Just a Jab Ch. 03


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"Sorry to be blunt Donna, Elissa, but this is nothing really new to you I am sure. My clothing store has been successful enough that we could enjoy a good lifestyle without him. Actually it would be the same lifestyle because he never contributed much, preferring to spend his money on himself.

"I guess that I stuck with him because we had you two girls to bring up and I felt it important to have a father figure, even a poor one. These two were the only good thing to come from the marriage and for that I do not regret it.

I have just gotten used to his ways, and to be honest we rarely do anything together anyway. I think today is the first time we are out together for about six months. We do not interfere in the other's life so I guess I never thought it necessary to separate"

"I am sorry," added Linda.

"Don't worry about us, we are doing fine. Now with Donna and Elissa helping me at the store it is fantastic as we get to spend a lot more time together. Now I have a feeling you did not include some details in front of the oaf for a good reason. Can you tell us the full story?" said Nancy.

At this point Linda did add more details for Nancy. This was all similar to what she told Janet and Sophia. At the end of the story Nancy was amazed at what has happened and what had to be done to help. She looked at her daughters for a minute and then back to Linda.

"Wow dear, I am sort of sorry to hear the bad bits, but damn it all, there are some really good bits in there as well. I would offer our help if you needed it, but I think that would border on incestuous even if no blood is related. But I will offer to give you any help you need, even if it is just a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen."

"Thank you Nancy. I may just need that at sometime."

Donna and Elissa were very quiet as they knew they were lucky to be included in what was clearly confidential adult women's business. They were old enough to understand what was said and were actually a bit moist in the crotch of their panties because of some of the more sexy parts. Elissa was even a little blushed as she tried to comprehend the size of things and how they could feel. Neither was a virgin nor naive, so imagination could come from some factual knowledge and experience. It could have been a genetic reaction because their mother had similar thoughts and moist undies as her daughters. Just to show not everything was genetically produced, Glenda had her own damp problem to sit on after listening to Linda's description which was far different than John's documentary style. They fidgeted in the seats for a while until their vagina's settled down and conversations returned to more mundane normal topics.

John and Mike joined them later and after a couple of drinks, Linda served some light snack foods then the visitors left to get home for Sunday night. Mike quickly bid them goodbye at the door, with a quick handshake with John, hug for his sister and wave to Glenda and went directly to the car. Linda gave the women a hug and kiss on the cheek mentioning they will catch up soon with each other. John then had to undergo what was now becoming a ritual with each woman giving him a longer than normal kiss and hug, with the hug becoming a full body squeeze. One by one they each had to personally let him know they thought he was a hero in their eyes. By the time he had undergone four full body hugs he felt like he had sex with four women. He was glad for the treatment before they arrived but after looking at their perfect shaped bodies in perfect fitting clothes all afternoon followed by close up hugs, he was feeling his tingling coming on full force. It seemed his hands had found that each wore only thong panties and scanty bras under the dresses. He had trouble finding a safe place to put his hands when hugging. This was not helping with his pelvic tingling.

Perhaps it was just his condition controlling him, but all the women he has contact with for the past few days have all looked at him with bedroom eyes. He got the impression that if he had just suggested sex they would have dragged him to the floor there and then on the spot and done speakable things with him. Now that they were left alone John turned to Linda and pulled her into his arms where she settled herself comfortably against him. They really seemed to be made for each other. Looking at her upturned face he saw that she was looking at him, like the others, with bedroom eyes. He thought back to his musings a moment ago and decided to test his theory by asking a one word question.


Linda angled her head a little to the side and gave him a cheeky smile, then relaxed a bit back from him and moved her arms between their bodies and loosened his pants. Then putting her hands to his hips pushed the shorts down along with his jocks. When they dropped to the floor she followed them to position his cock head between her lips and sucked on it. John had already been ready for sex from his afternoon of looking at gorgeous women and having full body tight hugs with long smooches. Even under normal circumstances it takes very little to get his motor revving high. When her tongue began its delicate licking and tickling of the sensitive end he started humping his hips without conscious thought. This plunged his cock in and out of her mouth adding to the sensations as Linda increased her vacuum seal on him and flicked her tongue faster and gave his bum cheeks a hard squeeze.

John was rapidly reaching a peak as Linda pulled off him breaking his momentum with a squawk of surprise. She stood up and grabbed his boner in her left hand and dragged him up to the bedroom. She wanted a comfortable place this time. Using her free hand along with Johns assistance she shed her blouse, bras and panties before they reached the bed. Leaving her skirt on she got onto her back on the bed and raised her knees giving her lover a view of her engorged vagina. It looked really sexy to John with her skirt still on like the early days of having quickies wherever they were. He bent forward between her legs and gave her slit a long lick from anus to bush. She squealed in surprise when he contacted her tight end, then purred as he continued the slide.

Leaving it at just the one lick he moved up to nibble her nipples then kiss passionately on her mouth. Linda was really enjoying his attention and, becoming impatient, grabbed his hips and pulled him closer so his cock homed in on her opening. He slowly got his cock to dock building Linda's impatience. She scissor locked him between her legs and shoved him forward with her feet on his butt cheeks forcing him all the way inside. They immediately got to humping with her rising to meet his pushes with loud squishy sounds from her now very wet vagina. John quickly reached his climax after so much sexual stimulation this day and fired his hot rounds into his wife. When she felt his heated squirts reaching their target she was overwhelmed with lust and joined him with her own orgasm and cum. A bit later he rolled onto the bed next to her keeping his arms around her, and in close contact they rested to regain their breath.

That evening they had an early meal catching up on the main news programs. Fortunately no new information had been found and the item was losing audience interest. They had another quiet evening as Linda had some paperwork to finalise before working tomorrow. They had a nice quiet session of sex that night in bed before sleep took them.


Day 8 Monday

The morning brought another quiet sex session as John was already tingling when they awoke at six. Linda had to return to her work to catch up with last week. She spent more time on the phone with her clients and left for her first appointment mid morning, promising to return mid afternoon for John.

John had to stay at home this week to ensure he could cope with this health limitations. He did not want a repeat of last Monday when he had to go to hospital. He did ring the Janet at the office and got an update, then organised a teleconference later in the day with the others.

The other thing he did was contact his lawyer regarding the legal case against the pharmaceutical company. He arrange to meet with Melvin Sheister on Thursday morning to discuss the details. This would give John time to organise for the medical information to be sent from the hospital, which was the next call he made. He made a quick written note of approval and faxed it to the hospital to facilitate exchanges of information with the lawyer.

Linda came home about three o'clock to give John his necessary treatment, then settled into her home office to finish some work. John managed to do a bit of home maintenance.

The remainder of the day was much like any other with them having dinner, watching the news then quietly reading or other activity before going to bed. The only real difference to normal life was that John was home during the day, and they had a load of sheets and towels to wash, dry, fold and store. The bed needed re-making with fresh sheets each morning, as he really did extrude a lot of fluid that continued seeping well after sex was over with.

Their days continued in this manner as they worked themselves into a routine. Differences only occurred if Linda became a bit sore and gave John treatment by hand or mouth. Linda also got used to wearing liners in her undies to collect the copious amounts of cum John left behind. She found it hard to concentrate at work meetings with his juices oozing down her crotch. Every time she got out of a chair she had to check for any traces left behind. Her hankies also needed replacing often during the day so she kept a large stock of them plus tissues in her bag and car. Her perfume spray emptied faster as she needed it to disguise the smell of sex that seemed to hover around her. No matter how often she washed herself there was always more of him to drip out enhanced by her own liquids as she was feeling horny much of the time as well. His odour seemed to act like an aphrodisiac. As the week wore on Linda was feeling ill herself putting it down to the large amount of steady energetic sex with extremely good orgasms every time, and post stress effects of John's illness.

John's meeting on the Thursday went quietly with Melvin taking the entire story in his lawyerly stride. He was itching to join in the legal wrangle with the drug company. At the end of the meeting John was assured that Melvin would handle it from here and would ask for any further information required. This was after all now a legal thing and information and paperwork were even more important and abundant.

The next weekend saw life in normality again with the Saturday taken up with household chores and sex. The sex was losing steam as Linda was feeling more tired.

Day 14 Sunday

Sunday morning they were more careful keeping an ear out for the arrival of the twins, but they seemed to be later than usual, probably giving them time to complete his early treatment. This was a very quiet session with John doing most of the work. Sophia arrived as usual later in the morning in time for a coffee break. As they were preparing the beverages Linda looking a bit green and left the kitchen to lie on the couch, making Sophia and John worried.

After coffee Linda was still resting on the family room couch while John was busy in the garden with the twins in tow. Sophia took this opportunity to talk with Linda about her health. Linda just said it was a flu or bug of some kind making her feel awful, or just a reaction to the stress of John's problems. Sophia may not be a medical person but she did have two eyes and some common sense, most of the time.

She suggested to Linda, "Why don't you come into the clinic tomorrow to see your doctor and just get it confirmed. The last thing you both need is for you to get sick because John still needs you for his treatment. I know he will not want you feeling horrible and still having to look after his problems. This will stress the two of you more than you need right now. So I will make an appointment when I get into work and let you know what time. Ok?"

Not feeling well enough to answer Linda nodded in response and squeezed Sophia's hand in thanks. Sophia went to raid the medicine cabinet for some medication to ease Linda's symptoms. Linda smiled when 'nurse Sophia' forced her to take some tablets with water. Sophia then bent down close to Linda's ear.

"Honey you do not look very well at all and I am very worried about you. I will say this as a friend, please take it this way. If you find it too difficult to help John today, please let me know. I am not trying anything tricky or underhanded here, I am just really concerned for the two of you. If you cannot give enough to John then his health could backslide. I care too much for you to allow you to get stressed again with hospitals. You also know I care for John a lot and I would be honoured to help him. I love you both so much."

What she did not say was her offer was not completely altruistic. She did love them both and being bisexual she was also in love with them both. She was also very horny having gone without sex for a long time. Bringing up her two girls alone after their father ran off with his floozy meant she felt guilty if a man came into their house and she was not comfortable enough having a woman lover around the kids. The only man who she would have kept around was John, but he had always been off limits both because he was married to her friend, and that he would never fool around behind Linda's back. This made him even more desirable to Sophia being like the forbidden fruit.

"Ta Sophia. Unless I do pick up soon I may need to use your help," whispered Linda.

She then relaxed back and closed her eyes as talking took too much energy from her. At this moment John came inside with the twins and looking at Linda became more worried about her. Sophia took his arm and went outside after grabbing a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge. The twins followed with their own drinks but sensing something was wrong stayed quietly a short distance away giving their elders some space.

"John, I am worried about Linda. I know you are as well. I have given her a mild natural relaxant to help her rest and sleep. It is not a hard drug of any kind so it will not make her worse."

She looked John in the eye as he nodded at her statement, "John I offered to help you with your treatment. Linda did not say yes, but left it open because she knows she may not feel better today. Hopefully later tonight or tomorrow she will bounce back and be better. I will repeat what I said to Linda. I love you both too much for your health to suffer needlessly. I know what you will need later today as you know Linda told me the full details. I realise this sounds odd, but it will not be cheating as this is only for your treatment."

"Thank you Sophia, it is a rather personal treatment though and one I would have never considered sharing with anyone other than Linda," he firmly grasped Sophia's hand in his. "I know why you are offering this and I, we appreciate it. If it can't be Linda I could think of nobody better than you to help."

He looked back toward the house considering his next words carefully because there could be all sorts of ramifications afterwards, "I don't know what to say exactly as I need to see how Linda goes today. I will be able to treat myself for a little while, maybe that will be enough. Although I have not had to do that yet so no idea how effective it will be. I am also not stupid enough to risk another collapse.

"I will ring you later. If necessary perhaps we can try something, without spoiling our beautiful friendship. I do not want to risk losing you and the girls friendship as you are family to me. If the risk was too high then I would rather return to hospital."

Sophia had tears streaming down her cheeks and all she could do was put her arms around John and hold him tightly. She did not move and John returned her hug knowing she need his support and strength. She had put herself in a precarious position out of love and caring, and he hoped he did not offend her in his response. He started leaking tears himself when Kim and Sally joined them with their arms encircling the older pair. They were not sure what was wrong but they could discern the emotions were running high and they became scared something major was wrong. Sensing the girls next to them Sophia let them know they were ok.

"I am OK darlings. Just feeling a bit emotional at the moment. I will feel better in a minute or two. Linda being sick just got a bit much on top of our other worries."

The twins were about to reply to her when they heard a quiet voice from the back door, "Oh good still here. I am going to bed if you can help me please. I hope some proper sleep for a while will help."

The four on the patio got up as though shot from a cannon and went directly to the back door almost colliding as all tried to get through the door together. Fortunately the girls paused enough to allow Sophia then John inside. Kim and Sally stayed behind and went to the kitchen to find some food for lunch. Seeing their mum and John so worried had them very concerned. All they could do though was little things like getting some food ready.

Supporting Linda in his arms, John took her up to the bedroom while Sophia went ahead and pulled down the bedding. They both helped Linda out of her outer clothing and tucked her into bed. John gave her a kiss as Sophia patted her foot as she left the room. Linda whispered to John as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and lightly held her.

"Darling, sorry but this flu seems to have hit me hard today. I don't think I will be able to help you this afternoon. Hopefully tonight will be better. But you need treatment and please ask Sophia to help. I want you to do a full treatment so there is no risk to you losing consciousness."

Looking at him as he had pulled his head back slightly, she put her palm to his cheek and continued.

"I love you dearest, and I know you love me and would never cheat on me for any reason. This would not be cheating. We love her as a good friend and she loves as back. You need this today, just consider it like a session of friend with benefits," she paused slightly to regain some breath. "God I feel like I am about to die, how morose, but I feel like crap and need to sleep and you need to shoot your cock. If you feel like you are cheating do it here next to me, as odd as that would be it is better that you get your rocks off. I bet it would help Sophia too, she has been celibate for too long."

"OK darling, I will talk with Sophia and work something out."

With that Linda closed her eyes and went to sleep almost immediately. John sat for a moment looking at her going over what she had said and what to do from here. He got up and walked out of the room closing the door behind him to give her some peace and quiet. He was still deep in thought as he went downstairs to the kitchen.


[Catch up in the next chapter to be issued soon. Hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. - GfG]

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oksideshow859419oksideshow8594196 months ago

That was a great chapter bravo 👏👏👏👏

inno0cent_bystanderinno0cent_bystanderabout 1 year ago

This many years and NOBODY mentioned that you swapped John and Mike's names several times? I guess they all stopped reading by this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Re: Your last line.

Yes I am enjoying reading your story immensely.

QuestioningLitQuestioningLitover 8 years ago

Great writing. Awesome story and storyline. Really great characters. Can't wait to read the next 100 or so chapters. hint hint hehe

GforGrahamGforGrahamover 8 years agoAuthor
not serious

I love writing and want to enjoy the results of my labours. If I can put a little grin on someone's lips for just a moment then I am really happy. I call that a job well done.

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