Day of Firsts


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I noticed that quite a few people covered their heads with the top part of their towels and I decided that it was probably a good idea as my hair was still wet from the shower. I did the same, folding the top corners of the towel over my head and face. It formed a nice cocoon and I closed my eyes and relaxed, soon drifting off into a light slumber. I woke up to soft giggles and female voices speaking in a foreign tongue, which I quickly recognized as Chinese. I listened to the unusual sounds that I'd only recently started hearing at work and wondered what they were talking about. The conversation lasted a while, when it ended I decided to take a peek.

I carefully turned my head in the direction from which the voices had come and one side of the towel covering my face slipped down far enough to let me see who was sitting nearby. I could see two pairs of small feet attached to lovely, pale legs. My eyes roamed along the firm limbs until they encountered pink towels. Feeling somewhat disappointed, I moved my head slightly and followed the fabric up over the women's chests until I could see their faces. The one closest to me was a pretty woman, probably in her early thirties. Her eyes were closed at and she looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place her. The other lady's face wasn't visible from my current position so I decided to sit up. I tilted my chair back to its upright position and then turned to take a look.

It was Jenny! I then realised that her friend was also one of the Chinese delegation from work. As she worked in another department, I'd only seen her when they first arrived. Jenny's eyes were closed and I studied her pretty face. She looked so different lying here with her hair tied up, her long slender neck leading to pale shoulders and slender arms. Her skin looked like porcelain and I wondered how it would feel. She must be in her early 20's and I'd always found her attractive but never realised she was actually quite beautiful.

It hit me then that she and her friend had seen me in all my glory. We were basically lying next to each other and every inch of my body had been exposed to them when they came in. I felt myself blush at the thought and wondered if she'd recognised me. As my face had been covered I thought it was probably unlikely. My heart missed a beat when she raised her hand and a well-manicured nail, covered in red polish, gently scratched an itch just below her ear.

I decided I'd better go before I was discovered. Rising carefully and without making a sound, I gathered my towel and left the rest area, before pondering my next move. I could leave the sauna and return home but that was the least appealing option. Why should I leave, there was no reason for me not to be here and if we bumped into each other again, so be it. They'd already seen me naked (although they didn't know it) and, if I'm honest, I would rather like to see Jenny nude. The decision was made, I'd continue my day as planned.

The sauna was a large complex with about 15 different types of saunas, most inside the building with a few outdoors. There was also an indoor and an outdoor pool where you could swim naked. The waterpark itself had many more swimming options but they were all "textile". I decided to work my way through systematically and went for the sauna next to the steam room, it was indicated as medium heat with higher than normal humidity - they called it a biosauna here. It sounded ideal and I opened the door and stepped inside.

The room was fully panelled in light pine wood with a dark tiled floor and lit with mood lighting that cycled through various pastel colours, giving the room an appealing ambiance. There was only one other visitor. A man, stretched out on the top bench and I took the bench opposite him. I laid out my towel, draping one end over the wooden headrest and then climbed up, lay down and made myself comfortable. The digital display over the door showed a temperature of 70c and a humidity of 40%. I spun the nearest sand timer and closed my eyes enjoying the hot but rather pleasant atmosphere.

It was very quiet, only ticking of heating elements and the odd creak from the wood could be heard. I felt sweat begin to flow from my pores after about 5 minutes and didn't bother to even take a look when I heard the door open and then close again. When I sensed movement on the bench below my own, I opened my eyes a crack and glanced down at the new visitor. It was the two Chinese ladies and they were busy arranging towels on the lower benches. Their bodies were still hidden behind the pink towels and they were struggling a bit to keep them on while bending over. I focused on Jenny as she was closer to me, and was quite amused watching her trying to position her large sauna towel with one hand while the other was attempting to keep the towel around her body secure.

I know that in Japan, they have hot springs where men and women are naked but usually segregated with only a few places allowing mixed bathing. I don't know about China, but somehow doubted there would be mixed spas with public nudity - so for them, this experience was probably at least as surprising and unusual as it was for me.

Jenny got frustrated and decided to use both hands. I was treated to a brief glimpse of her slim body as the towel parted on the side. She was definitely naked and I quickly turned and faced the ceiling before I saw something that would cause me problems! As I lay there looking at the wood above me I wondered how they handled the showers, it was one thing to keep a towel on inside the sauna but you couldn't really take a shower wearing it!

I don't think they'd recognised me and I wanted to keep it that way as long as possible to avoid causing us any embarrassment. I wasn't sure how I felt about being seen naked by people I work with but, if it had to happen, it would be preferable for all of us to be nude and not just me. At least that way no one was at an advantage or disadvantage. I decided then that I'd discreetly follow them after they left and possibly make my presence known in the showers, when we were all on equal footing.

Time passed slowly and I was glad we weren't in one of the really hot saunas. Luckily being wrapped in towels made things even hotter and the two of them gathered their things and left. I waited another minute before following. My timing proved impeccable as I just saw caught a glimpse of them entering the shower area. Trying to act naturally, I walked over and seeing their two pink towels hanging next to each other felt a frisson of excitement. I hung my own towel on the next hook and looked around. There were only a few people washing and I couldn't see my two colleagues. I stepped under the gushing central shower and, figuring they must be behind it, slowly made my way around.

It was hard to see through the wall of water pouring over my head and body, but I glimpsed a figure that could be one of the two I was looking for. The girl was facing the wall and her long black hair cascaded down her back almost reaching her lovely heart shaped bottom. I continued moving to get a better view and then suddenly bumped into someone. We both gasped and I turned to see who I'd made contact with. I froze and my eyes widened as I was confronted with an equally surprised and shocked Jenny.

We stared into each other's eyes without moving and despite the water pouring down my face I could see her pale face turn a dark shade of pink. I tried my best to keep looking into her eyes but when her own dropped I couldn't help myself and did the same. We were only about 30cm apart and the first thing I noticed was that her blush extended from her face, down her neck and across the top of her very small and perky bosom. Her nipples, brownish in colour and contrasting strongly with the pale skin of her breasts, were large and conical in shape. It may have been my imagination but I was sure they grew bigger and longer as I was looking at them.

All I can say is that my mouth was watering and I felt my penis expanding as I pictured myself touching or even sucking them. I could have looked all day but I knew my time was limited and I had to take what maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the rest of her. My eyes wandered lower over her flat stomach, cute belly button and widening hips, only stopping when they reached a triangle of black hair. Most of the details of her pussy were hidden but, as the hair was flattened by streaming water, I was able to make out longish, slightly parted, nether lips in the same shade of brown as her nipples.

She was more than beautiful and I was in instant lust with her. As I was looked down I noticed that my penis was fully erect and bouncing about as it was pummelled by the water. Shit! She must think I'm some kind of pervert or sex fiend. I quickly looked up and was surprised to see her staring between my legs with an expression of interest rather than shock or disgust! She looked up and knew I'd caught her. I smiled and, after clearing my throat, said "Hello Jenny, what a surprise!"

She didn't reply and we just stood there gazing into each other's eyes. Hers had a beautiful, exotic shape and were a dark shade of brown, almost black. I felt myself sink deeper and deeper into them and so wanted to take her into my arms and hold her tightly, it was a struggle to resist. We were so intently focused on each other that we didn't hear or see anything else, her friend had obviously been speaking to Jenny but she only reacted when she felt the her hand touch her arm. The trance was broken and Jenny and I turned to face the woman that had interrupted us. She was speaking loudly in Chinese and seemed slightly distraught, with one hand covering her crotch while the other was folded across her bosom.

She was looking at Jenny but her gaze often drifted to my still prominent erection. Jenny responded to whatever her friend had said and with a last, and what I interpreted as, longing look at me she stepped out of the shower and walked away. I continued to watch and was glad to see her turn back briefly. The two women both looked stunning from behind but I found Jenny's posterior the better of the two.

I came to my senses and realized I couldn't just let her leave like this, but also couldn't rush after her in my present state of arousal. I quickly moved to one of the wall mounted showers and set the temperature to its lowest setting. Despite bracing myself for the cold I was still shocked at how freezing the water was. I stood there as long as I could and was relieved to feel it having the desired effect. My penis shrunk, maybe even a tad too much, and I was ready to pursue Jenny.

I rushed out of the shower, grabbing my towel on the way and scanning the corridor. For a moment I thought I was too late but I caught flash of pink and honed in on my targets. They were talking, both again covered by their towels and standing near the door to the ladies changing area. Jenny's friend had her hand on the door and looked like she wanted to go, but Jenny seemed reluctant. I hesitated a moment but then, taking a deep breath, approached the two women.

"Please don't leave yet!"

They turned towards me and I added "Don't go yet, let's talk about what happened."

Jenny smiled but her friend just frowned at me saying "No talking needed, we go."

Jenny said something to her in Chinese and they began what sounded like an argument. It ended with her friend glaring at me and then going through the door. Jenny turned to me and said "Wait, I come back."

With that she disappeared through the door, following her friend. I was relieved she hadn't just left and wondered what it meant, was she interested in me or did she just want to talk? I had no way of knowing and also realized that I didn't really know anything about her. Did she have a boyfriend or was she even married? I could remember her wearing jewellery on her hands but wasn't sure if it was a wedding ring.

I stood waiting nervously and it seemed to be taking her a long time to return, hopefully her friend hadn't convinced her to leave. Each time the door opened my heart pounded at the thought of seeing her again, only to be disappointed as another woman entered the sauna.

Finally I caught a glimpse of pink through the frosted glass and was treated to the sight of Jenny looking around as she entered. I waved at her and she smiled shyly as she made her way over to me. My relief must have been obvious as she said "I'm sorry you wait so long, Mei want me go."

"It's OK, I'm just glad to you came back."

We stood there somewhat awkwardly before I finally suggested we go to the restaurant to get something to drink. Jenny agreed and we walked there together. On the way I realised she may be uncomfortable with me not being covered properly so I quickly whipped my towel off my shoulders and wrapped it around my waist. It wasn't as easy as it sounds since it was much too long and I ended up having to wind it around numerous times before being able to secure it. Jenny covered her mouth and giggled as she watched me.

"Hey, this towel isn't really meant to be used for this!" I said in my defence.

She smiled and said "I'm sorry, it just funny."

I laughed and said "You're right."

As we walked I took a glance at her left hand and was relieved to see it was ring free. Of course she could still be in a relationship but my odds had improved. The restaurant was self-service and after finding a table I asked "What would you like to have Jenny?"

"Some tea please."

"Black or herbal?"


"OK, I'll be back in a moment."

I got her a camomile tea and a cold apple juice for myself. Upon returning to the table she said "Cold drink not good for you."

I nodded "I suppose you're right but I need refreshment."

I sat down and she sipped her tea and I took a swallow of my juice. I didn't quite know what to say and decided to start off with a simple question. "Have you been here before?"

"No, Mei and me is first time. You?"

"Me too."

"I hear people at office talking about spa and want try."

"I see, I'm actually the one that asked people where to go!"

She smiled but didn't say more so I asked "Did you know you would have to be naked?"

She blushed and said "In China sauna is also naked. We not know here man and women together!"

I laughed and said "The same thing happened to me, actually I didn't know anyone would have to be naked. It was a disaster!"

She laughed and I loved the way she covered her mouth with her hand as she did so. "What happen? Tell story!"

This time I blushed and said "It was a while back and I had met a girl. We went out a few times and then she asked me to join her at a sauna. I agreed and we met there."

I paused as she asked "Here?"

"No, another place. Anyway, we went to change and I came out wearing my bathing suit, she was wrapped in a towel."

Jenny nodded and I continued "My friend looked at me and said 'what are you wearing?'. I didn't understand and then she told me we had to be naked. I didn't believe her until she opened her towel."

Jenny laughed again and I said, "It wasn't funny! I was so embarrassed."

I paused briefly and then decided I would tell her the truth, "I'd never seen a naked girl before and had never been naked with anyone else."

She looked at me in surprise but didn't laugh.

"To cut a long story short, I left in disgrace and never saw her again."

After a moment she asked "But if you not like naked, why you here now?"

"That's a good question. I felt like such a fool after what happened and decided I had to grow up and not be so immature. I did some research on German spas so I would know what to expect, bought the correct towel and then asked people at work which was the best place to visit. Two of their suggestions sounded good and I visited the pools first to see if I liked them. This one seemed best so I bought a day card online and here I am."

She looked thoughtful and said "And you OK naked now?"

I blushed "Yes. It's actually really natural and feels very good. No one here takes any notice of you when you're naked and it gives you a great sense of freedom. I've only been in the steam room and the bio-sauna so far and of course the shower but I already know I like it a lot."

She nodded but before she replied I said "I have to apologize for what happened before in the shower. Men are not supposed to get aroused here but I couldn't control myself when I saw you!"

She said "I not understand, what mean aroused?"

I blushed and lowered my voice "men shouldn't get an erection."

She still didn't understand and I whispered "In the shower my penis was hard."

She finally understood and blushed fiercely, taking a big sip of her tea before responding "Oh, understand now."

I decided to change the subject to avoid embarrassing her further "So what about you and your friend, what do you think?"

"I like, but Mei not comfortable. She have boyfriend and think he be angry if she see naked man."

To me this sounded like Jenny was unattached, but I wanted to be sure before I went any further, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

She sighed and shook her head "No, I alone."

I gave her a big smile "I'm glad to hear that."

She seemed surprised "Why glad, I sad, not with man."

I wasn't sure I understood what she meant and said "I mean, I'm glad you don't have a boyfriend, it means I might have a chance!"

She blushed again "You interested in me?"

"Yes, very. I have always liked you but was too shy to say anything."

She seemed surprised "You joking?"

"NO! Absolutely not!"

"But you not say anything to me and I not like women here."

I was unsure of her meaning again and said "I really find you attractive, actually beautiful, but like I said I'm very shy with girls and was too scared to say anything to you."

She stared at me and I continued, "when we bumped into each other in the shower I couldn't help but look at you. You are perfect and that's why I couldn't control myself."

She blushed and whispered "You telling truth? You think me perfect and penis hard for me?"

I also blushed, "Yes."

She sat back and stared at me "But you handsome and women here better than me!"

I was glad to hear she thought I was handsome but still couldn't understand what she meant about the local women. "I don't understand, why are you saying women here are better than you?"

She blushed and looked around before indicating her chest and saying "Big breast, I very small."

I couldn't believe what she was saying! Sure, her breasts were small but they were perfect. One thing I had realized since seeing such a wide array of breasts today was that I preferred the smaller variety and was actually more interested in nipples than what they were attached to. "Jenny, believe me when I say that your breasts are perfect and your nipples are fantastic!"

She sat back in her chair and stared at me. After a moment she said "I still not think it true."

I was getting exasperated and said "Look, I saw many naked women here before we met in the shower and NONE of them had any effect on me. The moment I looked at you boom!"

She smiled and leaned closer "Boom, mean this?" She made a fist and then extended one long thin finger.

I smiled and nodded. She laughed and quietly said "I like boom. It first one I see and it look so big."

I laughed and felt exhilarated at her comment. "Look Jenny, I don't know how to say this but you and me are both single and I would really like to get to know you better."

"I not understand."

"I mean, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

She stared at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes. For a moment I was worried I'd said the wrong thing or pushed too hard but when she smiled and said "You want be my boyfriend?"

I nodded "Yes, very much."