Threads: The Island


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"Because you know I'm your brother."

"Yeah, but remember. Only person being nice to me, thinking you're hot, feeling lonely, emotional, horny. Things get crazy, plus I'd had a few drinks after dinner." Seeing Kyle's expression darken, she quickly added, "I'm not saying what I did was right or anything. Just trying to explain how it happened."

"So you're in my suite, you get this idea you can fuck me without me knowing it's you, and what? You just decide to do it?"

She shrugged. "Pretty much."

"And then you ran away."

"Made you cum like a volcano before that though," She said quickly, then shook her head. "Sorry. Shouldn't have tried to joke about it."

"So the next day you just pretended it never happened?" Kyle asked, shaking his head.

"Yeah, although I was planning on coming back in that night, but by that point you and Patricia had got together, and have been since." She looked him in the eye. "Kyle, I'm sorry for upsetting you. I'm sorry for being sneaky and all that, and keeping secrets, but I have to be honest. I would do it again."


She shrugged. "I would. There's not many guys I find attractive, but I find you attractive, even though I know it's all fucked up and you're my brother, and it's illegal and all that crap, but it's the truth."

"Kara," He said, but she held up her hands, asking him to wait.

"Now, I know it's probably just a phase, or a reaction to all the emotional blah-blah, but I said we had to have no secrets, so there it is. If you hadn't been fucking Patricia, I'd have made a move on you. You've been a figure of fantasy in my head for a few years now, so maybe it'll just take a bit of time for me to stop thinking of you that way."

"Christ, Kara," Kyle said. "Do you have any idea how many times in the last three years I've jerked off to either you or Katie? You two are the hottest memories in my head, but it doesn't mean we can just jump each others bones, especially now we know we're related."

"I know that, Kyle. Jesus," She said, standing up and pacing around. "Honestly, this is what it's like for me right now. You tell me you jerk off thinking about me and I immediately want to fuck your brains out. I know it's wrong, and it's ten different colours of fucked up, but that's how my body is reacting right now. That's why I asked Peter to split us up for a week or two, and that's why I'm trying to get closer to Katie. At least I know she understands."

"She knows about this?" Kyle blurted.

"That it was me in your room? No," She said quickly, shaking her head. "But she knows how I feel. She's pretty much the same, although she doesn't like to talk about it much. You were this amazing guy she had an amazing connection with, and suddenly three years later you're her brother, and you're smart and sexy and decisive. Of course she's attracted to you and confused about it."

Kyle frowned, trying to think. He knew that if he said the wrong thing here it could easily dictate how his future relationship with Kara, and probably Katie too, might turn out.

"Kyle, imagine how you'd feel if you didn't have Patricia. Or any friends to bring out to the Island."

"I... I guess I never thought of it that way," He admitted a moment later. "I get that it must have been lonely and frightening too, but I'm still pissed at you for sneaking into my room and taking advantage of me, Kara."

"That's fair enough," She said nodding. "As long as you can understand why."

He sighed. "Yeah, I guess I can."


"Kara," He said, tilting his head. "For what it's worth, if I'd known it was you and we were hooking up, it would have been totally different from how it was."

"I thought it was pretty hot myself," She smirked.

"Oh, so did I, but it would have been different. When Katie and I hooked up we ended up making love instead of fucking," Kyle explained. "It was... I don't know. It was intimate and beautiful, passionate and caring and wonderful. You remember the hug on the bed earlier?"


"Well, it kinda grew out of that, if that makes any sense at all?" He said, shrugging. "It's hard to explain."

"Intimate instead of physical?"

"Sort of, yeah."

"Sorry I missed out on it," She replied. "So what are we going to do about this?"

"Well, nothing seems the obvious answer to me," Kyle said, thinking. "You asked to be separated from me for a couple of weeks to see how you feel?"

"Yes, I asked Peter to suggest a way for me and Katie to get closer," She said, nodding. "I figured if I still felt the same way when the three of us got back together then I'd speak to you about it then."

"Then that's what we'll do," Kyle replied firmly. "And just so you know, the idea of me and you, or me and Katie, it's something I fantasised about for three years, so it's still hot, but I don't think it should happen again."

"Well, you've got two weeks to give it some thought. I have to warn you though," She said, looking at him. "If I still feel the same in a couple of weeks, and if Katie does too, then it might be easier to let us have our fun, because otherwise you're going to have two sexually frustrated sisters on your case."

"I'll bring you some sex toys back from LA."

"Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner would do," She grinned.

Kyle screwed up his face. "Seriously, Kara? You're a twilight junkie?"

"Fuck, no. I hate those films, but those two guys? Very do-able."

"I'll see what I can do then," He chuckled.

"So are we good then, Kyle?" Kara asked a moment later.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't want to be mad at you, Kara, but it came as a serious shock."

"I'll wake you up and ask you next time," She smiled.

"Yeah, we'll see," Kyle replied. He unfolded his arms, pulled Kara to her feet and gave her a hug, pleased to feel her holding him back.

"Right, we better get back upstairs," He said a moment later.

"Wait. We should knock first before we go out there," Kara said quickly.


"Because if it was me out there watching Brad Pitt fucking Angelina Jolie, I'd be wetter than Niagra Falls in a downpour," She laughed. "Let's at least give Katie the chance to fix her clothing."

Kyle chuckled. "Whatever."

True to her suggestions, Kara knocked, waited for a few seconds and then slowly opened the door to see a flushed Katie straightening her clothing and looking a little flushed. Kyle and Kara exchanged a knowing look, and then suggested the three of them go back upstairs. Katie didn't say much, but followed them up the stairs, with both Kyle and Kara noticing her obvious reluctance.

"I'm off to my room to get changed," Katie said as soon as they closed the hatch. Kyle and Kara managed to keep a straight face until she was out of sight, but the second she was gone they broke into broad grins.

"Who knew both my sisters were raging perverts," Kyle muttered, earning a punch on the arm from Kara.

"From the guy who's fucked both of us and is banging his secretary too."

Kyle grinned. "I like to keep busy."

Their last afternoon on the Island passed very quickly, between the various watersports on offer and the service from the staff offering them cocktails on the beach every time they stopped for a rest.

Kyle finally got to try the Mojito sorbet, discovered that his co-ordination didn't quite lend itself to waterskiing, but riding a jetski was a lot of fun when you kept the nose up. All too soon though, they all trooped back up to the main house, got changed and met up for dinner.

It felt like the end of something significant in Kyle's life as he sat down at the table with his sisters, his friends and their 'extended family' as he'd come to think of them. Connor appeared eventually, staying only long enough to offer a toast in something Gaelic that none of them could understand, then disappearing again with a grin that left no doubt what he was up to.

All too soon though the staff appeared to clear the dishes and glasses away and to collect the last of their bags from their rooms. Kyle and Patricia retreated upstairs, taking a last-minute check to make sure everything was collected.

"It looks so empty," Kyle murmured. "I know that's how it looked when I got here, but it seems empty."

"You're being weird," Patricia said, grinning at him. "I can't believe this is the last time we're going to be in here for quite a while and you haven't tried to get me in the bath yet."

"Want to?" He asked immediately, looking hopeful.

She shook her head, smiling. "No, but you can pin me to the bed and kiss me if you like?"

"I can do that," Kyle nodded. He rounded the bed and at the last minute, leaped right past her onto the mattress.

"That's not how you throw me on the bed," She laughed.

"I know," He replied, rolling on his side and beckoning her to join him. "I missed you."

"Oh my god," Patricia said, rolling her eyes. "That was so fucking corny."

"Good, wasn't it?"

"Kyle?" She slid into his arms and he leaned over her, his face inches away from hers.


"Shut up and kiss me."

He did.

The staff lined the pier to wave goodbye as Kyle, Kara, Katie, their friends, and Patricia and her colleagues left the Island. Captain Wales and his crew took them smoothly over the water towards Guadeloupe, and when they arrived a small fleet of vehicles waited to take them to the Airport.

They were admitted entry to a VIP area, their passports were checked and then they entered a small lounge building to wait to be escorted to their aircraft. Katie, Kara, Heidi, Garius and Peter were the first to be called to their aircraft, and Kyle walked out to say goodbye to his sisters.

"Don't forget, call us every night," Katie said firmly, poking him in the chest. "Or we'll call you. Whatever. Doesn't matter what the time is, okay?"

Kyle nodded. "I hear you," He said, wrapping his right arm around her as he put his left around Kara.

"And don't forget to bring back those presents you promised me," Kara added quietly.

Kyle chuckled. "I'll see what I can do."

"Remember, call us. A lot. Any time, okay?" Katie repeated.

"I will," He promised. "I'm gonna miss you guys. Make sure you look after each other and I'll see you in a couple of weeks, okay?"

"Bye, Kyle," Katie said, kissing him on the right cheek.

"Bye, Kyle," Kara said, mirroring her kiss on his left cheek.

"Bye, girls. Have a safe flight," He said, feeling sad they were going. "Call me when you land, okay?"

"We will," They both chorused, then left holding hands.

Kyle watched for a minute, waved and went back inside. He was surprised to find himself a little teary-eyed, so he lit a quick cigarette and a few minutes later Patricia and Lakshmi joined him.

"You alright, Kyle?" Lakshmi asked, offering him a bottle of water.

He took it and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Absolutely shattered but I'm good. Sad to be leaving but glad of it too, if that makes sense?"


"Hey, where's Ed and Casey?" He asked, realising his friends weren't there.

"Just outside. Are you ready to go, Kyle?" Patricia asked, smiling at him.

"Home for a day or two, then off to the City of Angels?" He smiled. "Yeah, let's do it."


Threads is a series of stories featuring a range of characters, their personal tales, habits and quirks that I've been working on over the last year or so, and how they interact and influence each others lives.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

this sould be made into a film briliant

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

I enjoyed this series very much, you mixed a story with hot sex. I am sorry for how your life changed but you and your stories will be missed.

CheeseRavioliLoverCheeseRavioliLover4 days ago

I'm only about a quarter of the way in, and I'm both entertained and impressed. I look forward to finishing it soon. But while i remember, let me tell you a few copywriter things. [I used to edit professionally.]

1. Taut is how you spell it when you talk of a taut stomach or taut butt. "Taught" means tutored, instructed. So taught is not at all what you mean.

2. You usually write "discrete" when you mean "discreet." Discreet means that you're tactful and you can keep a secret. But "discrete" means "separate, distinct." Thus: Because he needed to be discreet, he had discrete conversations with all three women, making sure they weren't aware of each other's existence.

Those are the ones that I remember (I wasn't taking notes), and since few English speakers even know that there are two separate words discreet and discrete, that one is not important until you publish professionally. But taut vs. taught will be noticeable to many more readers, and you probably want to clear that up.

If you already knew all this, and simply put down the wrong spellings because your fingers have habits of their own, then I apologize for assuming that you were unaware. I have the dumbfinger habit of typing "the the" when I mean "and the." I also type "the" when I think I'm typing "they" -- and I won't bore you with any more examples.

We all need editing, and your characters and your writing deserve to be nitpickingly perfected to the degree possible. Your spellchecker won't help you because your wrong spellings are also legitimate words, and since grammar checkers are evil I hope you won't use one. If you did, I imagine it wouldn't help you, since the wrong words all function as the same part of speech as the right ones, and probably won't get flagged.

Again, let me say that this story is well-written by any professional standard. It would work very well as a regular novel if the sex scenes were summarized and described in general terms. At least so far, this novel, with some toning down, could be submitted to mainstream publishers and be taken seriously. I wouldn't change the storyline at all.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Came for incest stayed for Edwin getting due punishment

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Could writr pages , but ? Best I've read , maybe ever ! Call Mr. webster and ask how to spell 'taut' ? AND lastly , why are cigarettes relevant ?

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