Web Cam Girl


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Almost without exception, the girl at the other end would appear and say, "Wow, you're really cute. Most of the guys who watch are either old or bald or fat or...all three."

He'd make pleasant conversation with them until the girl finally asked, "So...what are you into?"

He started out with the easier topic first. "I like sexy knit tops." He even had photos he could hold up to show them if they weren't sure what he meant.

None of them thought that was even odd let alone weird. "Guys like what they like, right? I get asked to wear white stockings or heels or lingerie all the time," each said in her own way using different items of clothing to express the same idea.

Two of them said, "I've never had anyone ask me to wear a sweater before, though." He knew it didn't matter to the girls, but he still felt the need to explain he didn't like most sweaters. He thought he big, thick, baggy, clunky things older women wore were hideous. Anderson liked the ones that were dressy and form fitting.

The girls listened patiently, smiled and had been friendly about it, and Trevor knew it was unusual so...so far, so good. One of them even told him she had something she thought he'd like. When she came back, he didn't have the heart to tell her that a big, bulky, knitted sweater was a huge turn off, not a turn on. To him the difference was crystal clear—form-fitting and sexy, not big, thick, heavy, and...ugly.

And then the other shoe dropped. "I'm also into something else," he'd say after having established the first of his beloved S's.

"Mmmm. Tell me about it," they'd say with bright, happy smiles.

As soon as he told them, the smiles faded and he heard, "Oh...that. Um, no, I don't smoke. Sorry. I'm into pretty much everything, but not that."

After several nights with the same disappointing results, he came up with yet another idea—a kind of last-ditch effort before abandoning ship. He decided he'd offer to pay girls who didn't smoke if they'd be willing to try smoking. He was also more than willing to pay for the kinds of clothes he liked and have them delivered wherever they wanted—no questions asked. And yes, they could keep them.

He found two girls who'd been willing to try smoking, but after just a few puffs, both of them had said, "You know what? This isn't going to work for me."

Anderson found himself back at square one and yet he had gotten girls to try, and it had only cost him a few bucks. That night he decided to up the ante.

He connected with a very pretty, 20-year old girl who called herself 'Coco' and struck up a conversation with her. She was a sophomore in college but didn't want to say where. She did however, tell him she lived in Indiana and he couldn't help but smile. "What's so funny?" she'd said politely.

"Well, I live in Indiana, too. Just outside Indianapolis."

"Small world, right?" she replied politely without giving away any additional information.

She was unusually attractive and also very polite. She was so different from any other girl with whom he'd yet talked via web cam. Within minutes she admitted to being rather shy and that she'd only been doing this for a few days.

"I'm not sure this is really for me, you know? I keep telling myself I can take my clothes off for a complete stranger and then when someone actually comes on and asks me to, I get this kind of sick feeling in my stomach. Maybe I'm not cut out for this line of work," she said with a small laugh.

"May I ask what convinced you to try it?" he asked.

She laughed and said, "Money. What else, right? I have a friend on campus who says she makes enough to pay for all of her tuition plus room and board. I'd be happy to just make a few hundred a month to help out my mom, you know? I have a part-time job but it only pays $10 an hour and I only get about 10 hours a week so I needed something I could do at my convenience and make well...hopefully, a lot more money."

"You seem like a really nice person, Coco," he told her truthfully. "And you're obviously very attractive. I think you should be able to do pretty well here."

"Oh, thank you," she said. "You're very cute, yourself, by the way. I guess I could do all right except for that whole 'take off your clothes' thing."

She laughed nervously then said, "I'm really a very private person. Shy even. And although I'm not a prude—I actually really enjoy sex—I'm just not cut out for getting naked in front of strangers on a web cam. It would great if guys paid me to put things on, right?"

Trevor smiled and felt himself...growing. "I know someone just like that," he told her.

"What?" she said not following him at all.

"I know a guy who would pay good money to see a beautiful girl like you wear the kinds of things he likes."

"Seriously?" she said not sure she should or could believe him. She tilted her head slightly then said, "What kinds of things? Like leather or rubber?"

"No. Nothing like that," he told her.

"Costumes maybe?" she guessed.

"How about stuff like this?" he suggested before holding up some of his pictures.

"Oh, wow. Those are very pretty. I love stuff like that. In fact, I wear sweaters a lot. Mine aren't that nice, of course, but when it's 10 degrees outside, who's gonna wear a skimpy little dress or a halter top, right?"

Coco had an amazing smile and beautiful, long, soft, golden hair and piercing blue eyes.

"You know, you seem really nice, Coco. Would you maybe like to just talk for a while rather than get into anything too heavy about sexual fantasies or whatever? I'll pay for your time, of course."

She smiled sweetly then said, "Even if I just wear this?"

She was wearing a skimpy little top which did absolutely nothing for him, but she was different somehow. Anderson found himself drawn to her and the more he saw and heard, the more he liked.

"Sure. That's fine."

"I'd be happy to wear a sweater for you," she said honestly.

"Maybe next time," he told her.

"Okay. That sounds more than fair—and thank you."

She had such an amazing smile and she was just so...pretty. He found her to be even more of an enigma in that someone that attractive was usually at least reasonably experienced when it came to things like sex and yet she was very shy about taking her clothes off when the whole purpose of web-cam sex was to take your clothes off—at a minimum.

Anderson found himself intrigued and ending up talking to her for over three hours. By the time they signed off, he found himself wondering if maybe, just maybe, he might be able to one day fall in love with a girl who didn't fulfill his two main needs. Or were they even needs? Perhaps they were impediments to true love and seeking therapy might be the better avenue of approach. Then again, these two things were so deeply ingrained in his psyche, he doubted any amount of therapy could ever remove them. No, there had to be another Samantha out there somewhere. Someone who was as into fulfilling his needs as he was into needing them. Someone who also had needs he could meet. Those needs could be the standard kind most people have like wanting a best friend, feeling safe and secure, etc., to something more specific like the kind of kinks he had. All he knew was he would move heaven and earth to meet any woman's needs willing to meet his.

He fell asleep thinking about all that as well as Coco and wondering if there might just possibly be something there. Sure, it was all web-cam for money, but then again, people met in all kinds of unusual ways. Why couldn't this at least be a possibility?

Anderson couldn't wait to sign back in the next evening at 9pm. To his surprise, Coco was not only there but she was wearing a reasonably pretty sweater. It was a light gray color with a square neck and he found it at least minimally attractive. He saw her smile warmly when she realized he wanted to chat.

"Hey, there!" she said sweetly. "Is this any better?"

"Wow. You look very nice," he told her truthfully.

"Thank you," she said, also in a very sweet way. "How was your day?"

Anderson smiled back and told her, "Honestly? I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true."

"Well...I have to admit I thought about you lot, too. After all the other guys who've come to my site, you're the only one who's been nice to me."

"You make it easy to be nice," he told her still smiling. "We talked about a lot of things last night but I avoided asking you a personal question I very much wanted to ask."

"Uh-oh. Should I be worried?" she said pretending she wasn't worried.

"No, it's not that kind of question. I was just wondering if you might be willing to maybe tell me your name." He quickly added, "Just your first name, of course. I know it can't really be Coco. Can it?"

Coco laughed and said, "I guess it could be, but it isn't. It's...Cecily."

"That's beautiful. I don't think I've ever heard that name before."

"Do you watch Saturday Night Live?" she asked.

"Believe it or not, I don't. Not really, anyway. I see some of the skits they do on other shows but no, I don't watch it. Why? Is there a Cecily on there?"

"Yeah. Cecily Strong. I don't suppose you've heard of the Gossip Girl series of books, either, but the author is also a Cecily. Her last name is Von Ziegesar."

"No again, but I really do like the name. As I said, it's very pretty and it fits perfectly with a girl as attractive as you."

Anderson could tell she really was shy by the way she smiled at his compliment.

"Thank you. That's really sweet."

"Oh, one more thing. You're not married, are you?"

Cecily laughed a little too loudly indicating she was very nervous. "No. I'm definitely not married. No husband, no fiancee, and as of two weeks ago, no boyfriend. Why? Are you?"

"No. Definitely not. Same here. None of those. I did have a girlfriend sometime back I hoped might be the one, but it didn't work out. But I would love to find someone and settle down."

"I'm really sorry about the breakup. I know mine hurt a lot, and it still does. If you want to talk about it, I'm a pretty good listener."

"Thank you, but I don't think so. The simple truth is she changed. A lot. I couldn't deal with the changes so..."

"Did she become a Jehovah's Witness or a Scientologist or something?" she asked this time definitely teasing.

"No, nothing like that. It was a lifestyle thing. Something that was very important to me."

"Like...wearing sweaters?"

"Um, yeah. Kind of like that, I suppose," he said lightheartedly. "It was a real deal-breaker for me."

He realized he was getting 'heavy' so he changed the subject. "Tell me about your breakup—if it's not too personal."

"It's very personal, but I feel like I can trust you." She stopped then said, "Oh, I still don't know your name."

"It's Trevor," he told her.

"Oh, okay. Thank you—Trevor. I love your name, too! We don't choose our names, but I'm just so glad I'm not one of the million other Amandas or Courtneys or Megans, you know? Trevor is pretty unique, too."

She hesitated then said, "As to my last boyfriend, he was just so...selfish. I like to think of myself as a very giving person, and I don't ask for much. He was all about himself and even though I gave and gave and gave, I never really got anything back. He was very good looking but totally self-centered. It got to where I couldn't deal with it anymore."

Anderson sighed deeply then told Cecily, "I just don't understand that, you know? Relationships have to be two-way streets. You can't just keep taking. In fact, the way I see it, if you love someone you should want to give. That love should motivate you to give of your time, your energy, your money...everything."

"Wow, that's the best summation I've ever heard about how I feel. I kept telling him something similar and he just kept ignoring me."

"I love this saying. Tell me what you think about it, okay? It says, 'You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving'."

Cecily sat there in silence for a few seconds before saying, "That's it! That's exactly how I feel about love. How can you love someone and not want to give? I just don't understand how people can't or don't get that."

"I've always liked that. I think this is true, as well. A relationship isn't 50/50, it's 100/100."

Again she didn't speak for a few seconds and Trevor saw her blinking rapidly.

"You okay?" he asked her.

"Sorry, that made me a little emotional. I was thinking about how much I wanted my ex-boyfriend to feel that way about me when that was exactly how I felt about him. I don't mean to cry, it's just that it's all still a little raw, you know?"

"No, I understand completely," he assured her. "I was really, deeply hurt when Samantha, my ex-girlfriend, um...well, when she made this big change. But yeah, I understand the passion and wanting to have that with someone."

"I know, right? Why even bother if it's just casual? Just hook up, walk away, and move on. I hate when a guy won't be honest with me and tell me how he feels."

"I'm assuming then that you let him know what you're thinking, feeling, wanting, or whatever, right?" he asked.

"I tried, Trevor. I really did try. I think girls who say a guy should know what they want are nuts. Men aren't psychic; they don't read minds. If a girl wants or needs something, she needs to come out and tell him. Not demand it, just let him know that something is important to her."

"And the guy should do everything he can do provide it for her assuming it's possible. I mean, I wouldn't rob a bank for or with a girl, but if she has some kind of need or desire, then...just let me know and I'll be there for you."

Cecily smiled then sighed. "Where were you a year ago, Trevor?" she said wistfully.

"Still with Samantha," he said in a playful way. "But things were already changing so...where were you?"

She laughed then said, "You know, you're a really nice guy. Smart is sexy and you're obviously very intelligent. Oh, and did I mention cute?"

"Well, back atcha," he told her.

"So...did you want to talk about anything in specific tonight? I'm happy to just keep talking, too. This is probably the best conversation I've ever had about relationships before and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. But...you're paying for my time so you should be able to steer the conversation."

"That's something else I like about you, Cecily. You're here to make money, of course, but you're not pushy or demanding or..."

"Bitchy?" she said filling in the blank.

"You're definitely not that," he told her as he laughed quietly.

"Well, okay. Um...I was wondering if maybe you'd be willing to wear stuff like this for me whenever we talk."

He quickly added, "I'd be happy to buy things for you and you could keep them on top of whatever you make per minute here."

"Seriously?" she said. "That's crazy!"

"Well, I'm a little crazy, I guess."

"I'd love to, Trevor, but why don't you just go find a girl in real life? You're very good looking so that shouldn't be difficult. And it's freezing cold here four months of the year and just plain cold four more. The summers are hot and nasty, but pretty girls in sweaters are everywhere in this part of the country most of the year. It can't be that difficult, can it?"

"Here goes," he thought to himself.

"All of that's true, but it isn't quite that simple. There's something else I'm looking for, too," he told her. "Something you probably won't be as interested in."

"Does it involve getting naked?" she said, her voice rising at the end of her question.

Trevor laughed and told her, "No, not at all."

Cecily laughed too, then asked, "Does it involve animals or anything even close?"

Trevor cracked up and when he calmed down said, "No. Definitely not. No animals."

"No animals, no nudity, and I'm guessing while wearing a sweater or knit top, right?"

"Correct," he said.

"Okay, so...what's this big secret?" she asked.

"Before I tell you, let me explain what I'm willing to pay, okay?"

Five minutes later, Cecily said, "That's just insane! Not crazy insane. That's just a lot of money. Are you some kind of drug dealer or something?" she asked with a smile.

"Well, not really," he told her.

Technically, he kind of was in the sense that nicotine was a very powerful drug that was highly addictive. And he was sort of peddling his drug of choice. However, rather than selling it, he was paying for others to use it.

"Not really? Okay, now I'm very curious."

"Okay, well, I would pay you increasing amounts for each 'session' if you were willing to wear something I sent you and..."

"And???" she said waiting for him to finally spill the beans.

"Cecily? Have you ever smoked before?" he asked.

"Cigarettes or weed?" she asked. "I've smoked weed a few times, but I've only tried smoking twice in my life. Why do you ask?"

"Because the other thing I'm into is watching an attractive girl who...smokes...cigarettes."

Her eyebrows raised up as she pushed back from the monitor. "Oh, wow. That's um...different."

"That's my thing. Sweaters and smoking. Together. Weird, right?"

"Um...not really, I guess. I have to say I've never once thought of sweaters as being sexy or anything close. Pretty? Yes. Warm? Sure. But sexy? Hmmm. Okay, maybe. But smoking? That's sexy to you? Seriously?"

"Uh-huh. Very sexy and I'm very serious."

"Wow. That is just so...unusual."

She looked into the camera and asked, "So you'd pay me that much each time to just sit here wearing a pretty sweater and smoke a cigarette?"

"Yes," he said. "And the amount would go up each time, but you'd have to agree to do it every day for two months without missing a single day per our schedule if you want to collect the full amount."

"So one cigarette a day for two months and all that money is mine?" she asked hardly able to believe what she was hearing.

"Not exactly," he told her. "You'd only smoke one a day the first few days, then you'd smoke two for a few days, then three and so on."

"I can't sit here for that many hours a night every single night. I'd have to take really long breaks in between each cigarette too, or I'd get sick. I mean, I'm pretty sure I couldn't even smoke one right now without getting sick."

"Of course. You could smoke just one or two for me each evening then log in and record yourself smoking the other ones at your convenience during the day so I could watch you at my convenience."

"So I'd have to do this on a schedule then, right?" she asked seeking to clarify what he meant.

"Well...yes," he replied. "I can be flexible about times as long as you um...complete the contract each day, so to speak."

She sat there and stared at the screen for a good long while then said, "I could pay for the rest of my college education with that much money. Are you really not a drug dealer?"

"No, I don't deal drugs. I give you my word. But I am good for the money. In fact, I'm going to transfer $500 into your account right now as a kind of show of good faith."

He turned away, made a few mouse clicks then said, "Check your balance."

"Jesus!" she said quietly. "Thank you, Trevor! Thank you so much. Not counting what you've paid me, I've only made like $7 so far and I was ready to call it quits."

"Oh, two more things—if you decide to do this. I'll need an address to send stuff to and would you trust enough to let me have your last name? UPS or FedEx will deliver it without a name so if you're not comfortable with that, I understand.

"Ummm...okay. It's...Radliffe. Cecily Radliffe."

"Okay, Cecily Radliffe. So I guess the big question is—are you in or out?" he asked.

"Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but...how much money did you say you'd pay me again?"

He quickly went over the amounts which started out very small and increased slowly with the big payouts coming the last week and a huge bonus after then last day.