Forever Yours Ch. 08


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"He betrayed me," He said softly his voice quiet. Too quiet he didn't know whether his family heard him.

"Who has betrayed you?" His mother asked as she rubbed his back to calm him. "Tell me who did this to you so that I can teach him a lesson."

Marcos' pain turned to a headache and it was such a splitting headache that he felt the veins in his head pumping.

"Ramon has betrayed me," He cried softly. "He fucking cheated on me." He said as he suddenly felt a swing of anger rushing through him. "I fucking gave him everything and he was going around fucking with men in my hotel." He shouted.

"Wait, son." His mother let go of him and he could see the shocking surprise on her beautiful face. "I am sure there is a mix up somewhere. The Ramon I know cannot do that. He is a good boy."

"Yeah," Barry agreed with an equal shock on his face. "That boy loves you a lot."

"No, he doesn't love me." Marcos yelled. He failed to understand where he got the energy to yell. "That boy betrayed me, Dan knows about this." Marcos looked at Dan with his blood red eyes. "Dan you know this. Tell them and make them understand."

Dan was gazing him at him as if he wasn't ready to talk. He was looking not certain and his eyes could be read.

"Dude, I don't know. It was just a call. We can't confirm that from a call."

"It isn't just a call. Someone sent me a video this afternoon and it was the truth." Marcos cried. "If you still don't believe me, I can show you the video."

"No, son," His father said as if he was hurt. "We don't need to see anything. I can see from your state that you are actually telling the truth."

"I believe you son," His mother said as she rubbed his tears. "But I will not believe it is the truth until I speak to Ramon tomorrow."

"Are you trying to say that I am lying?" Marcos asked in a chiding tone.

"No, son but Ramon is a very good boy and he wouldn't be able to do that."

Marcos had no idea what that statement meant but it was like his mother was defending Ramon, hurting him in the process. Wasn't his word enough for his mother to believe?

"How could he do this to me?" Marcos cried. "It hurts so much, mom. I feel like my heart has been killed. I trusted him a lot and he took me for granted. He has killed me."

All the people in the house were just looking at him and some of them were already tearful and some were sobbing. He didn't want to see his family in that state and Ramon was the one to be blamed. Not only had he hurt Marcos but his family as well. If he saw him, God help Marcos he would hurt Ramon for causing so much pain in the family.

Marcos drowned in his own loss and his own pain. No one else could feel the pain that he was feeling but they were hurt really bad. Marcos broke down and cried a lot. No one was consoling him because they knew that the only way he would be able to feel any better is if he cried it out. It was such a painful state to watch and all of them got emotional seeing him broken down like that.

"Dan, please take him to his room and take care of him." Barry said with pain of seeing his brother like that.

"Ramon," Olivia sighed. "I am sure that there is a problem somewhere,"

"Face it mom," Madison shouted. "Your son is hurt and you are concerned about Ramon? What has that boy done to you that you chose him over your son?"

Marcos' mother had not come into terms that Ramon would ever do that to Marcos. Marcos didn't care what she thought about what he had told her but he knew that Ramon was a devil in disguise and had used him to get what he wanted. But he was going to move on and he promised himself. All this love he felt in his heart would be erased and he was going to do anything to forget Ramon and his betrayal.

Dan slowly opened the door while holding him and he laid him on the bed. Dan slowly removed all his clothes and put him in pajamas like a little child. He put him under the covers and was about to leave before Marcos grabbed his hand.

"Can I ask you for something?" He asked softly.

"Anything," Dan nodded.

"Can you sleep here with me?" Marcos asked softly. "I just need you to be my side."

"I don't know." Dan sighed. "Maybe you need to be.........."

"Please," Marcos begged.

Dan nodded and he got into the covers with Marcos. Marcos needed to be with his friend. He didn't want him to leave him alone. He at least made him feel a little better. Maybe if he had chosen Dan, he wouldn't have been hurt so much.

"Thank you so much."

By the time he felt himself getting sleepy, Dan was massaging his head and it made some pain go away and he drifted off to sleep.


Ramon slowly opened his eyes to feel the warm embrace of his brother's arms. He was holding him so tightly that he felt warm and wanted to stay like that forever. He didn't know how he got into bed and he was wearing different, clean clothes. His face was hurting and so was his heart but he didn't move. He just wished for the pain to go away for good so that he could live his life better.

He was still hopeful that he might get the chance to talk to Marcos and straighten things up with him and their relationship would go back to the way it was.

He slowly moved and Eduardo opened his eyes and was now staring at him. He didn't say anything but the eyes were telling him something, Eduardo was still hurt. Ramon had no idea what to say to his brother. He couldn't even put up his daily morning smile.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Eduardo asked in a hoarse voice. "You passed out yesterday and I hope you are fine."

Ramon just put up a fake smile which was accompanied by a tear. He quickly rubbed it and got up as he was welcomed by a pain in his ass. It wasn't as painful as the day before as it was that morning. He didn't want to alarm his brother so he tried to walk properly but the pain got worse that his eyes watered.

Ramon slowly got out of the room and found his father in the living room lost in thought. He wondered why his family had been dragged into all this. If he could take the pain his father felt, he would inflict it on himself. He just stood there looking at his father which brought tears to him. If only his mother had been around, she would have been the strength of everyone. Even the person who made the whole house brighten up was also affected.

"Hey, son," His father said snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Come here. Let me prepare breakfast for you." His father said trying to hide the tear that was about to fall.

Ramon painfully went and sat on the chair which made his whole body respond weakly. He sat on the chair and waited for breakfast which he was sure he was not going to have.

"You whore!" He heard Marcos' voice in his head. "You whore!"

It felt like those words had been spoken to him a few seconds ago. They were still fresh and they were still sharp too. He couldn't stay like that, he needed to speak to Marcos so that he could beg him and get him to understand. He took a glance at the clock and it was and he couldn't wait. He had to speak to his boyfriend and get him to hear his side of the story.

Maybe Marcos had just been angry the previous night and that had been the reason why he had hit him like that. He took a decision there and then. He couldn't afford to lose Marcos. Not after being in love with him deeply and everything that has happened between them. Their relationship couldn't end that way. It was stronger than anything else.

Ramon looked in the kitchen at his father who was busy and he slowly got up and began moving towards the door even though his ass was sore. He slowly opened the door and got out. He raised his face and saw a car coming towards their house. It was one of the cars at Marcos' house. Seeing the car warmed him up and he smiled. Maybe Marcos had realized his mistake and came to apologize.

Ramon started heading towards the car, forgetting his pain. He felt relieved that Marcos had come for him. The car stopped and he saw that it was not Ramon. It was Dan and Marcos' mother. She was coming towards him giving him a smile that warmed his heart. He wanted to give her hug. Maybe she understood his pain, being a woman and all.

"Hey Ramon," She chuckled as she came near. She was in a good mood and Ramon had no idea why.

"Mother," He said softly.

She looked behind as if there was someone behind her before she chuckled again.

"Are you talking to me?" She asked still with a smile. "I have no relationship with you. Just look at me," She slowly turned around with grace and poise in her designer's clothes and bag. "Do I look like we are related? Or do I look like your wretched deceased mother?"

That painful sentence was sharp enough to hurt anyone. This woman had no right to insult his mother. He would allow her to say whatever she wanted to him because she was probably hurt but insulting his mother was something that he didn't allow anyone to do, even if it meant apologizing to him.

"My mother is dead but please don't insult her." He begged. "I am ready to be insulted but don't involve my mother."

"Then don't call me mother." She said softly as if she had suddenly turned into an angel. "I have people that are qualified to call me mother for instance," She paused and held Dan on his shoulder. "Dan here is qualified."

What was she trying to say? Did this mean that she suddenly wanted Dan for her son because of a simple misunderstanding? Ramon was confused but he was going to find an answer to that question and he knew whom to give him.

"Sorry for this but I like to boast about my victory to my rival, in this case, our rival." She laughed

"I don't understand," He said softly. "What do you mean by that?"

"How do I put this?" She said as she looked in the sky as if she was thinking about something. "Ever heard of a saying keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer?"

The woman was just confusing him with all this talk and he was just having difficulties understanding her.

"I have heard of that before but what has that got to do with what is happening between me and Marcos?" He asked curiously.

"It has everything to do with what is happening." Dan laughed as if he was teasing him.

"I like to stare in the face of my enemies when I defeat them." Marcos' mother laughed. Ramon was still confused. He had no idea where all this was going.

"I don't understand anything. You are speaking in riddles and it is just confusing me. I just want you to help me to speak to Marcos and............."

"And what," Dan shouted. "Beg him to take you back. Nothing like that is ever going to happen. You have been defeated and you just have to accept it."

Accept it? Ramon was getting nothing out of these two. He thought they had come to help him out owing to the fact that he had become so close to them.

"What do you mean by defeat?" He asked with a confused voice and face.

"Do you think whatever happened to you was an accident?" Marcos' mother asked with a look that said it all. Could she have set that trap?

"We were the ones that did it." Dan laughed. "Did you actually think that we accepted defeat and let you reap where you did not sow?"

"It was all part of our plan." Marcos' mother laughed with evil in her voice.

Ramon felt weak and his heart just broke there in front of those two. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Tears were now pouring down his face.

"What?" He said as tears fell on his cheeks.

"You heard it right." Marcos' mother said as she came closer. "Normally I would have left you without confessing but this war was just too great to be left silent. After all, my son resents you so much."

Ramon was finding it hard to breathe as he felt a short supply of air. His whole body was weeping. He had been battered and it was because of those two people. How could they have done this to him? His whole skin was being ripped from his body and he could feel it. His heart was being squeezed out of his chest and it was hurting real bad. He could feel his heart aching for real that he touched his chest and struggled to breathe.

"Oh, mother," Dan squeaked. "Look at him. I think he's about to die."

"No, he shouldn't die." Olivia teased. "I haven't even narrated my great plan to him."

Ramon was finding it hard to breathe. His head was about to explode and there were veins on his face. His heart was hurting so fucking badly.

"Anyway, here is how we planned it all." Marcos' mother said softly as she knelt in front of him.

"Six months ago, my son threatened to leave me, his own mother. My son has never disobeyed me and for the first time he did and it was because of you." She yelled furious in his face. "I knew that I would lose my son if I didn't do anything to stop him from leaving the house. So thanks to my brain, I was able to think of a plan then and there." She got up and started moving around him.

Her movements just made things worse as Ramon could feel his short breathes becoming shorter and painful. His chest was like something huge had been dropped on it.

"So I thought of what to do. I knew that I would lose my son unless I pretended to like you so I told him I would accept you." She added. "But of course it wouldn't have been possible without my two actors. I winked at Dan and Madison and they took the signal and also acted like the way I did. I promised my son that I would apologize to you, which I did." She spat irritably. "I have never been so embarrassed in my life like the way I was embarrassed that day I apologized at the hotel." She sighed irritably. "Me Olivia Martinez, a well known rich and classy lady apologized to a boy who is nothing. A low life like......... you who cannot even measure up to a dog." She shouted.

Ramon was probably hearing the worst words anyone has ever told him before. Olivia was telling him that a dog was better than him.

"I was so humiliated but it was all for my son." She continued. "I might have apologized but there was never a day when I didn't wish I could strangle your neck and end your life. But of course, I had to play it cool, show you that I loved and cared. For six months we planned everything carefully. But we had to earn Marcos' trust and so we lay low for as long as we could. I did my best to show that I loved you so much." She chuckled and Ramon could swear that he heard the devil's voice in her. "Am I great actress or what? I think I deserve an award for this."

Ramon had no strength left anymore. His whole world had crushed and he felt foolish for being fooled all these months.

"I endured the humiliation, the embarrassment and the torture of hugging and touching...." She made one of those irritating voice. "....You. I feel like puking right now when I remember that these hands actually touched your disgusting body." She shouted roughly after a chuckle. "After making sure that both you and Marcos really trusted us, we decided it was time to hit things up between you two and you would be the one to break his heart."

This woman was evil. How could she do that to her own son who showed her nothing but love? And to Ramon who gave her the respect of a mother. She had pretended for six months. They had all deceived them.

"And that was when Toby Dunphy stepped in." She laughed. "By the way, that's not his real name. We hired him to pose as a business man but he's just a goon. He came to the hotel and mentioned your name and you fell for it. Our plan was to spike your drink so that he could do away with you. There was another man in the room who was recording you and that was the guy we used to call Marcos to inform him that you have been cheating on him."

Ramon was there gasping for air while this crazy evil woman narrated the story of what she had to him. He wanted to shout at her so that she could shut that fucking cunt she was using to talk to him but he couldn't find his voice due to the pain he was feeling.

"He was such a great actor and I give him my hand for that." Both Olivia and Dan laughed. "A goon pretended to be such a nice guy and you fell for it. Maybe you trusted us more than we thought." She said inflicting more pain on him. "The drug you were given was just to make you unaware of your environment. In your mind, you were unconscious but the truth was that you were just so weak. We made him rape you while a guy in the room recorded it. They edited it as soon as possible and sent it to Marcos." She said with a sigh of irritation. "And it actually worked judging from the bruises on your face."

She began laughing while Dan knelt down and came to his ear.

"By the way," Dan whispered. "We chose a guy who had the biggest cock we could find so that he could inflict pain. He was straight but he sure violated your ass after he had recorded you."

Ramon just wanted to die right there. These people actually confirmed to him that he had been brutally raped. He could feel it from the pain that was in his ass every time he made a movement. He was so in pain that every breath was torture.

"So you see Ramon," Dan said wryly. "You may have won the battle but you have lost the war."

Ramon was still struggling to breath but he took one deep breath in and exhaled loudly. He was able to breathe again but the pain was too much. He needed to ask questions. He raised his wet face and saw them turning to leave.

"Why...why....why did you do this to me?" He stuttered as more tears flowed. "I love your son and he was happy with me. How could you hurt him like this?"

Marcos' mother laughed like an evil witch before she answered him.

"Love," She laughed wildly. "I don't care whether he was in love but what I do know is that I cannot allow my son to fall in love with a no body." She chuckled. "That's right, you are a no body and you will be a no body for as long as you live." She sighed irritably. "And as for hurting my son, he will never know that his mind, you are the one who had hurt him."

"He will forget about you in a flush," Dan said wryly. "...and he will fall in love with the one person that will be there for him, me."

Both Marcos' mother and Dan laughed making Ramon's pain maximize.

"I will never let you get away with it." He cried. "I will tell Marcos the truth and we will prove that our love is deep."

"Go ahead," Marcos' mother said as she pointed her finger at him. "You are free to do so but let me warn you, I don't want to see you two feet in my house or else....."

"What's going on here?" Ramon heard Eduardo's voice and it was angry.

Dan and Olivia went back to the car and they sped off. Eduardo was now holding Ramon who was crying heavily. The pain was just too much. He didn't deserve this. He deserved to be happy and he decided to explain things to Marcos. He quickly got up and run inside the house rubbing his tears. He run as fast as his legs could carry him not minding the pain that he felt in his ass. He quickly went to his room and searched his wallet for money and left the room.

"They said something to him," He heard Eduardo telling their father.

Ramon run past them and he was out of the house. He was only a few meters from the house and he could hear Eduardo shouting for him.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Ramon did not answer. He had a goal and that was to make things right between Marcos and him. He ran toward the road and was lucky enough to see a rickshaw pass by. He stopped it and entered rubbing his face. He had too much crying and now it was about making things right with his boyfriend. He could see his brother coming but it was too late as the rickshaw had left. He looked behind and saw his brother looking everywhere.

While on the road, all he hoped for was to be given a chance to explain to Marcos. He needed to be confident while he spoke to Marcos. Hopefully their love would be able to overcome all these fucking obstacles. He needed to let Marcos know that his mother and his friend had been the cause of it.
