Day of Firsts


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After a while she adjusted her backrest to match mine and then leaned over and quietly asked "Jason, it hurt?"

"What do you mean?"

"When it hard like now, it hurt?"

"No, it's not painful, but it does get uncomfortable if it stays like that a long time."

She nodded and said "I also feel funny."

I smiled and nodding at her breasts said and crotch "I can see! You look so beautiful!"

She blushed and shook her head "You like?"

"Of course, or I wouldn't have this problem!"

She looked around and then said "I want touch it!"

I gulped at the thought of her touching me, "But we can't do that out here!"

"Just little."

I decided to take the chance, the worst that could happen was that we'd be asked to leave. I looked around to be sure no one was watching and then parted my legs slightly as I said "OK, but be quick!"

Jenny reached over and put a hand on my leg before sliding it into my crotch. Her fingers very gently moved through my pubic hair to the root of my shaft. I groaned at the sensation of another person's fingers touching me this way for the first time. She froze and looked at me with concern. "It OK? It feel so nice!"

She smiled and then resumed her exploration of my throbbing organ by moving her fingers slowly along the shaft, probing softly. "It so soft but also hard!" she said seemingly fascinated by what she was discovering. When her fingers reached the sensitive area between my shaft and glans she rubbed along the ridge and my penis jerked in response. "Oh!" she giggled then asked "It different from other man, why?"

I presumed she meant the fact that I have no foreskin and all the other cocks she'd seen here did. "Yes, my foreskin was removed when I was a child. Some medical problem."

Her fingers moved onto my very sensitive glans and I could feel some pre-cum seeping from my tip. I moaned and then yelped in pain as her nail scratched me. Jenny jerked her hand back in shock and I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. An elderly couple nearby looked towards briefly before turning away again.

"I hurt?" she asked looking worried.

"Yes, that part is very delicate!"

"So sorry, not want to hurt."

"It's OK." I said with a smile.

"Still can touch?"

I nodded and her hand returned to where it had been. This time she took extra care and when her fingers moved over my tip I moaned in pleasure. She lifted her fingers and giggled seeing a string of pre-ejaculate connecting them to me. The string broke when she rubbed her fingers together, testing the consistency of the liquid. "It, how say, slip?"

I chuckled "Slippery. Yes, that's the idea."

Her fingers returned to the tip and she began to rub over it, collecting more and more of the now constantly flowing fluid and spreading it around. "Oh, that feels so good!" I gasped, my words gave her confidence and she became bolder, wrapping her fingers around my now lubricated shaft and stroking. I was getting close and said "Oh, Jenny, be careful!"

She stopped moving and looked at me "Hurt?"

I shook my head, "No the opposite, it feels too good!"

She didn't loosen her grip but thankfully stopped the stroking motion. However, I could still feel the underside of a finger resting right on my frenulum. Even minute movements were causing me such great pleasure that when she squeezed her hand it was just too much. To my horror, I felt my balls contract and the unstoppable sensation of an orgasm rolled through my body. I gasped and felt my cock swell in her hand before it began squirting reams and reams of semen. The spurts were powerful and I felt my ejaculate spray along my thighs, some reaching past my knees.

Jenny's reaction was a gasp and more squeezing of my shaft. When the last shot was fired and she felt my penis soften she let go and scooped up some of the slimy white substance from my legs. I watched as she rubbed it between her fingers and then sniffed it before her pink tongue flicked out and tasted it. "Oh, warm and salty. I like."

I felt mortified that I'd shot my load so quickly and without warning her. "I'm sorry Jenny, I just couldn't stop it."

"No sorry Jason, I like! Never see before."

"But I should have more control, I'm just not used to anyone touching me."

She shook her head "No silly! Much better no control, like me not used to it."

I felt slightly better at her words and took them to mean she preferred me to be inexperienced. I rubbed the excess sperm into my skin and then lowered my backrest to a more comfortable position again. Jenny giggled as she saw my now spent organ hanging loosely "It small again, so cute."

She also lowered her backrest to the same setting as mine and when she lay back I said "Can I kiss you?"

She bit her lip and turned to me nodding. We moved towards each other and I felt a real spark as our lips touched. It was obvious that we didn't know what we were doing. Our noses bumped into each other and everything was very clumsy.

We separated and both laughed at our lack of skill. "I think we need to practice that a lot more!"

She laughed "Yes!"

"But I loved it anyway."

I looked around again and as nothing had changed I thought I should take the chance to reciprocate. "Can I touch you now?"

She nodded and I rolled onto my side towards her and stretched out one arm, placing my hand on her tummy. I'd touched her before in the pool but this skin on skin contact without any water was even better. I couldn't get over how warm and soft she felt and decided to tell her. "Your skin is so soft."

I gently rubbed my hand in a circular motion and then started to move it up towards her chest. I could feel each of her ribs and when the edge of my hand rubbed against the underside of her breasts she began to pant. I looked at her face and her eyes were closed and her mouth open. It looked like she was enjoying this almost as much as I was. When my hand slid up the small bump of her breast and then over the conical nipple, pressing it down and then letting it flick back up, she made a sound that I can't describe apart from saying it was amazingly sexy.

Her hands were gripping the armrests of the sun lounger tightly and she arched her back raising her chest in an effort to increase the pressure on her breasts. Her legs clamped together and she began to writhe. You didn't need to be an expert to see she was getting close to a climax. I quickly slid my hand down moving over the soft hair between her legs. To my surprise, her legs parted and her own hands moved to her breasts, gripping her nipples and pulling them up and away from her body. She looked so amazing and I could barely believe this was actually happening. My hand slid lower and she cried out rather loudly as I encountered the bump that must be her clitoris. Just below that, my fingers found what can only be described as a hot swamp.

She was so wet! I'd never imagined a girl would feel like that between her legs. I rubbed vigorously, smearing more and more of the copious fluid around and making sure to regularly coat her clitoris. I looked around to check we were still unobserved and to my shock discovered the couple that had looked over earlier were now both facing us and watching with interest. Should I stop? They didn't seem upset, just watching intently, so I decided to proceed and dipped just the tip of a finger into Jenny. That was the final straw and her body jerked in pleasure. She muffled her scream by covering her mouth as she exploded. Her body spasmed and her legs clamped shut, trapping my hand as a gush of liquid sprayed over it.

After what seemed like a long time, her legs parted slightly, releasing my hand. I used my freedom to stroke her cheek gently as I said "Are you OK?"

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked slightly dazed as she just nodded. I leaned over and kissed her lips, slightly more successfully than before. I could smell her scent from the juices I'd smeared on her cheek and found it very arousing. Before losing control again, I rolled onto my back and looked over at our audience. The woman had already turned away but the man was still watching. When I caught his eye, he grinned and gave me a thumbs-up. We'd gotten lucky!

I looked back at Jenny and watched as her body slowly came down from its high. She looked even more beautiful than before, covered by a sheen of sweat that made her glisten. Her conical breasts and nipples had receded somewhat, but the wet and matted hair between her legs was a clear indication of what had just happened.

The grounds were slowly filling up and I noted that Jenny seemed to have lost all traces of shyness. She was lying with her legs slightly parted and arms at her sides without any inhibitions, even when people walked past close by. It still felt strange to me to be so exposed and I was constantly worried that something Jenny did would trigger another erection.

As we lay there in silence, I heard an odd rumbling sound and Jenny laughed and put her hand on her tummy. "Are you hungry?" I asked in amusement.

"Yes, no breakfast."

I checked the time on one of the many large clocks scattered about the complex and saw it was already well past midday. "Would you like some lunch?"

She smiled and nodded. I stood up and held out my hand, helping her to her feet. "Maybe we should have a quick shower or dip in the pool before going inside?"


She was about to retrieve her towel but I stopped her and said "Now that there are more people, I'm worried our chairs will be taken if we don't reserve them with our towels, this is Germany after all!"

She looked at me in confusion and I realized she wouldn't know about the habit Brits and Germans had of trying to beat each other to sun chairs. "I'll explain later!" I said with a smile.

At the pool we decided on a quick shower before entering the water. There were quite a few people swimming and many more just milling about. Every sun single lounger was occupied or reserved with a towel. Jenny remained unconcerned by the audience and being a gentleman I let her use the shower first. She stepped in and pressed the button only to shriek when a blast of obviously cold water hit her. All heads turned to look and I was sure the sight of her jumping up and down and rubbing her hands over her sexy body was appealing to many of them.

I felt the familiar tingling in my penis indicating an imminent erection and hoped Jenny would be done soon, so that the icy water would take care of things. My prayers were answered and I quickly took her place when she came out gasping and shivering. Contrary to her, I was prepared for the shock and managed to avoid screaming! The cold water did its job and when the water stopped I emerged safely.

Jenny was waiting for me and she just looked stunning. Her pale smooth skin was covered in goose bumps and she was rubbing her hands up and down her arms to get some warmth. This had the effect of squeezing her small breasts together and pushing her long puffy nipples forwards. I stepped up to her and put my arm around her waist, propelling her towards the steps into the pool. I was both proud and aroused to see so many eyes follow our progress and in my mind I imagined the men were all jealous of me.

The pool felt much warmer now that our bodies were cold and it was a pleasure to slide into the water. "Oh, feels good!" said Jenny.

"Yes, that shower was freezing but it was just what I needed after watching you!"

She laughed and rolled onto her back showing me her newly acquired skills as well as her breasts and pussy. "Don't do that or I might never leave the pool!"

She giggle and I said "I don't think we can eat in the restaurant without our towels. If you want, we can just get some food and take it to our sun loungers?"

"Oh yes, that better."

"Come on then, I'm starving!"

I took her hand and we walked out of the pool again. We were in the minority at the restaurant since most of the people were covered by towels. There were only 4 or 5 others that, like us, were totally exposed. I asked Jenny what she'd like and she looked at the pictures depicting the choices. She gave me a cheeky smile and pointed at a German bratwurst. "Ah, you like sausages?"

She laughed and looked at my groin when she replied "Yes!"

I ordered two with a side of chips. To quench our first I got myself a beer and struggled a bit trying to get Jenny the cup of hot water she wanted. We carried our food back to our sun loungers and made ourselves comfortable. Jenny made eating the sausage an erotic occasion as she first licked it then sucked its tip. I stared at her in disbelief and couldn't help asking "Have you done that with a man before?"

She blushed and shook her head "No! At university we play when sausage to eat. Some girls have experience with men and show us how."

I laughed "Well, it looks amazing!"

She smiled and we enjoyed the rest of our meal. Our conversation moved to more mundane subjects and I learnt a lot about her and what it was like growing up in China. She asked me about my life and I told her about my childhood and how I ended up in Germany. One common denominator was that our parents had drilled into us that nudity was something to be ashamed of and we'd grown up believing our bodies were unattractive. In addition to that we'd been labelled geeks at school and in university and only had a few friends (none of the opposite sex).

I felt much closer to Jenny and I hoped the same was true for her. I told her I'd never had a girlfriend before and blushingly admitted I was a complete virgin as I hadn't even kissed anyone before today. I could see she was moved by my admission and the fact I trusted her enough to tell her this. In a quiet voice she then told me that the same was true for her. We tidied up the remnants of lunch and carried our trays back to the restaurant. I'd become so comfortable being naked that I didn't even think about it anymore, it was only when I noticed others wearing towels that I remembered we were totally starkers.

I whispered my thoughts to Jenny and she laughed and whispered back "Yes, naked not problem, no care! Watch."

To my amazement (and delight) she purposely knocked a few napkins off her tray. They fluttered to the floor and she brazenly bent at the waist to retrieve them. It took a while as she placed her tray on the floor and then had to gather them up. A trio of youngish guys walking behind us were treated to a lengthy, close up view of her most private parts exposed in all their glory. I knew exactly what they were seeing! They froze and stared openly at the delightful sight before them. It would have been impossible for any heterosexual male to resist looking at any female displayed in this way and the fact that Jenny was Asian made it all the more unusual and exciting for them.

I loved seeing their reactions. Of the three, one had the least control and his penis rapidly inflated. He covered himself with his hands and quickly walked away, blushing furiously. His friends laughed and shouted something as he retreated but both of them were also showing signs of growth and soon followed him. I wasn't immune either and felt my penis twitch and swell. When Jenny rose I said "You naughty girl!" and smiled at her.

She smiled back and gave me a seductive wink as she looked at my crotch. I did some mental arithmetic and tried to think of other things as we placed our trays in the designated racks. "Shall we try one of the really hot saunas?" I asked.

"OK, we try."

I took her hand and we walked back outside to retrieve our towels. Judging by the volume of visitors I was pretty sure our place would be taken quickly. We went back inside the building and checked out the temperatures indicated at the entrance of every sauna. The hottest was a whopping 100 degrees Celsius with a humidity of 7%! Jenny agreed to give it a try and we stepped inside. The dry heat hit us like a wall and we both gasped in surprise. The next thing we noticed was the large number of people already inside. Despite being quite large there was no space to lie down and only a few spaces to sit.

I whispered to Jenny "Do you want to try another one?"

"No, it OK."

We walked further inside and everybody was watching us with interest again. It looked like we'd have to sit apart as there was no space for the two of us next to each other. Jenny selected a seat between an older man and women and I took the closest one which was on the bench opposite. I arranged my towel and sat down, already feeling quite lightheaded. I didn't want to watch Jenny for fear of becoming aroused again, the brief glimpse I'd caught of her bending over to position her towel was already enough to cause me problems.

As I looked around my suspicions that Jenny was the one attracting attention was confirmed. No one was looking at me, all eyes were aimed at her. Some were trying to be discreet while others just openly stared at her. It gave me a thrill to see my new girlfriend being studied like this and I felt my penis respond. It began to lengthen and stiffen and despite my best efforts I could do nothing to stop it. I looked over at Jenny and saw her looking at my crotch with a small smile on her face. I was glad see was drawing all the interest and that no one else had noticed my predicament.

Sweat was pouring out of every pore and I was wondering if I'd even last 10 minutes in here when the door suddenly opened and a middle aged man wearing shorts with the spa's logo and carrying a bucket and other utensils stepped inside. He greeted everybody in a loud voice and then went on the say something I couldn't understand. Jenny was watching him with interest and then looked at me with a puzzled expression. I realized we were about to inadvertently take place in one of the sauna ceremonies (they call them 'Aufguss' here).

I'd read about this and it basically involved a member of staff pouring scented water over the hot stones and then using a towel or something similar to disburse the steam amongst the participants. I knew it was bad form to leave once it started so I decided to try and last the course, hopefully Jenny would manage as well. The man said something loudly and then proceeded to empty the contents of a bucket over the heated rocks. There was a loud hiss and the room filled quickly with eucalyptus flavoured steam.

The heat and humidity was intense and I'd never felt this hot in my life before. I couldn't see Jenny through the fog and hoped she was OK. The man spoke again and then began to move down each row stopping to wave what looked like a large oriental fan at each person. When he reached me I was hit by a blast of superheated air and was stunned at the increase in temperature the fan caused. Thankfully it was over after a few seconds and he moved onto his next victim. The air was clearing slightly and I was able to see Jenny again. She was red and sweat was pouring down her face, I caught her eye and mouthed "OK?"

She nodded and I was relieved. The intense heat had withered my erection but it returned to full strength when I saw the man sitting next to her staring at her chest. I did the same and could see what had caught his interest. Jenny's nipples were bigger than I'd ever seen them, protruding at least 3cm. Sweat was pouring down her chest, flowing over her small breasts and onto the conical areolas before traveling along the nipples before collecting at their tips. The droplets hung there until gravity took over and they dropped onto her lap.

I so wanted to stand up and walk over to lick and suck on them and imagined what would happen if I did. My fantasy was interrupted as the man waving the fan stepped in front of Jenny. He seemed to be lingering longer than he had with anyone else and I could imagine him being just as fascinated at the view before him. When he finally moved on, Jenny had her eyes closed and was leaning back against the bench. A constant stream of sweat was now dripping from her nipples and I noticed her feet were together but her knees had opened slightly. Looking between them I was stunned to clearly see her lower lips parted, looking like the wings of a butterfly and revealing a moist pink interior topped by the very visible nubbin of her clitoris as it peeked from beneath its hood.