Day of Firsts


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She looked stunning and I felt my heartrate increase as I imagined my penis penetrating that tiny succulent opening. The man had completed his rounds and I was happy to see we'd survived the ordeal, my only worry was that if I stood up now, my erection would be visible for all the world to see. To my horror he began the same process again, this time waving the fan even more vigorously. When he reached me I braced for the increase in temperature but was still surprised by it. Looking at him I noticed him staring between my legs and, if I hadn't already been red from the heat, my blush would have been clearly visible. I waited for him to reprimand me but instead, saw him smile and give me a wink as he moved away.

Looking over at Jenny I saw she was still in the same position but her eyes were now open and looking at me. I again mouthed "OK?" and saw her nod, albeit weakly.

The man again seemed to treat her to a longer than average fanning and I was sure he was taking in all of her attributes as she sat before him. When he reached the door he announced something in a loud voice and then exited the sauna, leaving the door open. Many of the people stood and I hesitated due to my erection. To my relief, I saw I wasn't the only one sporting a boner! Most of the younger men on the benches opposite Jenny had erections of varying hardness. No one seemed bothered so I stood slowly feeling rather dizzy. Jenny was still sitting and I walked over to her, extending my hand. She stared at my hard penis and gave me a weak smile as she took my hand. I pulled her to her feet and asked "Are you really OK?"

She nodded rather weekly and then whispered "Too hot."

I nodded and said "Me too. Just hold my hand and I'll help you."

Thankfully, cooler air was filling the room and breathing became easier. As we joined the queue to leave Jenny whispered "You hard!"

I whispered back "I know, it's your fault again and if you look around you'll see I'm not the only one!"

I saw her take a look around and her naughty smile appeared on her face as she spotted the numerous boners. Upon leaving the sauna we found most of the participants milling about the entrance breathing deeply. We did the same and my head cleared quite quickly. Most of the older men's erections were fading but a couple of the younger guys (myself included) were still rampant. Passers-by were looking at us with amusement but not anger or disgust so I just decided to forget about it. Jenny seemed fascinated and was checking out the different sizes and shapes with interest. After a while people started to head to the showers and we followed.

It was crowded under the central shower but we managed to squeeze in. It felt great being in such close proximity to Jenny and my still prominent erection bumped into her numerous times as we turned and washed. I saw a few of the other couples, that had been in the sauna with us, scrubbing each other's backs and I said "Jenny, do you want me to wash your back?"

"Yes, please."

She turned away from me and I began to rub my hands over her soft, still pink skin. It felt wonderful having my hands on her again. She lifted her arms up and it was just an invitation to rub her armpits gently. I discovered she really enjoyed this and wiggled her body in appreciation. Deciding to be daring I stroked down her sides and as my fingers moved over the soft bumps of her little breasts she took a step backwards, making my hands slide forwards over her breasts and my cock slip between her cheeks.

This was the closest to sex I'd ever been and it was happening in a public shower at a spa! The strong flow of water hid the details of what we were doing from the others but it still felt amazingly daring. As we moved together my cock slid around until its tip sunk into something softer. We both froze and I worried I'd gone too far. Judging by the position of my penis I presumed I'd just penetrated her asshole. Oh god, I prayed she'd forgive me! I pulled back slightly and to my surprise Jenny followed! My cock remained as deep as it had been and when I stopped moving, her momentum actually pushed it even further in.

I can't describe the sensation other than say it was amazing. I felt intense heat and pressure surround my entire glans and the urge to thrust forwards was almost unstoppable. My hands were still clasping her breasts and I could feel the hard points of her nipples scraping across my palms. I squeezed them gently and Jenny began to wiggle her hips very slowly. I could feel her anus stretch as it gyrated on my glans and the longer it continued the easier movement became as my cock began leaking a steady stream of pre-ejaculate. All of a sudden, Jenny's body stiffened and shook and she pressed herself back against me as her body slumped. I held her tightly to stop her slipping to the floor and felt my cock sink a few centimetres deeper.

It became too much to for me and I stifled a loud groan as I felt myself explode, shooting volley after volley of my sperm into her. There was so much I and could feel it building up against my penis before she started to overflow. After a few moments, she regained her strength and I could ease my grip on her. As she righted herself my penis popped free and was instantly cleansed by the rushing water of the shower. I saw Jenny's hand move to her bottom and rub up and down a few times before she turned around.

We looked deeply into each other's eyes and all I felt was love. I leaned forwards and kissed her and she reciprocated eagerly. It was our best effort to date and we managed to keep it going for quite a while. When we released each other I took a quick look around to make sure our erotic encounter hadn't been noticed. It looked like we'd gotten away with it and most of the other people were finishing up with their showers. I took Jenny's hand and we followed them out of the water. My penis had deflated and hung innocently between my legs as we trailed the group to an area I hadn't visited before. I contained a large pool that, judging by the reaction of the people entering it, was rather cold.

"Do you want to cool down?"

Jenny nodded and, still holding hands, we walked down the steps into the water. It was not cold, it was freezing, but we continued on our way until we were up to our hips. I watched as the others sunk down, up to their necks and some even submerging totally. I glanced at Jenny and she nodded so we did the same. She couldn't supress a squeal as we were chest deep and then she said "Enough!"

She let go of my hand and rushed out of the pool, much to the amusement of the others. I followed her and took her hand as we rushed back to the warm water of the shower. This burned for a moment before our bodies got accustomed to higher temperature. Once warmed up, we stepped out and I must say I felt amazingly refreshed and invigorated.

"Wow, it was painful but worth it!" I said with a smile.

"Yes, feel very good now."

"Let's go and have a rest!"

We took our towels and headed outside. As expected our sun chairs were occupied and no others were free. Jenny said "We just lie on grass."

This seemed like a good idea and in a nice shady spot we put down our towels and stretched out. It felt very relaxing and I was almost nodding off when I felt Jenny's hand take mine as she said "Jason, I never do thing like that. I hope you not angry?"

I couldn't believe that she'd think I was angry with her and sat up quickly looking down at her supine form. She looked worried and I said "Jenny, it was fantastic and I know this is all happening very quickly but, I really like you very much!"

Her expression softened "You not think me bad and dirty?"

"No, never. We didn't plan on doing that but it was beautiful and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope we have the chance to do things like that with you many times."

I saw her relax and then her cheeky expression returned as she said "maybe no in shower with others."

I laughed and leaned down to kiss her again and felt her arms wrap around me. It was bliss and when we separated I lay back down and said "Jenny, do you want to come to my place when we leave here?"

She smiled and nodded and we kissed again then she said "Jason, before, I not know that feel so good, it wrong place!"

I smiled "It felt fantastic for me too and it's not really a wrong place, just another place."

"But it dirty?"

"Maybe if you don't prepare and go all the way in, but we didn't do that."

She looked uncertain and I said "Next time we can use a condom."


"You know, to cover the penis."

"Ah, I know. OK."

I lay back down and felt a stirring down below as I realised we'd basically just agreed to try anal sex again. I closed my eyes and thinking about the day so far I relaxed and drifted off to sleep. I don't know how late it was when a voice roused me. I opened my eyes and found a young woman dressed in a t-shirt and shorts bearing the spa logo. She smiled and said something in German. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

She said "Oh, we close in thirty minutes."

I then realised that it was almost dark! I looked over at Jenny and she was still sleeping. She was lying on her side in the foetal position and looked gorgeous. The woman smiled at me and then walked away. I gently reached over and touched Jenny's shoulder, giving it a slight shake. "Wake up Jenny, we have to leave."

She stretched her legs and arms and yawned as she rolled onto her back, opening her eyes.

"It dark!" she exclaimed!

"I know, we both fell asleep!"

She sat up and looked around, we were the last visitors outside and the place looked very romantic with soft lighting on the plants and trees. "It lovely."

I stood and said "Yes, it's really pretty."

I extended my hand and helped her stand. We picked up our towels and shook them clean before walking back into the spa building, hand in hand. I glanced at a clock and saw it was already 21:30. There were a few other people but the place was almost empty. As we passed the indoor pool I said "Shall we have a last quick swim?"

Jenny nodded and we dropped our towels and entered the pool. We swam side by side to the other end and then held each other and kissed. I felt Jenny's hand rub my penis and give it a gentle tug before she let go and floated on her back. Her nipples were pointing to the sky and I couldn't resist giving them a quick pinch. Once back at the steps we left the pool and headed for the changing rooms. I wondered at the logic of having gender specific changing rooms when everywhere else men and women were nude together. We separated and after a quick shower I got dressed and waited at the main entrance for Jenny to appear.

It took a while and then she emerged. She was dressed in a short skirt and a white blouse and I thought she looked amazing. She smiled when she saw me and after returning our wristbands we held hands as we walked to the U-bahn station. On the way we stopped for a kebab and a drink and then undertook the 30 minute train ride to my home. It turned out Jenny lives just one stop further on the same line. She told me she shares a flat with Mei and then realized that she'd better call her friend to let her know everything was OK. I listed as they talked and wondered what Mei would make of the fact that Jenny was coming home with me.

As the train pulled into my stop she ended the call and said "Mei not happy."

I nodded and said "Do you want to go home and talk to her? I can take you."

She shook her head "No, she not my mother!"

During the short walk to my flat I asked "How long have you known Mei?"

"I know her from Beijing office, maybe one year. She good friend."

"I hope your friendship won't suffer."

"No, she just jealous! Her boyfriend not here and she miss him." She hesitated a moment and then said "Also, she see your big thing and embarrassed you see her naked."

I must have looked confused as Jenny giggled and said "In changing room she tell me, you too big for Chinese girl, we not same as western woman and it hurt."

"Do you believe that?" I asked.

It was Jenny's turn to look confused, "You are big, not believe! Mei tell me you much bigger than boyfriend and even that hurt first time."

"I meant about Chinese women being different to western women? Anyway, you saw the other men at the sauna today, some are bigger, some are smaller, everyone is different."

Jenny looked thoughtful, "Maybe true Chinese woman smaller here and here." She said indicating her breasts and crotch.

"OK, but there are lots of western women with small bosoms and from what I saw of Mei, hers are quite large!"

Jenny shrugged and I continued "From what I've read, women are very flexible down below. If a baby can fit out, any penis should be able to go in!"

She laughed and said "You study this Jason?"

I blushed and said, "Well, I have no practical experience so I wanted to make sure that if it ever happens I would at least have some knowledge."

"OK, good. I trust you. Just gentle first time."

I felt my penis expand at the casual way she was talking about me taking her virginity and wondered if tonight would be the night. A sudden panic hit as I realised we had no protection. I froze in my tracks and tried to think of where there was an all-night chemist. "What wrong?" asked Jenny.

I blushed "Um, I just realised I have no protection at home."


"Condoms, you know, to stop you getting pregnant."

She stared at me with wide eyes "You think we do it today?"

I felt like a complete idiot. I'd totally misread the situation and her feelings and now she'd think I was just some horny guy trying to get her into bed. I started to apologize and then saw her first smile and then laugh.

She gave me a kiss and I said "Not funny! You really had me fooled."

"So sorry Jason, was joke. I want make love with you tonight."

I pulled her closer and made sure she could feel the hard bulge in my pants. "OK, but I still need to buy some condoms somewhere."

She shook her head "No, it OK. I take pill."

I was surprised and she added "For bleeding problem, better when take pill."

"Oh OK!"

My heart and cock throbbed as I thought of sliding into her without any barriers. I took her hand and pulled her along rapidly. "Jason, you in hurry?"

"Yes, I can't wait any longer!"

She laughed and we sped up, almost running the last few metres. I fumbled with the key and then we took the lift to my floor. We were kissing and holding each other as we stumbled out of the lift and I again fumbled as I opened the door of my flat. Luckily the place wasn't a total mess and when I closed the door and turned on the light, Jenny looked around and seemed impressed.

"It so big! Mei and me only 2 rooms and share bed."

"I was lucky to find this place. It has two bedrooms and a nice living/dining area. Come, let me show you."

We dropped our stuff removed our shoes then I took her hand and showed her the main bedroom, a smaller guest bedroom then the open plan kitchen that led into the living, dining area. There was even a balcony and I showed her the view onto a neighbouring park.

As we stood outside in the dark we held each other and kissed deeply. We were definitely getting better at it and both of us were panting and aroused when we separated. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"Yes, some tea?"

"I have some peppermint, is that OK?"

"Sure, can I use bathroom?"

"Of course."

I showed her to the bathroom and went back to the kitchen to prepare two cups of tea. My hands were shaking with excitement at the thought of what would be happening later and I almost spilled the boiling water as I filled the cups. I heard movement behind me and turned to look. Luckily I wasn't holding anything as I would have dropped it.

Jenny was standing at the entrance to the kitchen. She was naked and looked stunning. Her face and chest were flushed pink and it was the first time I'd seen her with her hair down. It was long and silky, hiding her breasts and nipples behind a dark curtain as it reached down to her waist.

I stared at her in awe, speechless. She gave me an uncertain look and said "You no like?"

I shook my head in a daze and finally found my voice "No, I mean yes, I mean... You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!"

Her expression changed to one of joy and she smiled as we moved to each other and embraced. I wrapped my arms around her slender frame and stroked my hands down her back, letting them glide over the firm but soft globes of her wonderful arse. I never wanted to let go but was forced to when I felt her hands push against my chest. I stepped back and without a word she reached for the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it up. It was clear she wanted to undress me and I raised my arms to help. Once my shirt was off, I reached for the button of my shorts but she brushed my hands aside saying "No, I do it."

My hands dropped to my sides and I watched as she struggled for a moment before she got the button open and then gently lowered the zip over the now prominent bulge. She looked so cute and sexy, biting her lower lip as she concentrated on the task, her hands tugged on the shorts and they slid down my legs, pooling on the floor. All that was left was my underwear and she glanced at my face for a moment, giving me another of her sexy smiles, before she got to work. As she pulled the fabric down, it bent my stiff penis until the elastic moved past its tip. My rock hard organ sprang up with force, giving Jenny a fright. She gasped and then giggled in delight as she watched it bob up and down before it settled in its horizontal position.

My underwear joined my shorts on the floor and I was standing before her in all my glory. This was the closest her face had been to my penis and I could even feel her warm breath on it. She looked up at me with sultry eyes and licked her lips as she moved even closer. I held my breath when she buried her face in my crotch and then moved her lips along the shaft from the root to the tip. My cock was throbbing and jerking and I was worried I was going to explode. At the tip she paused a moment then repeated the action down the other side. "It so strong Jason. I like much."

I tried to speak but only managed a squeak, after clearing my throat I said "Um, thanks."

She smiled and to my delight took my glans into her mouth and gave a brief suck. I could feel her tongue as it flicked around, much like when you lick an ice cream. It felt sensational and I groaned loudly, placing my hands on her shoulders to steady myself. As quickly as it started it ended and Jenny rose to her feet. "We drink tea now, do more later."

I was disappointed it was over, but also a bit relieved as I'd been very close to climaxing. The interruption gave me a chance to regroup and calm down. I turned back to the counter and removed the tea bags from the two cups. My hands were still shaking and Jenny noticed. "You nervous Jason?"

I nodded, "Yes, very, this is so exciting. Sorry."

"No sorry, I like."

We sipped our tea and looked at each other with desire. I wanted to gulp the hot liquid down but knew to do so would probably lead to severe burns in my throat so I just sipped as quickly as I could. It seemed Jenny was doing the same and we both finished our beverages at almost the same time. I took the cups and gave them a quick rinse before taking her hand and pulling her into my bedroom. I didn't turn on the overhead lamp so the room was only illuminated by some light from a streetlamp. "Shall I turn on more light?" I asked.

"No, this romantic."

I led her to the bed and we both sat down next to each other, not quite sure how to proceed. I took her hand and, while looking into her dark eyes, said "Jenny, before we do anything else I want you to know that I'm not just interested in sex, I want a proper long term relationship with you."