.

On Saturday he went to see Allie in her dorm room and invited her to go have a nice dinner with him. She called her friend to cancel whatever they had planned and she went. No problem. Then at dinner he was back at the same way of thinking as before. How to tell her? How to hint at it? What to say that was safe? How to explain?

That particular restaurant had a place to eat outside. He wasn't about to take her out into the cold just to eat but across the little roadway and next to the river, there was a group of musicians playing violins and a cello. There were a couple of people out there slow dancing to the music while others just watched.

He could dance with her. They could do that. That wouldn't be so bad.

"Hey, look at that." he suggested as he pointed out the large window of the restaurant.

"Idiots." Allie said.

"Awe. Come on. It looks fun."

"You won't catch me being stupid. Dancing in the snow."

"It's not snowing right now."

Steve had to wait for her response because she was chugging down another beer. How many had she had?

"You're not going to puke all over my apartment again, are you?"

"You wish. You just want to eye me up in your shower again."

"Well, why would I need you drunk for that? Just come over and strip for me."

She was in mid gulp of another mug of beer that had been waiting when he said that. She spit it out and then started laughing. Then she kept laughing. Then every time Steve tried to say anything she started laughing more. Oh, this was a wonderful date. Just wonderful.

The next Monday when Steve was back at work a very strange thing happened. He accidentally ran into Sandy at the coffee shop and she started going on and on about how their date had been the absolute best she'd ever gone on. When were they going to do it again? Steve tried to play it off and be vague about a time. He avoided calling her or texting her as was his usual way of getting out of relationships. But it wasn't working. A few days later he was informed that he apparently had a girlfriend now.


Months later.

"How do I break up with this girl?" Steve asked John the day after he'd had to spend the equinox at Sandy's home with her parents.

"Easy, man. You just dump her." John said.

Why was Steve still friends with this asshole? He asked himself that often. "I cant' just dump her. She's like, in love with me or something."

"So? Plenty of women are in love with me. You don't see me going and dating all of them."

"No, what you mean to say is plenty of women need you to pay for the kids you left with them."

"They can want all they want but they can't prove shit."

"Don't you ever worry that those kids are going to have it as hard as you did?"

"Hell no. And I didn't have it hard, for your information."

"You have a GED and your brother is in jail. That sounds to me like you had it hard."

"Nah, we was some of the most popular kids in the neighborhood. My mom slept with like every man in a two hundred mile circle around our house. Shit, we got whatever we wanted."

In disgust Steve had to just walk away from the conversation. He left the back area and went down the hall, past the office where instead of actually doing anything, all the women there just sat at their desks and had their eyes glued to a computer screen or their phone all day. He went to the bathroom but didn't actually need to go, he just wanted to get away from John. That fucking asshole still wasn't helping those women he knocked up and Steve knew it.

Steve shuttered again at the thought of having another man's sperm inside you. EW. Double EW.

He came out of the bathroom and was headed back to the stock area where surely he'd have to load a truck or unload a truck or move a box. The easiest thing he had to do in a day was scan the trackers on the boxes to check that everything was where it was supposed to be.

As he passed the office again he just had to look through that window that looked in from the hall. Yeah, don't hurt yourselves in there, he thought about them.

He was reaching out to the door that opened up to the back area when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and ...

There she was. Sandy.

"Steve." she said with a big smile. "I brought this for you." She handed him a box wrapped up with hearts on the paper.

"Oh, gee, you shouldn't have." She really really shouldn't have. Whatever this was, he was sure he didn't want it; not to mention the fact that she shouldn't be back here.

"Go ahead." she said.

"I'm on the clock. I'll have to open it later." he said as one of the women who could tell him what to do came walking past. Play cool. No problem here. Play cool. Let her pass and then get back to work.

Shit, she was taking an interest.

"What's going on Steve?"

"Nothing. Sorry ma'am."

"You have a visitor?"

"She was just leaving."

"Yes. I'm sorry. I was just going." Sandy agreed.

"You don't have to go. What's this? A present?"

"Just a little something for Steve." Sandy said.

"Well, Steve, let's see what's inside." the older woman said.

Steve wasn't happy about it and the older woman seemed to be very happy about the fact that Steve was not happy about it. Steve opened the box and inside there was a book of prayers published for use by the traditionalist monastery nearby. That was the little quasi cult that Sandy belonged to. She had tried to describe it to him but Steve hadn't actually been listening. He didn't really come to understand what the deal was until she invited him to go to church with her.

They looked Catholic but they somehow weren't Catholic. They said the Pope was not necessarily the Pope but even if he was they also said they didn't have to listen to the Pope. And that was just the Mass. Outside the Mass, when everyone assembled at the adjacent hall for donuts and coffee Steve heard some really weird stuff being said. Conspiracy theory this. Conspiracy theory that.

It was like they took advantage of the fact that Steve hadn't studied up on all of their various topics to just unload on him all their stuff about the moon landing maybe not really happening, the government killing JFK because he was Catholic, and something something about Fatima. Oh, they loved talking about Fatima. Steve had never even heard of it but these people just went on and on about it like it was the most important thing in the world.

The thing that really sent Steve's head for a loop was when he was leaving, one of the small children was trying to pick up a penny and failing. Steve went over and got it up for her and then he showed her the face on the penny.

"That's Abraham Lincoln." he said. It wasn't a big thing. He was just being nice. At least that was all he thought he was being. The mother did not take it that way.

"We do NOT teach her about Lincoln." she firmly stated and then dragged her daughter away. What the hell was that about? Why not? Whether you like the guy or not, he is on the penny. Just how fucking weird were these people? Who did they tell her it was if not Lincoln?

No little girl, that human face on that legal government issued tender we use to pay our bills is not some Lean Con Man person. He's ... um ... Zeus. Yes, the god of thunder.

Ok, to be fair, they weren't all like that as far as Steve knew. Just the loud ones who drowned out everyone else.

Oh, but that little trip to church with Sandy was the gift that kept on giving. The next time he went to church with his mother he suddenly noticed the very sloppy way the priest went about doing his job. It was like the traditionalist priest guy was trying to get Shao Kahn to say 'Flawless Victory' when he did mass and the normal priest was just button mashing until he got through the fight. It made for a very uncomfortable experience.

Anyway, Steve was not really all that excited to get a book of prayers from this girl. He opened to a random page. Oh, and all the prayers were in Latin. Great. As if any one read a dead language in this day and age.

Steve looked up at the supervisor and she was silently chuckling at him. Oh, laugh it up, old hag.

So anyway, Steve got out of that situation and got back to work. This got him thinking, though. What the hell kind of girl gives a guy who she's only just dating a book of prayers? That alone should be enough of a reason for him to break up with her. Plus there was the fact that she was a year older than him. If he dated anyone, shouldn't it be with someone a year younger than him, like his sister. And Sandy was flat chested. Ok, not really flat chested but not as voluptuous as Allie.

From January until now was almost three months he'd been seeing her. He had only meant to go on one date. Just one. But now it was almost three months of this girl thinking Steve was like her boyfriend or something. For Steve it definitely felt more like the 'or something' than a real boyfriend because she hadn't put out yet. Oh, and he certainly wasn't going to pressure her. He was already disappointed enough.

"Dude, if you ain't got the heart to tell her, then just cheat."

"No. Only an asshole does that. Oh wait, look who I'm talking to."

"I'm just saying, take another girl out and let her catch you. I saw it on like a tv show once."

"Which show?"

"Um ... the one with ... um ... the one about ... You know."

"Obviously I don't since I'm asking."

"The one with that guy."

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Emmy goes to the show with that guy."


John's bad advice slowly grew to a possible plan in Steve's mind. He could just see it. As he sat at the little diner with Sandy across from him he could just see it. And knowing the good natured Sandy, she likely wouldn't cause a fuss. She likely wouldn't make a scene. She'd be heartbroken but then just leave Steve be.

He wasn't thinking about it seriously. Not really. At least not until the 4th of July. He'd been just coasting with this girl and keeping it from going to the next level. She was very easygoing, the very definition of a low maintenance girlfriend. That actually made it very difficult to breakup with her because she wasn't bothering him. If she'd only pressure him the way Sarah had, he'd feel free to dump her ass in a heartbeat.

As the holiday came around Sandy invited Steve to join her at her church to say prayers in reparations for the sins of America instead of watching fireworks. Sayeth what? Miss out on seeing hot girls in bikinis waving American flags? Steve thought not.

Oh, hey, maybe this was his out. Maybe this was his opportunity. But she didn't push. "Maybe next year." she said. Ha! Fat chance. Maybe never, more like it.

But then when Steve and John went down to the river to watch the fireworks and the less than completely clad women walking about he saw Allie. She was in a bikini like all the other women but there was something different. Steve looked around. He noticed the other men looking at her. He noticed the other men going up to talk to her. Oh, that was not good. That did not feel good at all.

"Damn! Look at that honey." John said. "Hold up, I'm bout to go get me some digits."

Steve wasn't really listening but when he saw John go up to his sister he nearly lost it and decked him.

"Oh, you know, majoring in ..." Allie was saying in answer to whatever question John had asked her when he first walked up to her.

John didn't even let her finish before cutting in. "You know, so after the show, I'm a be going to this smooth spot. All the best people. I mean, you prolly got plans but I could get you in if you want to go."

Steve jabbed his finger into John's arm. John turned and then smiled.

"What are you ..." Steve started to ask.

"Yo, baby, this my wingman Steve. He's a good guy."

"Yo, John, this is my sister, Allie."

"No shit? This your sister? Damn. So we gone be brothers after all."

Allie laughed. "You're real confident, aren't you?"

"Just how I see it."

"John, you're not dating my sister."

"Says who?" Allie objected.

"Says me." Steve demanded.

Allie wasn't going to take that so she reached out for John's hand and took it into her own. "There. Now what do you have to say?"

"Oh yeah, baby. We gone have a good time."

"Allie, he has four children, maybe more, that he's not taking care of."

"Dude, don't go telling people that shit. Baby, it's not ... They can't prove nothing."

"You don't say." Allie said. "Well, now I know he can perform in the bedroom."

"No. Allie, no. Ok. Please, no."

His pleading went unanswered as John and Allie walked off together. He tried to follow and stop them but Allie ran with John in tow and then they slipped away where Steve couldn't find them. With so many people going this way and that way, Steve got all turned around. Then the actual fireworks show started and people were annoyed with Steve when he wouldn't get out of the way.

He went back to his car and started trying to call either John or Allie but they didn't answer. He tried texting but nothing.

This was a nightmare, a complete fucking nightmare. His sister knocked up by that male slut. No. He wouldn't even think it. She was supposed to be the smart one. She was supposed to be the one who had the great life with the high paying career, not be a single mother like their mom.

The next morning his sister still wouldn't answer her phone so he drove out to his mom's house and found his fake girlfriend Sandy there chatting with his mom. No, she should not be doing that. That was going over some kind of line. That was off limits. Introducing her to his mother did not mean she had a free pass to come visit. She had no business going to see his mother without his knowledge. What did she think she was doing?

And it was super weird when she gave him a hug in front of his mother, too. He could really do without that. If only she wasn't so pretty maybe he would have dumped her already.

He went to Allie's room to find her wasted. In her hang over state she recounted to him all the sexual things she'd done with John the night before, and then she laughed about it before going to the toilet to throw up. Steve was there holding her hair for her. That was also super weird since he had a nice view of her ass just then, not that he wanted to look at it since she was his sister, and she was vomiting and she had fucked John of all people. Still, he was looking at her ass. What was wrong with him?

No. Not him. There was nothing wrong with him. What the hell was wrong with her for being so fucking easy?

After she finished emptying herself from the front, she dropped her bikini bottoms right in front of him and sat on the toilet to start emptying herself from the other way. Yeah, best try to push out some of that asshole's semen while you're at it. Steve just knew John wouldn't have used a condom.

"At least flush first." he said.

"Get the fuck out." Allie yelled.

And to think, he'd paid thousands of dollars and had to take out a loan on the off chance he'd ever get to be with her. How stupid was he? At this rate, he was going to be 30 before he got to have sex again.

So Steve decided to do something to fix all this in his life. Things could not continue this way. Step one, break up with Sandy. Step two ... well, he'd have to see later. He was still very attracted to Allie but he wasn't feeling it fully in that moment with her hair all messed up and dead beat dad cum in her cunt.
