The Unfuck Machine


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"No, dear," Pat replied. "You know I've always been able to tell if you did something wrong or were in trouble."

"Not this time, Mom. Everything is fine, I guess. I'll ask Edward when he gets home if he knows something I don't."

"Honey, if you ever need my help, I'll be there for you, Edward, and the girls."

"Mom, I know you will and I'm here for you. Listen, Mom. I must start dinner. Edward will be home in about an hour."

She hung up the phone and looked to the heavens to thank God for those acting classes in high school.


Later in the evening, Lucy lay in bed next to Edward, praying he would talk to her or, better yet, make a move to have sex with her.

She felt him spoon behind her and reach around to hold her. "Honey," he whispered. "Are you awake?"


"Are you happy?"

"Yes, I'm so happy," she sobbed. She turned over and gave him a tender kiss, "I missed you terribly today. Why do you ask? Can't you tell? Do I not show you enough?"

Edward sighed, "Lucy, I turned on the computer tonight. You left your browser open. It displayed the web pages you were on. And to tell you the truth, to say I was a little surprised would be an understatement. I had no idea you were into those types of things."

Lucy gasped, "Oh, Edward, I'm so sorry you saw those. Please don't think of me as a slut. Edward, I see how those hot young coeds look at you, and you told me about their attempt to improve their grades. I'm afraid one might take you away from me."

He chuckled, "Honey, I told you how I handle those things. I tell them to go home around eight, play soft music, wear comfortable clothes, and settle on the couch. Then, pull out their damn books and study their asses off. And that's how they will improve their scores."

"Listen, Edward Goodson, I am taking no chances of losing you to some 20-year-old hardbody. I'm humiliated that you saw that and I hope you don't think badly of me. But after watching many loving wives in those videos make their husbands so happy. I want to be one of those wives."

He was shocked by the response. "Do realize you were looking anal, deep throating, and BDSM. I even saw some water sports! We can try anything you feel comfortable with but no way will I beat you hard enough to break the skin."

"Me neither," she replied. "But a little bondage where you have complete control over me and I can do nothing to stop you would be nice," she giggled.

"How do we start?" He asked.

She hopped up and faced him, sitting Indian style and smiling. I ordered a few things: tie-down straps for the bed, fluffy handcuffs, and a ball gag.

He chuckled, "You've planned this out, didn't you?"

"I ordered a remote-control vaginal egg you run from the app. So, when we go out in public, I will insert it, you can tease me, and by the time we get home, I'll rape you."

"I ordered a long dildo in a shape of a cock to practice deep throat and a pack of different size butt plugs to loosen me up for anal.

"And the last thing I ordered today was the Kama Sutra. I want to try all those positions. I am sure there are a dozen we'll like. And the ones we don't, we'll discard."

Edward looked at her with a big smile and one question in mind: "When do we start?"

"Right now," pulling up her nightgown.


"HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," seethed Else. What's this treachery?" She looked up to see her sitting in her house with her best friend Lucinda standing beside her. What power is this? I've never seen this magic before."

"We had everything within our grasp," she whined. "Now we're right back from where we started."

"Esse, come look at this," said Lucinda. Pointing toward the house across the street, "The lights are on at my Granddaughter's house and Edward's car just pulled up and went into his garage." Pointing out the window.

Esse stood up from her chair and strolled toward the window just in time to see Edward being met with a soul-seering kiss as he walked through the front door by Lucy.

"That bitch. We turned her into an absolute slut. Are you sure she has no powers?" seethed Esse.

"No, I know she doesn't," replied Lucinda.

"What about her mother, Pat? Does she have any powers?" asked Esse.

"No, but I always thought she suspected something about the women around her. And she has always had a sixth sense of Lucy from the start. Poor Lucy couldn't get away with anything. She kept a close eye on Lucy, making sure she always stayed on the right path."

Esse felt hatred from the anger forming in her heart at the sight of her lover kissing his loving wife. "I'm going to destroy that bitch. And get those two buffoon brothers and tell them to come to me. I want them to keep an eye on Lucy for me. And where is that damn cat?"

"Get all the girls together for Friday night. It's Halloween and a full moon will be out. It's time for human sacrifice."


An orange-red light flickered through the pitch-black woods, throwing burning ambers skyward like fireflies in the wind as they slowly lost their life the higher they climbed into the star-filled sky.

The light from the blaze cast deep shadows across the cleared opening as loud cracking from the fire rang out throughout the forest.

"Lucy, we're glad you could make it tonight," chuckled Esse as she looked down at the naked Lucy, staked out and stretched to the breaking point across the Wiccan Star. Lucy struggled and screamed into her gag, hoping against hope that someone would hear and rescue her.

Esse bent down and slowly stroked Lucy's face with the back of the hand. "Oh, my child. No one can hear you. This place is holy to us, and it is enchanted. Even if someone did walk upon us, they would walk right by and never know we existed."

Lucy pleaded through gag for mercy to go free. "Oh, my dear," said Esse, "We tried to take it easy on you by turning you into a slut. You could have just kept fucking every man and woman you met. But no, you couldn't do that. You had to pull some shit to reset it over again. By killing you now, we won't have to worry about that happening again."

"Alright, ladies, gather around," ordered Esse, "Let's begin the ceremony." All six witches gathered around and started chanting and swaying in rhythm.

Esse chanted incantations and threw dust into the fire, causing a hiss as the flames flew higher. After fifteen minutes, Esse squatted beside Lucy and pulled out a lamb-sheathed knife. Taking both hands and presenting them to the sky, "Here, my Lord Lucifer, please accept this sacrifice in return for letting my love, Edward, come back to me."

She slowly placed both hands on the handle and looked at a wide-eyed Lucy waiting for her end. Just then, a shot rang out across the darkness and the knife ripped out of Essa's hands.

Essa screamed out in pain. All the witches gathered around Esse, protecting her from her hidden menace. They looked into the cold darkness of the night, straining their eyes to see where the shot came from.

Out of the shadows, a small light flickered as a match was struck, illuminating slowly to reveal the face of a hardened man. He took a long draw from his smoke and said, "Let the little lady go."

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Hissed Esse.

Flicking the butt onto the ground and then smashing it with his boot to ensure it was out, the tall, lanky figure moved out of the shadows, giving his foe a complete view. Laying his hand on the handle of his holstered colt, he replied, "I'm known as Justice O'Peace. My friends call me Eli, but you'll never be one of those. Now, I won't ask you again to release her before there is hell to pay.

"Get him, girls," snarled Esse. Four members of the coven charged Eli, screaming and cursing his name. He pulled out his whip, spun it up, and moved toward them in return. With a snap of his wrist, the witches disappeared, screaming and begging for help as they fell into the dark abyss.

"Now your turn, witches," he scoured. Spinning the whip at a feverish speed, he moved toward them. Essa pulled out her wand, and murmured some ancient spell, and the whip fell to the ground in ashes.

Eli drew his trusted Colt and started fanning the hammer. Bullets spewed out until the barrel glowed an angry red.

They headed steadfastly toward their targets, then stopped just a few inches from their intended prey.

Essa cackled at Eli's feeble attempt to take her into the land of the dead. With a wave of her hands and swirling arms, she turned the bullets back toward the direction of those who sent them down range.

Eli dove to the ground as they whistled above his head, riddling and shredding the bark on the tree behind him.

Essa pointed her claws toward Eli and willed him off the ground, hovering about ten feet. Drawing her hand back like she was throwing a soccer ball inbounds, she flung her arms forward, slamming Eli into the tree.

"Huh," bellowed Eli as he hit the ground.

"LOOK OUT! DUCK!" Screamed Fitzey.

Esse snapped her head down, barely avoiding the swoosh, as she felt the air go over her head. Esse responded quickly to the face of the tall brunette waving a battle axe.

"Well, well, well, well. Isn't it little Miss Penance? Let me look at you. Oh," Esse smirked. "Looks like somebody has put on, oh what, thirty or forty pounds?

"You don't see shit, Esse. It's thirty pounds of lean muscle," Penance growled.

"What good does it do you if you're not getting any cock with it." Essa laughed.

"I don't need a man. I have my trusted battle mace as my partner," smiled Penance, slowly stroking the long silver handle.

"Doesn't keep you warm at night," chortled Esse.

Setting up, ready to attack again, she hissed, "Don't need no man," explained Penance. "That's why they make electric blankets."

"Where's the other sisters? The ones that know what they are doing," Esse cackled. "Oh, yeah. Patience and Prudence, and what are these lovely young virgins' names?"

"They're recruits, Charity and Hope," spat out Penance. "The others were defiled by their husbands. We lost great sisters for the Order of the Sisters of Fate to men. Can you believe it?"

Looking at the two young nuns, "They're cute," smiled Essa. "I think I'll turn them into my pets. I think I'll name them Pleasure and Perverse.

"But right now, back to the business at hand. Fitzey, you take care of them," Essa ordered. "But don't kill them. I have plans for them later. Now, where was I? Oh yea, you," smiling directly at Prenance, "I'll make short work of this and there will only be a little suffering if you don't piss me off."

Esse pulled out her wand and swirled round and round. Out of the swirling maelstrom rose a flaming sword with the devil's head forged as the hand guard.

Taking it in her left hand, she wielded it, pointing it toward the heavens. She slowly lowered it, pointing toward the sister. She smirked and started swinging it to and fro, to the sound whistling as it sliced through the air.

Slowly, Esse moved toward the red-dressed Amazon wielding her battle ax. As they swung, a loud clack of steel bellowed through the forest from the collision they had made. Back and forth, they battled as sparks flowed, the edges met with the total alacrity and hatred of the women that wielded them.

"I got them down," said Fitzey.

"Hold them there. I'll be through with her in just a minute," snarled Esse. With a final flurry of swings, she had Penance down on her knees, trying desperately to block the vicious blows. Esse grabbed the handle with all strength; she clamped both hands to the haft and brought it down with such force that it shattered Prudence's ax and left her sprawling on her back.

Esse raised her sword above her head for the death blow. Penance put her hands up, trying to protect herself. As the blade hit its apex, a loud boom sounded. Esse screamed in pain as the sword flew out of her hands.

Eli slowly rose, trying to steady himself for another shot. "AHHHHHHH," screamed Esse as she waved her arms and pushed her hand over Eli, hurling him back into the tree again.

Esse bent down and picked up her sword; she raised it to point to the sky, then swung down toward her defenseless opponent's head. Esse felt a clang as the sword stopped just inches from Penance's head.

Swinging her head to her right, she snarled, "Adrestia, what are you doing here? This isn't any of your business."

"The Governor sent me," she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Which Governor?" Esse asked.

"Excuse me, the man upstairs." Adrestia replied, pointing both swords away from Penance to the sky, "You seemed to have really pissed him off this time, Esse."

"No! I won't go," she yelled.

"I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. Eli, are you ok?"

Just then, Lizzy appeared kneeling beside a shaken Eli, "Are you ok, dear?" asked the concerned Lizzy.

Eli shook the cobwebs out of his head, stood up, and reached for his other lariat. He moaned, "Yes, Ma'am, but my back is sore," rubbing his hand up and down his back.

"Get your rope out and spin her up. I'll hold her for you," ordered Adrestia.

"Run, Fitzey," Esse yelled. Fitzey took off, escaping to the east. A lighting bolt reached out from Adrestia's sword and froze both witches in place.

Eli slowly wound his lasso up to full speed and walked toward a screaming Esse and Fitzey. With a flip of his wrist, it wrapped around them both, and they disappeared.

Everyone looked over to see a screaming and squirming Lucy displayed in the open view. "For God's sake, will someone cover her up," pleaded Eli.

Just then, Alana and Susan appeared and draped a white robe over Lucy to protect her dignity. Both women removed Lucy's bindings and slowly helped her to her feet.

Penance turned and asked Adrestia, "Are they dead?"

"No. None of them are dead. They're in limbo until they stand trial. Are you ok, my dear?"

"I think so. I'm just a little shaken up. Now that you mention it, I'm freezing," replied Lucy.

Adrestia turned to Susan and Alana, "You take her back with you to Hardrock. Eli and Lizzy, please return her a few minutes before her kids arrive today.

Then she turned to see three beaten nuns lying down together, licking their wounds. Adrestia shook her head. Penance, Penance, Penance, what will we do to you?"

"I'm sorry," she replied, with guilt all over her face.

"You are so lucky, young lady. You could've gotten yourself killed along with these other two. Your Mother Superior strictly forbade you to leave the convent. Your shoulder is still not up to 100% after fighting that vampire years ago, and these two certainly aren't ready yet.

"They still need years of training. With that said, you aren't ready either. Now, if Prudence and Patience had been with you, you could have taken them."

Raising her voice in anger, "BUT THEY WERE NOT HERE, WE'RE THEY?!!" Penance cowed down from her scolding."Now, get all three of you to the hospital."

Smirking at the three, "The Bishop wants to see you when you return." Penance dropped her shoulders in defeat.

Lucy moved over to Adrestia and hugged her, "Thank you."

With a smile, Adrestia replied, "You're welcome, my child. Now, get home and take care of your kids. And take care of that man with the love he deserves. Because he loves you dearly."

A tear ran down Lucy's eyes and replied, "I will. I will."


Above the old courthouse entrance doorway, in big black letters, it read "Hardrock County Courthouse." Three nuns walk through the old oak doors. Penance looked up to see Prudent and Patience waiting in the hallway for the trial to start. Suddenly, screaming pierced the air as Penance ran over and hugged her old colleagues.

"So, Penance, I heard they clipped your wings for a while," said Prudence.

"Yeah," Penance groaned. "I got stupid, and I deserve it. Oh, I want you two to meet Charity and Hope. Patience and Prudence were my trainers and my best friends. Charity and Hope will be moving on with other Sisters to continue their training."

"Oh, my God, sighed Penance, "You're both pregnant again. Can't you find anything better to do? It's disgusting."

Prudence and Patience turned and chimed in unison, "Nope."

Sister Prudence turned to the rookies, "See what men will do to you. So, stay away from them. They're nothing but trouble." The young nuns nodded their heads up and down in agreement.

"Yes, they can," said Patience, with a great big grin.

"Hey, girls," and they all turned to see Adrestia and Lizzy walking up to them. Adrestia asked, "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's Penance here," said Prudence. "She finds men to be disgusting creatures and she'll never let one near her much less get her pregnant."

With a little smirking and winking at Lizzy, Penance said, "I don't know, Penance, you never know when Mr. Right will come along. It can happen at any time." All the ladies chucking at a red-faced Penance,

Penance asks, "Where's Eli?" I love the way that man handles a gun. Now that's a man I could fall for." Smirking back at Lizzy.

Eli walked with a big grin to the group after hearing the comment about him, at least until he saw Lizzy peeking around from Adrestia with a frown.

"I, I, I," he stuttered.

"Shut up, you old fool," snapped Lizzy. "I want a good seat, so escort me in."

"But, I swear, Lizzy," whined Eli.

"Don't swear, Eli," she replied.

"But we're in a courthouse, dear," he pleaded. "It's ok here to swear."

"Not the same and you know it, Mr. Jones. Now open the door." She turned and winked at the women.

All the women chuckled at Eli's predicament, "Ok, ladies, I have to get ready for the trial. I'll see you afterward." said Adrestia.

Everyone gathered in the courtroom, chit-chatting in a low murmur. Behind the prosecutor's table sat Lucy; beside sat Alana and Susan, giving moral support to the victim of egregious crimes against wife, mother, and humanity.

Behind them sat the sisters of Fate, Penance seated at the end of the row. Lizzy and Eli sat on the other side of the aisle in the back row.

Double-wide doors swung open amid the sound of the rustling of chains and shuffling of feet as the orange-suited prisoners were escorted by the Texas Ranger, Captain William Jones.

Penance looked up to see the large 6 ft 7-inch man walk by and cast a large shadow as he escorted the coven into their seats. There were six women and one man gagged to prevent chanting and attempting to use their magic spell on the mortals.

When the prisoners were seated at the defense table, he leaned across the table, stared at them, and gave them the following instructions, "When the Judge comes, you will stand. If you give her any trouble, I'll deal with you. Now sit and be quiet. You do not want me coming back to deal with you."

Next, the Defense Attorney for the accused and Prosecutor for the state walked in. Both stopped and shook hands, then went to their respective tables.

A few moments later, the large double doors behind the tall dais opened and a voice boomed over the room.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Adrestia Rhamnousia." Everyone in the room rose and a woman wearing a long white robe and carrying a double-edged sword entered the room. Her eyes shone brightly and everyone could feel her gaze as she looked around the room. She sat behind the tall bench, placing her sword on the table before her.

"Be seated," the judge commanded.

Captain moved away from the accused to protect the main doors. Suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks and his jaw dropped at what sat before him.

"What are you staring at?" snarled Penance with glowering eyes.

He slowly responded, "The most beautiful creature I've ever seen." Penance's eyes grew as large as saucers with shock from the handsome young man's brazen reply.

"Excuse me," Judge Rhamnousia interrupted, "Capt. Jones, are we interrupting anything?"