Day of Firsts


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She smiled and cried at the same time "Oh yes, you make so happy. I very lonely here and now have boyfriend."

I couldn't help myself and leaned closer giving her a hug. She responded instantly and pulled me closer, I felt her face against mine and her soft hands on my back, it was wonderful. I never wanted this to end but of course it had to. When we released each other I could see her face and chest were flushed and I hoped this was an indication that she'd also enjoyed it.

"So what do you want to do next?" I asked.

"Finish tea then try other things."

I smiled and we both emptied our cups and stood up to leave. I took her hand and she smiled at me as we walked out of the restaurant. "There are many saunas here and also an indoor and outdoor pool."

"You choose."

"Um..." I thought for a moment and then said "I'd like to try the pool but it would mean being naked, are you OK with that?"

She looked a bit unsure and said "Me not swim so good."

I was surprised she was worried about that and no the nudity! "Don't worry, I'm sure it's not deep and I can help you."

She smiled in relief and nodded. I checked the map, and then walking hand in hand we went to the indoor pool first. It was bigger than I expected and I checked the depth indicated on a sign. "The pool is 1m35 deep, so you can stand everywhere."

Jenny smiled and we looked around seeing a towel rack a few metres from the pool steps. We walked towards it, still holding hands. I gulped as I realized we would need to hang our towels here and then walk naked before reaching the pool steps. Jenny must have realized the same thing and we looked at each other. "Um, we need to hang our towels here."

She nodded but I could see she wasn't really comfortable with the idea. "If you want, you can take your towel off by the pool and I will bring it here to hang it up."

My brilliant idea would solve both our problems, it would minimize her exposure and it also meant I had more chance of keeping things under control. Jenny looked relieved and nodded in agreement. We walked back to the pool and she stepped onto the first step. She then looked around to see if anyone was watching. Since no one seemed interested, she quickly whipped of her towel handing it to me. I tried not to look, but was still treated to a wonderful view of her amazing body as she rushed down the remaining steps and then sunk down into the water with only her head showing.

My penis throbbed as I quickly went to the towel rack and hung her towel. I fumbled as I undid my own and went through the lengthy process of unwinding the many layers. When it finally came off, my penis was well on its way to another erection. I spun around and rushed back, quickly entering the water. Jenny had watched the entire spectacle and was laughing into her hand.

"Hey, it's your fault!" I said indignantly but laughing at the same time.

Now that I was in the water I looked around and was glad to see that she'd probably been the only witness. "Sorry but it look very funny."

"It might look funny to you but if someone sees me, I might have to leave."

She stifled her amusement and nodded. I moved closer and said "Is the water OK for you?"

"Yes, it nice."

She was right, it did feel wonderful. "Shall we swim to the other side?"

"You go, I watch."

I swam breaststroke and then switched to a crawl, reaching the other side after about 15 strokes. I turned around and saw Jenny wave, so I swam back to her again.

"You swim good." She said as I stopped besides her.

"I'm OK. It feels great swimming naked, so different to wearing a swimsuit! Do you want to try?"

She nodded and then began to swim in a very odd style of breaststroke. With her head held high and rather uncoordinated strokes she made slow headway, stopping after just a few metres. I'd enjoyed seeing her legs and buttocks and was even happier when she said "It feel good, but you teach me better."

My penis sprang to full hardness at the thought of being so close and touching her, thankfully it was invisible below the water so I wasn't worried I'd be in trouble. I reached her in a few strokes and said, "OK, well first you need to practice your stroke."

She nodded and I showed her how to move her arms correctly. She copied my motion and after a few additional tips it looked like she had it. "Try it again."

She did as I asked and there was already a clear improvement. The biggest problem was her legs and the way she held her head. I moved over to her and said "You are kicking your legs up and down, it's better to move them differently."

She nodded and I said, "Watch my legs as I swim."

I swum away from her and then returned. "Did you see it?"

"Yes, looks like frog."

I laughed and said "Thanks. Anyway, you try it."

She did as I asked but things didn't go quite as well, as her arm and leg movements were not synchronized. I approached her and said, "If you want I can hold you up so that you can practice moving just your legs first."


I swallowed as I moved closer. I wasn't quite sure how to do this best and decided to first try standing in front of her and holding her arms. "I'll hold your arms and you can try kicking."

She extended her slim arms and I took hold of them and said "OK, now".

I was surprised by the strength of her kick and her body shot forwards crashing into me. I lost my balance and tipped backwards pulling her over me as I fell. I spluttered as my head sank below the surface and it took me a moment before I was able to steady myself and stand. As I did so our bodies connected and I felt the hard points of her nipples as they slid over my chest. She grabbed hold of me in a slight panic as she sank lower and then I felt her legs wrap themselves around my waist. Her downward motion came to an end in the nick of time, I could already feel the tickle of her pubic hair on my stiff shaft.

It felt wonderful and I held her tightly, enjoying the sensation of her hard nipples and pubes rubbing against me. Her head was resting on my shoulder and I could feel her warm breath as she breathed deeply. "Are you OK?" I asked.

I felt her nod and heard her say "Yes."

Neither of us made any attempt to separate and we just gently bobbed in the water rubbing against each other. When we heard a splash at the other end of the pool, Jenny's body stiffened and she slowly released her hold on me, lowering her legs at the same time. This made her slide further down and she bumped into my hard cock. It felt great and I could feel her pussy as it slipped over my shaft and then I was prodding her soft tummy with my tip. We stared at each other and smiled, I said "That didn't work very well! Do you want to try something else?"

She nodded and I said "You start to swim and I'll hold you up so you can concentrate on your leg movements."

She turned slightly and began to swim, I moved into position quickly and slipped my arms under her and lifted. My left hand was on her tummy and my right hand cupped a breast. It was pure chance and I hadn't planned for this to happen! Jenny didn't react and I could feel her whole breast pressing against my hand with its very hard nipple poking into my palm. I'd never felt anything similar in my hand and couldn't resist giving it a gentle squeeze. Jenny kicked harder in response and my left hand slipped a bit lower, I could now feel her soft pubic hair brushing against my thumb.

I forced myself to concentrate on helping her swim and walked sideways as she kicked, "lower your head slightly and it'll be easier."

She did as I suggested and instantly began to move faster, her coordination was still a bit off so I said "Try to get your leg and arm movements to match."

At first nothing changed but then she suddenly had it, she was moving quiet swiftly through the water and I was struggling to keep up. To be honest I could have let her go and things would have been fine but I was enjoying the experience and the touch so much I just didn't want it to end. With her improved stroke and kick her buoyancy also bettered and soon, with a little help from my hands, her lovely round arse cheeks were breaking the surface. God, this girl had it all! The smooth white globes clenched and unclenched as her legs scissored and I found the sight hypnotic.

The time had come and I said "Jenny, I'm going to let go now, just keep doing what you're doing."

She nodded and I reluctantly dropped my hands and pulled back my arms. She continued on without any assistance and made quick time to the edge of the pool. She stood and turned beaming in delight. I clapped and said "Well done! You've got it."

She laughed and pushed off from the wall swimming towards me. I watched her progress and was surprised by how quickly her swimming had improved. Within moments she was upon me and wrapped herself around my body again, this time giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before letting go. "Thank you so much Jason!"

"My pleasure, you're a great student!"

"Can you teach more?" she asked.

"Sure, how about backstroke?"

"What backstroke?"

I wanted to give her a demonstration but realised my erection would be very visible, just like a shark's fin! "It's swimming on your back."

"Oh, OK. Show me!"

I blushed and lowered my voice "I can't really show you because I'm still hard and it will show."

She wrinkled her brow in confusion and then suddenly smiled as she understood my predicament. She glanced around and said "No one here and I like."

I gulped and took a quick look to be sure she was right. I couldn't see anyone so, taking a deep breath I let myself float on my back. As expected my cock pooped up like a periscope and I heard Jenny giggle in delight. I ignored her reaction and demonstrated the strokes before rolling over and swimming back to her.

She had a cheeky smile on her face and I just loved her naughty expression. "Can steering with that?" she said nodding in the direction of my crotch.

I laughed "So cheeky! Do you want to try it?"

"What cheeky?"


She laughed and said "I try, but never swim on back before."

"OK, then we'll just start with floating on your back. Stand up straight then lean back and just let yourself go."

She stood up properly for the first time and I was treated to a close up view of her fantastic breasts, water was streaming down them with individual drops forming on the tips of her incredibly long nipples before succumbing to gravity and dropping into the pool. I was mesmerized and continued to stare until I heard her clear her throat. I looked up and she was frowning at me. Shit, I'd been caught ogling her boobs like a pervert and was about to apologize when her expression changed to a smile. "You really like?"

I nodded and licked my lips. Jenny's smile widened and she thrust her chest out proudly. There were a few people walking past the pool now and we could see them glance over at her. She didn't seem to care and even wiggled her shoulders slightly. I grinned at her new confidence and found I loved the fact that she was being seen by strangers. "OK, OK, enough of that! If you don't stop I won't be able to concentrate on your lesson."

She pouted in mock sadness and then leaned back. I quickly stepped forwards and helped her raise her legs by placing my left hand on her bottom and lifting, while my right hand slipped under her neck. Her arse felt as good as it looked! Soft, smooth and not at all flabby. She seemed slightly stiff so I said "Just relax and let yourself float, don't worry I won't let you go under."

Her posture loosened and the natural buoyancy of the water lifted her up. I was staring down at her totally nude form spread out before me. The twin cones of her breasts thrusting up proudly and topped by nipples long enough to poke an eye out. Further down, her flat tummy led to the triangle of wet hair, divided by the largish light brown lips I'd previously seen in the shower. I stared at it all in awe and noticed details I hadn't noticed previously, there was a small mole, just below her belly button and at the apex of her pussy lips I could see a small tubular nub that must be her clitoris. Its tip was pink and it was protruding from its sheath, looking a bit like a tiny penis.

I was sure this hadn't been visible earlier and my cock throbbed as I realised she was as aroused as I was. I felt like I would explode with the slightest stimulation and, despite being in the water, felt a hot flush pass through my body. "Um, I'm going to let go now. Just stay as you are and move your legs and arms a bit if you feel like you're sinking."

"OK" was her response and I withdrew my hands. She wobbled a bit but quickly stabilized and smiled as she realised she was floating on her own. After a few minutes of this she gained confidence and moved her arms and legs vigorously, propelling herself through the water. A group of young men were walking past the pool and I saw them stare at Jenny with unhidden interest. Again, instead of feelings of jealousy I was so aroused that I couldn't resist touching my penis underwater and giving it a good stroke. It was enough to push me over the edge and I grunted silently as my sperm shot explosively into the pool.

All too soon it was over and I was mortified at my behaviour. Thankfully, no one had noticed and I took a deep breath and swam towards Jenny. "It looks like you're enjoying yourself!"

She turned towards me and said "It wonderful, I never think swimming could be so fun."

She lowered her legs and added "Thank you so much Jason."

I blushed and said "You don't need to thank me, this has been the best day of my life because of you!"

I could see my statement had and affect as she was almost moved to tears again. "We should probably get out of the water soon, my hands are looking like prunes!"

She looked at her own hands and seeing the same wrinkly skin at the tips of her fingers she laughed and said something in Chinese. I loved the sound of her voice when she spoke her native tongue and we both swam towards the pool steps. She was keeping up with me and smiling all the way. When we reached the steps I could see a few people milling about and lying on the loungers around the pool. I said "Do you want me to get your towel?"

She considered it a moment and then said "No, I come with you."

I smiled at her and felt her reach over and take my hand. We walked out of the pool together and I felt so proud to be holding onto this beautiful girl. I looked over at her smiling and saw she was staring at my crotch. I looked down and could see my penis was still somewhat enlarged but was now flaccid and swinging loosely as I walked. We let go of each other when we reached the rack and each retrieved our towels. To my surprise she didn't wrap herself in it and just dabbed her face gently to dry it off. I emulated her and then said "Shall we take a look outside?"


She draped the towel over her shoulder as I'd done previously and then took my hand again as we walked outside. I could feel many eyes on us and wondered if her being an Asian was attracting more attention than usual. I didn't mind it, quite the contrary, I found it stimulating and hoped Jenny felt the same. We blinked as we stepped into the bright sunshine and looked at the wonderful grounds. It was actually a small park with lawns, a natural pond and large trees providing shade. There was also an area where people were playing badminton and of course the outdoor pool.

"What would you like to do?"

"Maybe look around and rest some?"


We headed off, both enjoying the feeling of soft grass under our feet. Like indoors, people seemed more interested in observing us than many of the others wandering around in the nude. In my mind there were only three possible explanations, one Jenny being Chinese, the second her incredible beauty and the third a combination of the first two. She didn't seem to notice or mind the attention and made no attempt to cover herself. I kept my eyes off her as much as possible and was glad I'd gotten some release in the pool earlier. As we passed a pair of sun loungers in the shade of a giant oak tree, Jenny said "We rest here later? Sun not good for skin."

I nodded and reserved the chair with my towel, Jenny did the same and then we continued our tour of the grounds without a stitch of fabric. We paused briefly to watch a young couple playing badminton, they were both fit and tanned and it was amusing, as well as rather arousing, to watch as the generous breasts and bottom of the girl and long thin penis of her partner bounced about as they attempted to keep the shuttlecock in play. "Do you play badminton?" I asked.

Jenny nodded "Yes, I quite good at university."

"I'm not great, but if you want we can try a game when they're finished?"

She smiled and nodded "Yes, I like very much."

Our walk took us to the pond, which was home to numerous ducks. It felt great to be in the fresh air and unclothed but it was clear that Jenny didn't like being in direct sunlight. On the way back we passed the outdoor pool and couldn't resist a quick dip to cool down. Jenny tried her new swimming skills and, with just a little help from me, she was doing really well. Refreshed, we left the pool and went back to the loungers where we'd left our towels. We lay down and did some people watching while we relaxed.

At some point, the couple we'd seen playing badminton passed and nodded in greeting. I checked and saw no one was playing, "Do you want to play some badminton, it's available now."

"OK, let's go!"

I stood up and extended my hand, helping Jenny to her feet. See kept hold of me and we walked to the badminton area, which was luckily in the shade. I grabbed the rackets and a shuttlecock and we began to play. I'm not great at this sport at the best of times and being distracted by a beautiful naked Chinese girl did nothing to improve my game. Jenny was laughing at me and in my defence I said "I'm not usually this bad but seeing you jumping about naked makes it really difficult to concentrate!"

She laughed but I could tell she was happy with my excuse. She started to make matters worse by purposely teasing. Things really got out of hand when, while facing away from me, she bent over at the waist and remained like that for far longer than necessary, even wiggling her bottom a bit. The sight of her perfect arse, splitting open to reveal her pussy and her tiny pink asshole, was just too much and I felt my penis begin to lengthen and stiffen.

I looked away in panic and tried to concentrate on other things, doing maths and other brain teasers to take my mind off her. Luckily, no one was close by and the distraction helped a bit. So lost was I in my thoughts, I didn't even notice Jenny serve and just stood there looking into the bushes. She realised something was wrong and came to my side of the net. I only noticed her presence when I felt her hand on my shoulder and heard her ask "You OK Jason?"

I blushed and said "Not really, seeing you like that is causing me problems!" and nodding towards my crotch.

She giggled and said "I like see it big!"

"That's nice, but I will get in trouble."

"Sorry, you want to stop play?"

"It's probably better, let's go back to the chairs."

We covered the distance without incident despite my penis protruding more than it should have. It was even more obvious when I lay on my back so I adjusted the angle of the backrest, setting it to a more upright position. When sitting almost vertically, my penis extended between my legs and, thanks to its downward curve, let me get away with having a boner almost unnoticed.

Jenny of course did notice and made no secret of the fact. Her staring at my throbbing organ just made things worse and I could see she was also affected. Her nipples were a darker shade of brown and seemed ever longer than before. When she lay on her back, I could see her clitoris peeking out and even some wetness between her legs that could be sweat but which I preferred to think were her juices.