Lucy Ch. 11-15


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I glanced down and saw the size of the bulge my cock was already making in the front on my briefs, then looked up again, meeting her sparkling eyes as I carefully pushed them down off it.

'Mmm! Well at least I'll know what to put on if I want a quick response from you.' she said with a chuckle, then added in a softer, more submissive tone. 'What would you like me to do now?'

'Just let me look at you, if you don't mind that, perhaps walk about a bit.'

'Of course I don't mind, why should I? Anyway, I've told you before I like looking at your body, watching your reactions, seeing your cock getting ready for me.' she said, taking a drink from her glass before putting it down, and then turning slowly around so I could see her from all angles.

The situation must have appealed to the latent exhibitionist in Lucy, and even though she had only an audience of one, at least she could check its responsiveness to her show. And it was quite a show she put on for me.

At first she just walked back and forth, pausing every now and then and turning slowly. But as her confidence grew she got bolder, her movements becoming more overtly sexual. Twisting and bending this way and that as she ran her hands all over herself, over the cheeks of her arse, up and down the insides of her thighs, stroking and squeezing her breasts. In fact doing all the things I desperately wanted to be doing with my hands.

I watched her so intently I almost forgot I was completely naked. But the way Lucy kept glancing down, then smiling up at me, reminded me she could monitor exactly how strongly what she was doing was affecting me. And when I finally tore my eyes away from watching her to check the state of my cock, I saw that the heady mix of her physical beauty, the sensuality of what she was wearing, and the lustful desire generated by her movements, had combined to give me an unusually powerful erection.

When I looked up again I saw she was standing still, reaching up behind herself to unfasten the bra. 'I think that's enough for now Jack, you look more than ready, and I know I certainly am. Watching you grow so big and hard has stirred me up too much to wait much longer.'

Having placed the bra on a chair she just as quickly slipped off the panties and peignoir, then stood for a moment, her eyes staring down at my cock. But I wasted no more time just looking, I took her hand and led her to our bed, where we spent the next hour or so satisfying, re-exciting, and then exhausting each other, before finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

Even though the following day, Friday, was her last at the department store my early morning suggestion was for once turned down. 'Jack I'd love to, maybe I'm being silly but even though it is my last day I still don't want to be late. But I'll make it up to you this evening, promise.'

'You don't have to think that way Lucy, and I do respect your loyalty to your employer, so you hit the bath-room, I'll shower in the other one and then make us some coffee.'

Having dropped her off at the store I went in to my office, working through most of the day and before leaving warned a couple of my senior people that they might not be seeing very much of me for a week or two.

When I picked her up at the end of the day she was carrying a couple of shopping bags. 'No take-away tonight Jack, I'm cooking.' she said as I gave her a quick kiss and took the bags from her.

'That'll be nice.' I said, taking her hand. 'How was the last day?'

'Pretty busy actually, but when I was leaving the supervisor got quite emotional, said how sorry she was to lose me. That really surprised me, especially after the way she treated me when I first started there.'

'Well I have a lot to thank her for.'

'You do? What do you mean?'

'If she hadn't been so unkind to you we might never have got to know each other.'

'Oh of course! Yes I suppose we do have to thank her for that.' she replied gripping my hand more tightly.

We chatted about this and that on the way home, Lucy reminding me that she would have to work at her studies sometime on Sunday. Then I suggested that as we would both be pretty flat out on Saturday getting her things moved and unpacked, it might be a good idea to plan on eating out that night. 'And apart from that, we need to do something special to mark the official start of our relationship.' I added.

'I'd like that Jack, choose somewhere nice for us and I'll get dressed up for you.'

'So long as you let me do the undressing.'

'Like that first night I came to your house?'

So much had happened in such a short time, we had made love so many times it took me a few moments to remember the details of that night. Then the memory flashed back, running through my head like a fast-forwarding video. I had been determined to make it a time she couldn't easily forget, to give her a truly momentous orgasm. And it had been the time I had first used the dildo, introduced her to Fred.

'So you want to make it a threesome?'

'Mmm, we have sort of neglected poor Fred, haven't we.'

'His loss has been my gain, but this time I'm prepared to make the sacrifice.' I answered in a solemn tone of voice.

'Sacrifice? I thought you liked me doing that for you, taking you in my mouth?'

'Of course I do, just joking.' I said with a grin.

'Sacrifice indeed! I might just make you truly sacrifice something one day.'

'Is that a threat or a promise?'

'You'll have to wait to find out.'

'Now you have got me intrigued.'

'Well you'll just have to stay that way.'

When she refused to explain what she meant I started coming up with a few zany ideas of what she might deprive me of, and by the time we reached home she had tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks. The banter continued as we put the shopping away and made ourselves some tea, but then as we sat drinking it we got more serious, talking through the arrangements for her move the following morning. I warned her that I had one important thing to do and said that I would drop her off at the flat in time to let the men in to start removing things, then return to pick her up well before they had finished loading the truck.

'I'll need to be there early Jack, I still have a few last minute things to pack.'

'As early as you like darling. No last minute second-thoughts?'

'What about?'

'Me. Coming here.'

'Heavens no! Why, should I have? Have you?'

'Me? God no! I just wondered about you, wanted you to be sure it's what you really want. To me it all seems so unbelievable.'

She got up, came over and sat on my lap. 'Well just keep reminding yourself that it's just as wonderful for me as you say it is for you.' she said as she twined her arms around my neck, then kissed me.

We were still there, talking, kissing, and making each other giggle with our half-hearted groping long after the tea had grown stone cold. But she finally pushed herself up, suggesting that while she started preparing things for dinner, I go up to shower and change.

'Change into what, frog or prince?' I said jokingly.

'Neither thank you, I'll keep you just the way you are. But you can put on some less restricting clothes.'

'Less restricting?'

'Well you must have something I haven't got to fight my way into, men's' suits are impossible.'

'Yes it's odd isn't it, I mean the way men's fashions have developed. Given we are the supposed sexual predators, you might have expected our clothes to be designed to make getting them off much easier.'

'Maybe it's a long-term plot by women. That secretly they are behind the scenes, making men's clothes more complicated, and so giving us just a bit more time to escape the rampaging beasts.'

'But why not make women's clothes more complicated too, to give them even more time?'

'It's a counter-plot, most designers of women's clothes are men.'

'But most of them are gay.'

'OK, I've no idea!' she said with a laugh. 'Just find something I can get into, in this case I'm just as much a predator.'

'I like that.' I said, taking her in my arms and kissing her.

'Are you sure of that?' she asked with a slightly worried look when we broke apart.

'Positive my darling.' I replied as I headed upstairs, trying hard to think of something I could wear.

But after running through everything I owned, the best I could come up with was a pair of light-weight summer trousers and no under-pants. Then, when I was in the shower I suddenly remembered a gift one of my nephews had given me after a trip to North Africa a year or two earlier. A caftan, somewhat modified for western tastes, but still essentially not much more than a loose, tent-like garment that covered from neck to ankle.

Once showered I rummaged through the things on the top shelf until I found the bundle, then pulled it down and shook it out. The fabric was decorated with a modernistic design of dark reds and yellows, the edges were trimmed with more brightly coloured brocade, and western sensibilities and toiletry habits had been allowed for by having a zip run two thirds of the way down the front.

I slipped it on, and unlike the only other occasion I had tried it out, when I'd thought how ridiculous I looked, found I liked the effect. 'Looks quite good, and Lucy will certainly have no access trouble with this.' I thought to myself while trying to decide just how far down to leave it unzipped.

When I went back downstairs I found Lucy cleaning up in the kitchen, and a pot, gently simmering on the stove, was giving off a mouth-watering smell of fish. 'We're having pasta marinara, the sauce is done, we just have to cook the pasta when we're ready to eat.' she said without turning around.

'Sounds, and smells delicious.'

'Wow!' she said when she finally looked up. 'My sheikh has come to carry me off to his tent in the desert.'

'It's the only thing I could think of that has the access you asked for.' I said as I ran the zip up and down.

'I love it, you look great! And I like the zip even more.' she replied with a grin as she dried her hands. 'Where did you get it Jack?'

'One of my nephews brought it back from a trip to North Africa, it's the first time I've worn it.'

'What a smart lad.' she said, coming close and slipping her hands inside the caftan. 'I like this, I like this very much.' she added as she pushed the zip a little lower with one hand, and reached down inside the opening to curl the fingers of the other under my balls, lifting and gently squeezing them.

'Obviously the Arabs know something we don't.' I said as she continued slowly fondling me.

'Smart people, those Arabs. I'm surprised they didn't go on to actually invent the zip.' she added, completely unzipping the caftan as she dropped to her knees.

Although her caressing hands had of course started to stir me, when she leaned forward and took my cock between her lips it was still flaccid. But what she did with her mouth and tongue was so exciting I felt it immediately responding, and it seemed only a matter of seconds before she had given me a full erection.

Lucy must have been just as surprised as I was at the speed and strength of my response because she pulled her head back and looked up. 'Is this because I left you wound-up this morning?' she asked, her hand slowly stroking up and down the fully engorged shaft. 'If so I'm sorry Jack, but I promised I would make it up to you, and I will.'

And although I said that it wasn't really necessary there and then, she took no notice of my protest and set about giving me what turned out to be a totally draining blow-job, right there in the middle of the kitchen.

When she was satisfied I was completely finished she stayed kneeling, grinning up at me. 'I always try to keep my promises Jack.' she said huskily, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. And although I was still trying to recover from the thrills she had given me, I wondered if the catch in her voice and the flush I could see on face were signs that doing it for me had got her physically excited too.

I bent down and pulled her to her feet, clamping my mouth to her lips and tasting the sticky remains of my own semen as my tongue snaked inside. Her response was just as dramatic as mine had been to the feel of her mouth sucking on my cock, her arms pulling herself tight, and her pelvis grinding against mine as her tongue probed deep into my mouth.

As we continued kissing I slid both hands down her back, over her tightly clenched buttocks, and then with scrabbling fingers, gradually managed to tug her skirt up to the top of her thighs. The next time she broke for air I dropped down to my knees, pushing her skirt right up to her waist. 'Oh no Jack, not now, I need a shower first!' she said, realising my intention and trying to push my head away.

But I ignored both that and her subsequent protests and hooked my fingers into the top of her panty-hose, silently cursing the person who invented the damn things as I worked them down to her knees. The black, semi-transparent panties underneath were ten times more attractive to look at, and even easier to pull down, but having hobbled her I had to help her stumble, still protesting, backwards toward the work-top. Then with one quick lift I hoisted her up on it, and in a couple of seconds had both panties and pantyhose right off.

As I squatted down again I lifted her legs, resting them on my shoulders and giving myself a clear view of her pussy. Its outer lips were already quite puffy, and glistening moistly, but the real give-away as to how she was feeling was the musky odour that wafted around me.

Feeling my tongue slipping down between the lips of her pussy finally convinced Lucy of my determination and I heard her give a soft sigh as it slid deeper, then as I felt faint shiver run through up her, she slipped her hands around my head and pulled it closer.

She held me there for some time and with my mouth pressed against her I was somewhat restricted in what I could do for her. But from her growing responses it seemed that just the feel of my mouth and probing tongue were quite sufficient to continue building her level of excitement.

'That's beautiful Jack!' she sighed softly. 'I could take as much of this as you could stand to give me.' she added, squirming herself a little further forward.

But eventually her hands loosened their grip and I gave myself even more room by using mine to ease her legs further apart. Then, just as I had that afternoon in the River Gardens, I used a finger and thumb to ease back the hood of her clitoris and gently blew a series of puffs of air across its sensitive head.

Her squeals of surprised delight were just as strong as they had been the other time, and when I locked two fingers of my other hand together and slid them up into her pussy, they grew even louder, shriller.

'Oh shit! Ah, ah! Oh! Oh shit Jack!' she cried over and over again as I continued blowing and my fingers pushed deeper and deeper.

Remembering how powerful the orgasm had been that I'd given her that time I curled my fingers and tried to find the ultra sensitive spot again. But for some reason I just couldn't, so although I continued sliding my fingers in and out I guessed she'd need more direct stimulation of her clitoris than mere puffs of air. So I pushed her legs even further apart and began to lick more purposefully.

Her reaction was virtually instantaneous, confirming that my guess had been right, her fingers tightening around my head as she leaned back, lifting and pushing her pelvis forward against my mouth and tongue. Knowing exactly what she needed right then, I used just the tip of my tongue, flicking the jutting clit, working it faster and faster.

The sounds she had been making quickly turned to a harsher, hissing noise that burst from between her tightly clenched teeth. And her fingers felt almost claw-like, digging into the back of my head as she arched herself backwards, thrusting her pussy even higher.

A couple of minutes later the hissing sharpened, grew louder, then changed to a long drawn out wailing cry as her contractions began. Then I felt a series of violent spasms coursing through her, and as they rolled on, growing in strength, she shoved her spasming pussy against my mouth, clamping her thighs tightly around my head so tightly I found it hard to breath. And even when the force of her climax had waned she continued holding me there, making low mewling sounds as her hips and thighs flexed, working her pussy up and down against my face.

Although I was happy she was getting so much pleasure I was actually beginning to find it hard to breathe, so was somewhat relieved when I felt her finally relaxing, her legs loosening their grip. She bent forward, reaching down and pulling me up. 'That was amazing Jack! As always!' she added with a happy grin of satisfaction.

When I pushed myself to my feet I saw that her brow and upper lip were flecked with tiny beads of perspiration, her skin still tinged a dark, dusky pink. 'One good turn deserves another, as they say.' I replied, moving forward between her still wide-spread legs, then taking her in my arms as I bent to kiss her.

As we kissed she wriggled herself further forward, lifting her legs and winding them around me. 'Next time we do it here we'll do it properly, I mean do it like this. That would be good, wouldn't it?' she said when our lips parted.

'That would be very good.' I agreed, pushing myself further forward, and imagining what it would feel like to fuck her in that position.

'But now I really must have a shower. I must have smelt like a pole-cat when you first went down there.'

'I've never had sex with a pole-cat so I can't make the comparison, but you smelt just like you, very sexy - very, very sexy.' I assured her.

'Yes, well after what I'd done for you, I was. But having been at work all day, well you know! And I'd been thinking about us from time to time too, got myself stirred-up, got aroused a few times. So what with perspiration and other stuff, I wasn't exactly fresh.'

'My darling, to me you just smelt gorgeously sexy. That scent is so powerful, as an aphrodisiac I mean, if you could bottle it as a perfume I'm sure you'd make a fortune.'


'Yes, really and truly. It always has that affect on me, has ever since that first evening.'

'The first evening? At my place, on the sofa.' she said with a puzzled look on her face. 'Oh you mean when you got a second erection so quickly?'


'That was caused by just the smell of me?'

'Well not entirely. But it was a big part of it, yes.'

'That's amazing, I didn't realise. Well at least knowing that means I won't get too embarrassed when you do it for me.'

'Embarrassed? Why would you get embarrassed?'

'On not every time Jack, but sometimes. Like just now, times when I know I might be a bit, well a bit sweaty. You know. There must be times when you feel a bit embarrassed too.'

'Toilet noises, that kind of thing.'

'Exactly. Is there anything else?'

'Well I wish my body was younger, when I'm naked in front of you I get very conscious that I'm not a twenty five year old any more.'

'And that embarrasses you?'

'A bit, like you said, just sometimes.'

'Well let's make a deal. I promise not to feel embarrassed when you go down on me, but you have to do the same about me wanting to see you without any clothes on. OK?'

'OK, I'll try.'

'Good, that's settled then. Now I'm off for a shower, so would you keep an eye on the fish sauce please, just give it a bit of stir from time to time, that's all.'

'I think I can manage that.' I said, giving her another kiss before she slipped out of my arms and headed upstairs.

I had hoped that she would be wearing the lingerie again, and when she came down the expression on my face must have reflected my disappointment 'You were hoping I'd be wearing your lovely present again, weren't you.' she said.
