Unexpected Family Tradition


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"I never got a letter about that!" Said Margie.

"I sent it to your email, responding to a weird message I got from Sara a week before my birthday!" Joey said, confused. He then turned and showed his email page, highlighting the draft he sent with the details he'd mentioned.

Margie looked and her eyes widened in surprise before she opened her phone and looked at her email list, then pushed Joey aside and logged out of his email, quickly logging into her own and checking her deleted messages.

"That son of a bitch!" She growled, standing up, "Your father deleted the email you sent!"

"Why would Dad do that?" asked Anne, speaking for the first time.

"I have no idea!" Said Margie, "But I'm going to get to the bottom of this once we get home!"

"Does it matter if you know why?" asked Joey, "I'm not sure I want to go back to the house right now! I'm still pissed off, namely due to the cucking part!" he added, glaring at Sara.

"That wasn't what it looked like!" Sara said, angrily, "We were experimenting! She wanted to know what pussy tasted like! It was just the one time!"

"Just the one time?" Joey repeated, "Then explain why she was invited! She's not family! How could she be allowed to see the incest orgy?"

Sara opened her mouth to answer, then closed it and shuffled her feet.

Anne took a deep breath and said, "Lexa's been aware of the orgies for a while. She caught us having one a weekend while you were out with your friends, around Valentine's Day. She was wondering where you were and that's when she saw us..."

"The point is, she saw us having an orgy and we quickly realized we were stuck between a rock and a hard place, no pun intended!" Sara added, "We decided to share with Lexa the tradition and that we'd intended to introduce you, and we begged her not to say anything to you or to tell anyone else. She was quiet for a long time, then leaned in and gave all of us a kiss on the lips...Just us, Joey! She wouldn't go anywhere near John or Dad!"

"So, Lexa's been aware and had never joined in until that one time?" Joey asked, not believing her one bit.

Sara sighed, "Anne and I took her virginity a week after she turned 18." She said, grimacing, "It was with a strap-on, and it was by her request. She was worried you'd hurt her with your rod..."

Joey's eyes widened. He'd known he had a larger-than-average cock, reaching nine inches long, but he wasn't aware that anyone other than his Phys. Ed. classmates knew that!

"How did...I mean..." He tried articulating, but the words evaporated as soon as he opened his mouth.

Sara blushed, "I...uh...I kind of poked in on you once or twice the past few months you were at home...I wanted to see what you were packing!" She explained.

Joey felt himself getting warm, "So...Lexa knew about my dick, so she asked you two to take her virginity and what...widen her up for me?" he asked.

Sara and Anne nodded.

"But other than that, we didn't do anything with her!" Anne said quickly, "She's been waiting to be with you since you left! That one time, she was watching us, to see what to expect if you decided to join in, and was interested in trying pussy, but that's it! She wasn't cheating on you...not really!"

"And if you want us to, we'll gladly bring her over here so you can lose your virginity to her if you want!" Sara added, hastily, "Unless, you want to have one of us..."

Joey immediately stood up, "No!" He said before he ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. He started breathing hard, trying to get the images of his sisters naked in front of him out of his brain, but to no avail. To his shock, a porn scene he'd watched a few weeks ago popped into his head. It was an old porn video featuring a busty MILF and two twenty-something pornstars, all sharing one man's cock. To Joey's dismay, the faces of the three women were replaced with those of his mom and sisters.

Try as he might, the thought of his mother and sisters on their knees in front of him, naked and glistening with sweat and moist pussies, sounded a lot more sexy than his ex-girlfriend being fucked with strap-ons.

A light tapping from behind him brought him back to reality as his mother said, "Sweetie, I know this is a lot, but can you please open the door?"

Joey sighed as he turned around and opened the bathroom door to reveal his mother. She had opened her blouse and suddenly Joey could see her naked double-D breasts in full view. He immediately slammed the door again and locked it, stepping away and sitting down.

there was another gentle tap, but this time Joey buried his face in his hands and yelled, "Go away!" followed by a gentle shuffling of feet. Joey peaked through a gap in his vision and saw that his mother's shadow had moved away from the door. He closed his eyes and repeated the process of cycling through non-sexual things in his head.

Try as he might, however, the image of the MILF on her knees in front of the camera angled over the guy's cock flashed in his mind, only it was his first-person view, his body, and his cock, and his mother, now fully visible with her double-D breasts, clear as day, nestled between his nine-inch cock, the tip in his mother's mouth.

He let out a loud "Urgh!" and gently knocked his head against the tile wall. Then he looked down and saw that his cock was hard, yet again! He closed his eyes and started to will himself to calm down.


Two hours later, he jerked awake, having fallen asleep. His dreams this time were of the scene he'd watched, only instead of the large male pornstar with a big cock having a foursome with the MILF and the young pornstars, he was fucking his mother and sisters, and they weren't doing doggy-style against the couch, they were doing it in front of him. Joey was once again chained to a chair and forced to watch as the guy came inside each of the women in his family.

Thankfully, all three women stayed silent, aside from moaning in ecstasy. Joey got a look at their creamy pussies before his eyes shot open and he heard yet another tap at the bathroom door.

"Joey, it's Sara. Can I come in?" came Sara's voice, "I'm fully clothed, don't worry!"

Joey sighed and got to his feet, unlocked the door and opened it a crack, before sitting back down on the other end of the little room.

Sara nudged it open and stepped inside. True to her word, she was fully dressed. She closed the door and tried to sit down next to him, but he put up a hand for her to stop and she decided to sit against the door.

"I'd understand if you hate us right now, and it's acceptable, but you have to understand we have rules when it comes to sex." Sara said after a long silence, "We're more accustomed to people wanting to strip naked and fuck at a moment's notice. One of the rules is we have to respect boundaries and only have sex with consenting adults, namely those who are invited."

"And because I wasn't invited, you never saw fit to tell me over the phone?" Joey asked, his voice cracking.

"That's another rule." Sara admitted, "No one can ever be welcomed in or told about it without parental approval. Anne, Lexa, and I tried to tell you about it several times. We even hinted at something going on in our letters and emails, but Mom and Dad caught on quickly and told us to not reveal anything too quickly. And before you ask, Lexa was invited to join on a probationary period after she was interviewed and it became clear she was in love with you, not just hanging out as your high school sweetheart."

Joey looked up in shock, "She what?"

Sara blushed, "She said that she felt closer to you than any of her previous boyfriends and wanted to become part of our family." She said, softly, "That's why we interviewed her, and why you saw me and her in a 69, she was being tested as to whether or not she could be able to fuck in a crowd, in addition to her wanting to taste pussy for the first time."

Joey nodded, and groaned when he felt his erection return yet again!

Sara looked down and grinned, "I can take care of that for you if you want!" She said.

"I thought you weren't allowed to fuck me if I wasn't invited!" Joey said immediately.

Sara smiled, "Blowjobs and oral are a way to introduce you ahead of inviting you." she said, getting on her hands and knees and scuttling towards her brother, slowly and exotically. She was about to reach for his belt when the bathroom door opened a little wider and Joey's dad, Patrick, standing at six feet, four inches tall, with black hair and hazel eyes, stood in the doorway.

"Sara, step away from your brother, now!" He said, his voice dripping with authority, "He's not invited yet!"

Sara reluctantly stepped away as she and Joey stood up.

Patrick looked at Joey with a sour grimace, "I've paid for your hotel room and I've brought the car around, let's go!"

"I'm not leaving." Said Joey.

Patrick glared at him, "You're leaving this hotel room and you're coming home with us, son! Your bags are already in the car, so let's go!"

Joey sighed and followed his dad and sister out of the hotel room and down to the elevator. Outside, his mom and Anne were sitting in the car, waiting for them. The ride home was silent, the radio switched off, and his dad glared at him from across the limo.

When they reached their street and got out, Joey noticed all the cars in the driveway were gone, indicating his family's 'party' had ended.

Getting out of the car, Patrick had Anne and Sara take Joey's things to his room, as he led Joey inside to the living room. John was sitting on the couch but stood up when everyone else stepped inside. He was blonde and had green eyes like everyone else in Joey's family. He didn't say a word as Joey sat down in the center of the couch, a few inches away.

Patrick sat in his armchair and Margie sat opposite Joey, the same distance from John.

"I know about the pictures you took. You will delete them now!" Patrick said immediately, "We have a strict rule in this household, no photography taken of intimate moments!"

Joey took out his phone and deleted the pics he had taken, showing his mother who confirmed their deletion.

Patrick smiled and continued, "You have been told of our family's traditions and how we enjoy 'family love' under our roof, as well as the roofs of our relatives." He said, "When one turns 18, they're introduced by their immediate family and anyone their family has determined shall be the inductee will marry, to keep the bloodline from deteriorating. Lexa has been chosen for you, and she is eager to be your wife."

Joey's eyes widened in shock, "You can't expect me to marry her, especially after what I saw!"

"You will if you know what's good for you!" Said Patrick, glaring at him, "You remember John's girlfriend, Sophie?"

Joey nodded, "Yeah." He said, "I noticed she wasn't anywhere in sight."

John sighed, "Sophie's in Florida, visiting her relatives for the holiday this year." He said.

"Regardless, Sophie was chosen to become John's wife. They've been engaged for the past two years and we're waiting for the waiting list to resolve itself for the venue before they tie the knot!" Said Margie, "She was the first outsider to be inducted into your generation. Anne and Sara have boyfriends, who are serving in the military right now, but when their tours are over, they'll be here as well. Lexa was thrilled to be included, but she's now devastated because you broke up with her!"

"The point is, you are going to resolve your issues before you're inducted into the family!" Said Patrick, "If you don't get back together with her, you will not be joining the family! Your financial backing will end and your scholarship with be forfeited."

Joey stood up, "You wouldn't!"

Patrick stood up in response, "I would! Fix your mistake!" He said, before walking into his office and closing the door behind him.

Joey sat down and sighed, "I can't just call her, I deleted her number and blocked her! I don't feel love for her anymore!" he said, leaning over to his mother.

Margie smiled, "This is a minor lover's quarrel. You'll find a way to fall back in love! Trust me, she's a lovely girl!" she said, soothingly.

John, meanwhile, stood up, "I don't give a fuck whether you fix it or not, just don't ruin what we have for your petty b.s.!" He said before he left for his room.

Joey sighed and opened his contacts list, removing Lexa's block and looking at his mother as he dialled her number.

She answered almost immediately and he put it on speaker, shushing his mother in the process.

"Joey!" Came Lexa's voice, "Where are you? What's happening?"

"Lex, I'm sorry." Joey said, "I overreacted and I'm sorry. Can we talk?"

"What's there to talk about? You dumped me after calling me a whore! You accused me of cucking you! You called me a lesbian! Why do you think you can just dump me and get away with it?!"

"I didn't know about the family stuff, Lex, and I thought you were cheating on me," Joey said quickly, eyeing his mother with a determined look in his eye. Margie's eyes widened in understanding and she realized the damage he'd done, "Look, if we can just sit down and talk about things..."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Came Lexa's voice, "Go fuck yourself, Cuck! I'm done with you and I'm done with your family!"

"Lexa, wait!" Margie practically screamed into the phone, "Joey was told about the family, he knows about what happened with you and his sister! He's coming to terms with everything!"

There was silence for a few minutes before Lexa's voice came through, "If he's serious about getting back together, we'll try, but If I hear any other bullshit like that again, I'm done!"

Margie smiled, "Sounds fair, right Joey?" She said.

Joey nodded, "Lexa, where are you?"

"I'm at a friend's house." Said Lexa, "I needed some cooling off after you dumped me."

"Can you come over?" asked Margie.

"No, I'm not done cooling off!" Said Lexa, adding "Maybe tomorrow!" before she hung up.

Joey sat back on the couch and sighed, "I fucked up, didn't I?"

Margie smiled thoughtfully, "No more than any other teenager in your position would." She said, leaning in and kissing his cheek, "Now, I think you have some questions, don't you? Or, would you prefer to not talk at all and learn how to please a woman?"

Joey looked over at his mother, "Are you serious right now?" he asked, standing up, "I may not have a girlfriend and all you can think about is sex?"

Margie quickly stood up, "No! I only meant that you could benefit from some experience to--I don't know-- convince her to keep you around by learning cunnilingus or some other foreplay."

"And what if I don't want to engage in incest?" Joey asked.

"Of course you do! You're our son, it's in your blood!" Said Margie, standing up and stepping over to him, "Everyone in our family has the incest gene in them, it means we're all willing and eager to fuck a family member. Have you had any strange dreams lately?"

Joey looked up at her in shock, causing Margie to smirk, "You have, haven't you?" She said, "Let me guess. You're watching an orgy take place? Or you're suddenly in the center of a porno?"

"How did you...?"

"It's part of our genetics. Everyone in our family has a special part of our DNA making our imagination manifest erotically. When we're introduced to the incest part of our lives, we start having visions and sex dreams, replacing memories of erotic images we'd seen with family members. When I was introduced, I had a month of non-stop scenes from Caligula and Clash of the Titans replaced with pictures of my parents and brother. You watched Clash of the Titans from 1981, right, for Ancient Civ class? It's the movie with the naked bath scene."

Joey nodded, remembering his classmates do wolf whistles at naked Andromeda emerging from the bath. A moment later, he felt his mother's hand on his jeans and he jerked out of her reach.

"I don't think I'm ready for that." He said aloud, "I'm not sure I will be for a while!"

His mother nodded and took a step back, "When you are, let me know." She said, "We'll respect your boundaries in the meantime."

"Thanks, Mom." Joey said, before he yawned, "I think I'm gonna go to bed."

Joey turned and left his mother in the living room. She watched him climb the stairs before she turned and went to her husband's office. She didn't bother knocking and pushed the door open.

Patrick was sitting at his desk, his pants down, with Janie between his legs, her mouth on his cock, bobbing furiously. Patrick opened his eyes as she entered and waited. He grunted a moment later and Janie gobbled down his load before she smiled and licked his dick clean.

She then got to her feet and moved to Margie, kissing her on the lips before she left, grabbing her phone in the process and dialling a cab. Margie closed the door behind her, waited for a moment, then turned around and slapped Patrick across the face, hard.

"I found out a few hours ago that you deleted my email from Joey, a week before his birthday!" She said, "What gives you the right to deny me my son?!"

Patrick rubbed his cheek and averted his gaze, "I was in meetings the entire month of October leading up to Joey's birthday, I couldn't get time off." he said, weakly, "I knew you couldn't have accepted that we couldn't go so I took matters into my own hands and deleted the email."

"How did you even access my email?" Margie asked.

Patrick chuckled, "You use the same password for everything! It wasn't a challenge to guess!" He said, "Besides, aren't you the one who's always insisting that the family love initiation ritual should be done with the entire family present?"

Margie huffed, "That still doesn't give you the right to tamper with my email, or determine what information my son sends me! If I find out you've deleted anything else, I will make sure you get no pussy for a year!"

Patrick stood up, "And how are you going to enforce that?" he demanded, "I'm the one with the financial backing here! I'm a lead partner in the company! I bring home the bacon in this house!"

"And it's my family you married into, my traditions!" Margie countered, "That means I get the final say in anything related to it. If I say you are banned from fucking my daughters, sisters, in-laws, and cousins, then they'll listen to me and me alone!"

"Prove it! Ban me right now! Go tell your daughters that they can't fuck my cock!" Patrick said, dropping his pants to reveal his still-hard cock, which hadn't gone soft due to the E.D. pills he took before the orgy.

Margie glared at her husband's cock, before she grinned and took out her phone and sent a message to the group chat.

Patrick's phone buzzed a moment later and he read the message, "Patrick's cut off for a month. If he tries to touch anyone sexually, let me know and his punishment will be extended by a month for each violation!"

Patrick let out a laugh and walked past his wife. He left his office and went straight for Anne's bedroom, only to return a minute later, dejected that his cock wasn't getting sucked. Margie got a text a moment later, and added to the group chat, "He's now cut off for two months!"


December 16th.

Joey woke the next morning, feeling groggy, but otherwise fine. He also felt warm and quickly realized he wasn't alone in bed. He turned to stare at a clump of cascading blonde hair and realized instantly that Sara was naked in bed with him. Joey went to bed in a pair of briefs last night, and now he felt her breasts poking his chest, and a stream of drool flowing down his neck.

He sighed and tried to decamp himself from her, only for her to reach over and cling to his arm, pulling him in.

"Don't you want to stay in bed for a little while longer?" she said, the tone of her voice indicating she was wide awake and aware. She looked up and grinned, "I bet this is a good sensation to wake up with a naked woman in your bed."
