Hayley's Party Ch. 01 Pt. C


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I held my head up through sheer willpower when all I wanted to do was bow my head down to rest on my forearms. I wanted to keep my eyes on Steve in the mirror. I wanted to watch his face as he watched Joe fucked me. I was whimpering excitedly as I reached down with one hand to touch myself where Joe entered me, feeling his cockshaft stretching me open around him, feeling his shaft wet with my juice, feeling my clitoris swollen and sensitive, rubbing myself a little and breathing faster with every circle of my fingertips. Joe gasped and pushed hard into me and I knew he could feel my fingers on him.

"Does that feel good Hayley? You like my cock fucking you?"

"Oh yeah ... yeah Joe ... I love your cock." I wasn't murmuring, I wanted Steve to hear me. I could feel him sliding into me, I felt him with my fingertips as well as with my sex. "It feels so good."

He moved inside me, sliding back, then in again, moving slowly in and out, short, gentle strokes, his eyes watching my face in the mirror, making me tingle, that slow heat spreading from my sex outwards to my belly, to my breasts. My fingers explored where he entered me, touching him, touching myself, feeling how thick he was, how stretched I was around his girth, feeling the length of him as he slid in and out of me, feeling him as he pressed all the way up inside me.

"Jesus Hayley." His strokes were harder, faster. Going deeper into me. "You're so fucking tight..."

"You're stretching me inside." His expression changed at my gasp. Less intense, more delight.

"Does it feel good?"

"Oh yeah," I moaned. "yeah, it feels good." My eyes were looking at Steve's reflection in the mirror.

Joe started pumping himself into me harder. Steve knew I was watching him watching me. Our eyes met. I moaned. Steve gasped and I could see now that he was stroking his cock hard with one hand as he watched me. How weird was that? Knowing he was watching Joe fucking me twisted up my insides. Watching him stroking his cock as Joe's cock stroked inside me made my sex do a little dance around that cock that had Joe groaning and fucking me harder. That made my eyes open wide, made my mouth utter little sounds of uncontrollable excitement.

"You like that huh Hayley? You like it like this huh?" Joe was looking down at my butt, looking down at my sex where his cock was sliding in and out of me, filling the bathroom with wet sounds.

My eyes were fixed on Steve's eyes as he watched me. "I love it ... I love it ... Yes ... Oh Yes ... I want your cock... I want it ...fuck me with your cock ... fuck me Joe! ... Fuck me harder!" My voice was almost a wail as I clung to the counter.

My face and my eyes pleaded with Steve. I did want him. I wanted him as well as Joe to take me. I wanted Steve to walk in and stand behind me where I was bent over the counter and take me as soon as Joe had finished using me. The way he'd taken me after Joe last night. I knew I loved Steve and I wanted him so much. What was happening with Joe was pure sex. Pure pleasure, gratifying my body and my desire to be fucked. Having Steve take me would gratify my mind, give me the love I wanted from him.

"I want ... you to ... fuck me ... fuck me ... and ... come ... come ... come in me," I gasped, looking wide-eyed at Steve as Joe's thrusts jolted my body hard against the counter. I could feel my body jerking as Joe slammed into me. Feel it? I could see myself in the mirror, face flushed, mouth wide open and gasping, pony tail swinging, breasts quivering, body juddering under his increasingly rapid thrusts. Joe was pounding his cock into my sex and I loved it. I loved every moment of it as his cock rammed its full length up inside me, paused in me, drew back until only the head was in me, then thrust into me again. I moaned and I sobbed and I made little noises of excitement each time he did that to me, doing my best to push myself back at him as he filled me.

"Ohhh fuck," Joe groaned, digging his fingers hard into my hips, working his cock deep into me so that I actually felt him butting up inside me, brushing my cervix. "You're gonna make me come! ... I'm gonna come Hayley ... I'm gonna come in your tight little cunt girl."

"Uhhhhh ... uhhhh ...yes ... Yes ... come ... come in me ... my cunt ... come in my cunt...oohhh ... ohhh my cunt ... my cunt..." The words poured out of my mouth as I felt Joe's cock engorging inside me, as I felt my sex gripping his cockshaft within me, fluttering and spasming around his length as my own orgasm built inexorably within me, a rapidly growing tidal wave. That was when I saw Steve come. I saw his face, his expression twisted in pleasure as his hand worked his cock, stroking himself hard as he watched me being taken. His mouth opened wide, his hand worked frantically, wave after wave of his come erupted through his fist and arced through the air as he shuddered through his climax,. I didn't care now. I'd wanted him earlier, when I saw him watching us.

"Yes!... Yes Yes Yes!" I cried out. Was it at the sight of Steve coming as he watched me? Was it knowing that Joe was about to come inside me? Was it my own climax which was almost on me? Or perhaps it was a combination of everything that I was reacting to. Whatever it was, Joe came inside me as Steve was in mid-eruption. He came hard, his hands gripping my hips as he rammed his cock into my sex and held himself there, high inside me, the tip of his cock just brushing my cervix. I could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing inside me as his come spurted out, flooding me, filling my sex in spurt after spurt after spurt deep inside me.

Feeling Joe cum inside me, feeling those throbbing spurts deep inside my sex, feeling his cum flood me and fill me sent me over the edge. I groaned. I shivered. I clung to the marble counter as my orgasm washed through me in a great wave of golden pleasure that overwhelmed my senses. Joe was still coming hard inside me and then, after he'd finished, after his breathing had slowed, after I'd caught my own breath as I half-lay across the countertop, a thought occurred to me, a question that I wanted answered. I gasped out the words that had sprung into my mind as soon as I could speak.

"That girl ... the one you wanted to score with at the party ... that you were going to fuck so hard she couldn't walk... who was she? ... you can tell me now can't you? ... I guess it didn't work out huh?"

I knew it hadn't worked out. I hadn't seen him with another girl before I took off with Joe and Steve and Joe had been here fucking me all night and half the morning. For that matter, he'd just finished fucking me again. But I was still really curious about that other girl. I wanted to find out just who it was that'd missed out on what I'd been on the receiving end of. I wasn't sure whether to think of her as lucky or unlucky. For myself, I still had mixed feelings about that even though I'd just let Joe fuck me again and my sex was full of his cock and his come. Joe looked right at me in the mirror and laughed as he withdrew gently from inside me. I clutched at the counter and gasped as he eased himself wetly out me, leaving me feeling strangely empty, his cum flooding thickly down my thighs. God, there was so much of it. He stepped back, still smiling, one hand caressing my butt.

"Hayley, Hayley, Hayley ..."

I looked into the mirror, my eyes meeting Joe's as his cum flowed down my thighs. How could there possibly be so much of it? Joe had stepped away from me. Positioned as I was, one knee still on the countertop, I knew Steve could see me, he could see my distended sex, he could see my pinkly swollen lips and my entrance, still gaping wide open. He could see Joe's cum oozing from me, flowing in a thick creamy-white stream down the insides of my thighs. I wanted him to see that, I wanted him to see what Joe had done to me. I wondered if he was jealous or upset with me at all.

"It worked out fine Hayley. She was as easy as I thought she'd be ... and as hot." He paused, a wide smile spread across his face. "And I just finished fucking her!"

He chuckled as I looked back at him, wide-eyed; surprised and shocked! Although, knowing Joe, I guess I shouldn't have been.

"... and after another quick shower, she's going to suck on my cock until I'm hard and then I'm going to fuck her one last time before I take her home ... and she's going to forget all about her boyfriend right now and say yes to me, isn't she?"

His eyes still held mine. His hands, both of them, now caressed my butt. Had I been easy? I guess I had. After all, most girls didn't go and get themselves fucked by a guy they've never even dated, in the process losing their virginity in front of their boyfriend's eyes. Not the way I had anyhow. Not so eagerly. And then there was what I'd just let Joe do to me while my boyfriend watched. Did Joe know Steve had been watching us? I had no idea, but I knew that I knew. I didn't know what that made me, but the thought that sprang into my mind unbidden was that I was what some of my friends would have called a hot little slut. Only they would have meant it to be a criticism.

Thinking of myself like that, thinking of how easy I'd been for Joe, excited me all over again for some reason I couldn't even explain to myself. In the mirror, I could see Steve peering through the doorway, watching us. Listening to us! My eyes met his. I wasn't going to forget my boyfriend, but I was definitely going to say yes to Joe right now. I looked at my boyfriend as I chose the words I would use to reply to Joe.

"She is," I gasped, still feeling that sense of shocked surprise. And excitement! Yes! Definitely of excitement! "Yes she is ... she's going to be a hot little fuck for you." I was! I'd do whatever Joe wanted me to do. He could fuck me however he wanted to. I looked over my shoulder, looking past Joe, looking directly at Steve. One of my hands slipped between my legs to touch myself, to explore my sex, feeling just how wide open I was after he'd used me, feeling Joe's cum as it flowed from me. Steve's eyes held mine for a long moment before dropping to where my fingers were on my sex and running slushily through Joe's cum where it flowed from me. They met mine again for another long moment as I started to slide my leg off the counter and stand, closing my eyes as I felt a rush of Joe's cum on my thighs, onto my fingers where I still held myself.

When I opened my eyes and looked again, Steve had vanished. I heard his car drive away through the open window as Joe turned on the shower.

* * * * * * * * * *

And an afterword from Chloe...which is a bit long but forgive me, you're thru the exciting part now so I feel I can take the time...

"The original version of Chapter One of "Hayley's Party" was very closely based on an old story called "Miaw: Life of the Party" which was the genesis in my head for "Hayley." Following some feedback and a notification from Literotica that my first version (which a lot of you may have read) was rather too close to the original (and yes, I did reuse the original story for my kickoff story...rather too much as it turned out) I've completely rewritten Chapter One while trying to stay close to the generic plot.

I hope you've enjoyed reading the Chapter One rewrite as much as I have re-writing it. And my apologies for the time it's taken to get this out - during the rewrite it grew from just over 10,000 words to 60,000 words so it wasn't just a rewrite - and I also found out it's a hell of a lot harder to rewrite than it is to go with something new. While I think you'll find that the new version of Chapter One follows the same rather generic plot, the story is rather different, more nuanced and very much more detailed - and both the Prologue and this rewrite of Chapter One include a lot more background on Hayley. In hindsight, the new Chapter One is a bit too long - and rather longer than the Literotica average. But aside from all that, my heartfelt thanks for waiting all this time and reading all the way through. I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

I'd also like to take the opportunity to say I've really appreciated the tremendous feedback offline from everyone who has contacted me over the first few chapters of "Hayley's Party." This is the first story I've ever tried to put out in front of readers other than my boyfriend and it's just been so great getting all those responses through the feedback form (in addition to those brave enough to comment here). Honestly, I've been a bit stunned by all the offline feedback. Thanks to every single one of you for your messages! I do my best to reply to anyone who contacts me, time permitting, so if you're feeling all chatty about the story or you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to hit on me that way rather than thru the comments at the bottom of the story - just don't get all upset if it takes me a while to reply. Either way, I love hearing from you. Makes my day, honestly!

Those thanks also definitely include thanks to my critics! Thank you especially to "Anonymous" (whoever you are...) for bringing up my Chapter One as being too much of a straight copy of Miaw - you pushed me into using my own words 100% and I'm really grateful for that. Hopefully you'll agree that the story is better for the extra effort on my part (here is where Chloe scolds herself for her initial laziness - bad girl! Bad!).

So this is very much a first draft sort of thing. I know there's a lot of flaws, it needs to be tightened up, I can work on the grammar (I often get US English and English-English mixed up - the perils of both being an ABC with a Dad that dragged us round with him on his international travels and an eclectic reader with a fondness for British and foreign writers), and the phrasing - and I could sure cut a whole lot of superfluous text and all that stuff. Going to do that. Once I get the first hack out there, I'll probably do like twenty rewrites. So if you want to comment on anything at all, please do. Especially criticisms and suggestions! I take it all in, I may ignore them in the end but I do value them. So please, if something just bugs you or stands out as not quite correct or not in the flow of the story, tell me. Or if you really like it, likewise! Getting it all out there in the open, what I really want to do is write stuff that has you panting on the edge of your seats, tongue hanging out, hard or wet as the gender indicates... wanting more and more and more... and at the same time has a lot of emotional content, a real plot and is a bit more than just a straight stroke story like most of the ones you see here.

In this story, I really want to get you totally inside Hayley's head. I did have an idea of where Hayley is going when I started this but it's changing as I write and there's things I've already written that I'd now go back and change (aren't there always). Yup, I'm weak on plotting! Hayley's definitely going somewhere... although it's one of those stories where the protagonist just seems to come to life in my head and go down directions I'd never expected her to take and does things I didn't expect her to do as she takes on a life of her own. Hayley is continually surprising me - and, I hope, you too. I'm also, God help me, trying to include a bit of a plot beyond "Hayley fucks around". Hope you like it, and for anyone that recognized where Modesty and Willie come from, I hope it gives you a laugh.

Anyhow, also mucho thanks to the author of "Miaw" for writing the story way back in 2009 that was the genesis in my mind for "Hayley" - and thanks to all of you for reading this story and this rambling author's note and thanks once again for the many many emails I've had saying nice things about the story and asking for more - and yes, most of it is fictional but bits and pieces of me do to make it in to "Hayley" here and there. I'll leave you guessing which! All I will say here and now is that the butt thing in Chapter Four really did happen and it's still a rather vivid memory! Hayley was as surprised and startled as I was and she enjoyed it as much as I did!! But I did enjoy writing it! I was giggling the whole time! Hindsight! LOL! (and okay, that pun was unintentional)

Anyhow, enough from me! And thank you so much for reading my stories. I can only hope I keep entertaining you and that you keep enjoying what I write! You guys are the best! Now, on to writing the next chapter ... Chloe

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Generally well written but very repetitive. You could have cut one of the switches out and ended the story the same way. You write amazingly well. I wish I could do that.

Silverfox1958Silverfox19588 months ago

Beautiful job. The story line, the plot flow, the detail. I love it. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

First off, masterful writing skills. Kudos. It was almost as though you were telling your story.

That said, this has left me so conflicted that it's left me a little nauseous. On one hand, Steve's passiveness is partially Hayley's creation, but it's obvious that Joe has been beating him down for years. Steve should have stood up, but he needed some backup from Hayley. Bottom line, I feel like this is a tragedy. I'm both upset and sympathetic with Hayley and Steve... i.e. masterful story telling. I'm reluctant to read past chapter one, but I will eventually.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The central conceit of this story is Hayley's sense of being captivated by Joe, her helplessness to his desires and so on. If you hadn't been able to communicate the feeling of being carried away by the current, the whole story would fall apart.

But you really sold it. Bravo.

hhhcd12345hhhcd12345over 4 years ago
Amazing sequence of stories

Wonderful. I enjoyed reading through the entire chapter and all parts.

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