Fingerprints on My Heart


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His weight, his strength, he's so big on me, above me, his thrusts sink his cock to the hilt inside me, drive me down into my mattress. My bed squeaks and somewhere in the back of my mind I'm relieved that it hasn't collapsed because he's not being gentle with me. He's taking me. We're not making love. He's fucking me and I want him to fuck me. I tell him that.

"Yes," I hear myself sob, "yes ... yes ... fuck me ... fuck me ..."

He does.

It's so good.

"Uughhh." I'm beyond words, I groan as he thrusts into me, hard. His body slaps up against mine, my hands clutch at his back, my head arches back, my feet kick upwards towards the ceiling of my bedroom. There's no thought, no words, there's nothing in my mind beyond sensation and emotion and the sheer joy of being taken by him. This is so much better than anything I've ever fantasized about.

"Uugghhh .... Uggghhh ... huuuuhhhh...." He drives the breath from me with every movement. I'm sheened with sweat, his body slides wetly on mine, my breasts are crushed beneath his chest, deliciously harsh friction as he strains against me.

He's holding me tight, one arm under my shoulders, half supporting his weight, his other hand roams over my hip, my thigh, touching me everywhere and he's fucking me the way he wants to fuck me. He's enjoying me, enjoying fucking me, I look into his eyes, I see his face and there's nothing there but his desire for me, his need, his want and I know that for him, right now, it's all about me.

My body under his, taut and hot against him, my thighs cradling him, my cunt slickly clasping his cock as he slides himself in and out of me and he's using me, fucking me, reveling in what his cock is experiencing as he has me and I want to be everything to him. Everything in the world and I cross my ankles behind his back and i squeeze him tight, I clasp him in me as he moves.

"Fuck me," I wail, arching my back beneath him, tightening myself on him, "do me do me do me do it to me do it in me ..." and he does.

His cock throbs, pulses, pumps. He groans, throwing his head back, body arching, driving into me as his cum spurts out once more, deep inside me, my cunt welcoming his fluid eruption, milking him as she fills me with his semen and if anything there's more than there was last night. He cums and cums and cums and its like a volcano is erupting inside me, flooding me, filling me and I want it. I want it all, every drop of his cum and he gives it to me. He gives me all of it until he's done.

"Nick," I moan, "Nick...oh Nick." I'm glowing. Sobbing for breath. His face radiates his satisfaction and I smile even as I'm sobbing for breath, knowing I've been good for him. Knowing he's enjoyed this with me. Knowing he's enjoyed making love to me.

I lie beneath him, cradling his weight on me, our bodies slippery with our intermingled sweat, my hands continue stroking his back and his shoulders. His head lowers, it rests on my pillow beside me, his breath hot against my ear. His cock is still inside me and even softening, even after our love-making is over, it feels so good within me. I want to keep him here, with me. His body on mine feels so good, so wonderful. I'm glowing in the aftermath of my climax, happy now, content, elated even, his cum is inside me, he's had me again and I know this isn't just a crush anymore. This isn't a crush and right now, in this moment in time, he's all mine and I'm his.

"Fuck," he breathes heavily. He's panting, his weight heavy on me, his body no longer straining against mine. He's limp now, relaxed, the tension gone from his muscles, his desire sated.

For now but, I hope, not for long because I want this again. My hands run down his back as my feet fall sideways to rest on the bed we lie on. I'm slippery with sweat and so is he, both of us are soaked, even my hair is wet. My sheet is wet beneath me.

"Oh fuck, Kylie ... oh fuck ... you're such a hot little fuck, girl." He lifts his head. He smiles. "I want to fuck you again." He kisses me lengthily. A slow gentle kiss that has me moaning into his mouth.

"God, Kylie, my cock wants to use that little cunt of yours again already."

My unseen smile fades away, taking my elation and joy with it. That glowing physical satisfaction remains but its tears that trickle from the corners of my eyes. I'd give everything for him to be really mine but he's not going to be. Not ever. He's married and for him, I'm a casual fling, a hot fuck, a tight little cunt for his cock to find satisfaction in, a quickie on the side. He's using me, I'm something to amuse himself with and to enjoy. I know that now and I drink the bitter tears of despair as I realize that for me it's not that at all. Not anymore.

I'd thought that this crush was something I could indulge, that I could have some casual fun with him and walk away but now I know I was so wrong. It's not just a crush, not for me and its agony because I know there's no going back to yesterday. I can't undo what I've done and there's no strength in me to say no to him after this. Not anymore. He's taken my body. He's had me. His fingerprints are all over my heart. Imprinted on my heart. My hands stroke his back, tenderly. Lovingly. The muscles beneath his skin, the smooth symmetry of his back as he lies on me, the pressure of his body on mine, intimate, shared.

He raises his head at last, his nose brushes mine. His lips brush mine. He's smiling. I smile back, holding him tightly now. Clinging to him. Not wanting to let him go. His smile is one of desire satisfied and somehow I sense his emotions. He's had me and he's satisfied with that. He's taken my virginity and that pleases him. He's conquered me and that boosts his ego. He's used me and he knows that. Oh, how he's used me and I feel his satisfaction.

His smile as he looks down at me is the smile of the victor, the smile of the conqueror to whom a girl has surrendered her most precious possession. My smile, mine is the smile of the willing sacrifice, the virgin on the altar of love. I've given him everything I had to surrender, he's accepted my willing offering, taken from me what can never be offered again and soon he'll go back to his wife. He may not forget me, but he won't be with me.

Soon he'll be gone. All too soon.

But for now at least, I can pretend to myself that he's mine. For this moment in time where we're together, he is mine and I'm his. In this moment in time, I'll always be his. Now and forever, regardless of what the future brings, I know that this night and this morning have been a special time for me, a time that will remain forever engraved in my memories to the day I die. He doesn't need to know that. For him, I'm just a girl he's fucked. I'm sure he's enjoyed taking my virginity, being the first man to take me, the look on his face tells me that but I know it doesn't mean as much to him as it does to me.

I wished it did, but I know it doesn't and really, it doesn't matter now. It's too late for regrets. He's been my first man and I love him, but he doesn't love me and I'm saddened to realize that he won't be my last. I know that and I'm sad because as I lie beneath him I find myself wishing now that it was different, that this was as special for him as it is for me. His hand brushes my hair back from my forehead, his lips taste my sweat and my tears where they're intermingled.

"A shower together," he smiles, "and then I'm going to fuck you again before I take you out for lunch." He grins. "I'd like to fuck your ass again but I figured you might be too sore so maybe your ass can wait until next time." He kisses me again. His kisses are sweet wine, I want more of them, more than he can possibly give me. Sore or not, if having my ass couple keep him with me, I'd offer my ass up willingly. "I guess I better head off home after that." He grins. "Or maybe I can fuck you one more time?"

I smile. On the surface, it's a happy smile, only, beneath that surface, sadness lurks. "You can take me home with you if you like."

How I want him to do that. I don't mind at all if he shares me with Natasha. I'd sleep at the foot of their bed, I'd sleep at their feet, just so's I could be there for him whenever he wanted me. I don't mind if he has her, I'd be willing to wait for whatever she leaves for me.

I would.

"I'd like that," he says, his nose touching mine. "But I'm married."

"I can be your concubine or something," I say wistfully, wishing I could be, knowing that's not something that will ever happen. Not here and now. "You can have me whenever you want me." God, you could even fuck my ass whenever you want to if that would keep you with me, but I don't tell him that because I know it wouldn't make any difference. He's not leaving his wife for me.

He smiles. "Well, Natasha does say I'm too demanding when it comes to sex."

"You can be as demanding as you like with me," I say. "Do whatever you want to me." Fuck my ass if you want to. Even that I'll do willingly. For Nick. For his love.

"I'd like that," he says, and now he's kissing me harder. Oh my god. I can feel his cock. He's getting harder again. He's still in me and I can feel him. He hasn't even eased himself out of me and now his cock is swelling and stiffening within me and my toes are curling with excitement at the urgency of his whisper in my ear. "I want you again, Kylie, I want to fuck you again, right now."

He kisses me. It's a long kiss, a gentle kiss, our breath intermingling, our bodies still intertwined, pressed together so that he's still a part of me. He's taken my body, his fingerprints are all over my heart, now he's stealing my soul and in a moment he's going to fuck me all over again. He's big and hard inside me already. He's ready to fuck me and I want him to.

"My cock wants to fuck that that little cunt of yours, Kylie," he breathes.

"You can do anything you want to me," I whisper, wishing he'd tell me that he loves me. Even if it was a lie, I'd be so happy to hear him say that. But even without those words, I'm his and I know he knows that. It's as if he's seen into my soul and he knows I'm his. Or is it that I'm here and I'm willing and he's not even thinking about it? I have no idea. "Anytime at all."

I'm clinging to him, knowing my words come from my heart. He can and I know it's too late for me to do anything other than surrender myself completely to him. I'm lost. It's too late for me, all I can do is give him whatever he wants from me. The pain will come later, after he's left me, after he's gone home to his wife.

"Use me," I breathe. "I want your cock to use me .... Use my cunt...."

My words excite him as I know they will. Already I know how to excite him. I know what he wants from me and it's not my love, it's my body. I can see his face as I speak, sense his reaction, the reaction of his mind and his body. The desire. The need. The sudden urgency. He doesn't want to love me, he wants to use me. He does. Rigid, engorged, filling me inside, he begins to move, long gentle sides that hold me enthralled. Transfixed. If only he loved me, this would be paradise.

He's fucking me again, every movement pleasure, his body on mine, making me his and there's nothing in this world I want more than for this to go on and on forever. I know it won't, but I want it to. My pleasure soars again with every movement of his cock inside me, with every touch of his body against mine. In this moment, he's mine and mine alone and if that's all I can have, I'll take it.

His lips brush mine. He's taking me and I'm his. He's fucking me and I'm his to fuck. My heart flutters like a bird's. For a moment, before I stop thinking, the only thought that fills my mind is one of regret, of knowing that nothing will come of this for me but heartbreak and pain, but then I stop thinking. All that's left is him and me and his body and mine and my complete surrender to him and the exquisite urgency of what he's doing to me.

My bed squeaks and groans beneath us. He groans with the pleasure of taking me. I moan with the pleasure of being taken. It's the nearest thing to heaven that I've ever known and I want it so very much and in this moment, here and now, I forget everything but him and what he's doing with me. In this moment with him, I have everything that I want. Everything of him but his love.

It's Saturday morning, it's April the first and in a flashing moment of clarity I know I'm an April Fool for doing this with him. He moves on me, moves inside me, his cock slides within me, his cock uses my cunt the way he wants to use me, the way I too want him to use me and it's so very good.

It's heaven.

He kisses me, he caresses me, he smiles down into my eyes and he's happy and I no longer care that I'm being used. I no longer care about anything except the sheer joy and pleasure of what's happening to me in this moment.

Maybe later, when he's finished with me. When he's done using me. When he's sated and satisfied. When we've parted. When he's gone home to his wife and kids and I'm alone again. Then I'll care. Then I'll tell myself I'm a fool. Then I'll tell myself that he's using me. Then the teardrops will once more trickle down my cheeks. But that will be afterwards. That will be after he's finished doing what he's doing to me now.

He'll be gone but the fingerprints he leaves on my heart will remain.

"Ohhh," I moan as he takes me hard. "Ohhh ...ohhh Nick."

He feels so very good in me. Again. Again. Again.

Afterwards? I know I'll feel like I've been used.

That'll be afterwards though. Not now.

Now? I'm enthralled as he has me.

I'm utterly and completely his.

I love him so much, I know.

And now it's too late.

It's not a crush.

Not anymore.

April fool.

* * *

...And when the day is thru

I think of only you

I sit alone and dream

And think of things we didn't do

Now I am all alone

And as the teardrops start

I feel the fingerprints

That you left on my heart...

Fingerprints on my Heart, Patsy Cline

* * *

And a final and very SHORT note from Chloe:Once again, and as always, thank you so very much for reading this - I do hope you enjoyed. And okay, also as always, just one tiny little request. Unlike books you pay for, these stories are free and this one was written for the April Fools Day competition and your ratings are my food - so I do have one and only one request -- see those rating stars below? If you enjoyed this story and you want to encourage me to write more, take five seconds extra to pick one for this story and feed me. That's it. That's all I ask.

All you readers on Literotica, you're a great audience for a wannabe writer and I love writing for you all ... What can I say. You're the best and you all reading, rating and commenting on my stories is the biggest motivation there is for writing them! If you liked this one and you want to read more of my stories, just click on my LIT userid.... there's 35 of my stories on LIT right now and more coming ... even if they do come a bit too slowly for me (and for many of you from my feedback) sometimes ... Chloe

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thomaso98thomaso983 months ago

Loved your story. So sexy and descriptive. Looking forward to reading some of your other stories.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Gosh, wow. Your fingerprints are all over me now; erotic, superbly written and with insight. Fingerprints on my mind not just my body. This was not a long story to read, it was a fabulous story to read. I now have a crush on Kylie, and on someone who can write like this.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Thank you Chloe! Writing that expresses emotional insights like this requires at least a little experience. You can't make that up. True, many men would experience the satisfaction of conquest, however there are those, trust me, who will go home and weep. Your fingerprints are forever on their heart too. I'm not sure which is more painful: an unconsummated love, or regret and overwhelming loneliness.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very good story. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

OMG Chloe, your female characters come to life under your skilful pen. Your descriptions of them are so exquisite they melt my heart as much as they arouse me. I am caught up in their ecstasy and I want to give them comfort and I can't believe I'm telling you this. You are the best writer. You are equally good at describing, no, depicting the emotions and the physical enjoyment of sex.

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