Suzi at the Auto Show

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She fucks a lot of guys & sells a lot of cars.
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Suzi had never even been to an auto show before, never mind modeled at one. But the three-day assignment sounded simple enough. Dress sexy. Hang around the cars. Attract the attention of every male within 300 feet. Then let the salesman take over. She knew she could do the first three. She was willing to try the fourth.

She had chosen her tiniest bikini, the one that kept getting her kicked off public beaches up and down the coast. (Of course, by the time she had to leave, she always made the acquaintance of a few horny studs willing to escort her.) The top's two tiny pink triangles barely covered her nipples, leaving her bronze areolae leering out around the edges. Over this she threw a cropped, puffy-sleeved, white blouse that was so sheer it was almost invisible. It was obviously more for decoration than coverage or warmth. The bikini bottom was cut so low it exposed the provocative new tattoo, where most women have pubic hair. The two-inch red heart was engulfed in pink flames and inside it was a lacy lavender arrow pointing straight down. The string sides of the bikini bottom rose up over her hips where they were tied in large, tempting bows. Whatever fabric there may have been in the back disappeared quickly between the taught, round cheeks of her ass. On her feet she wore bight pink, fuck-me-right-here-right-now pumps with 5-inch stiletto heels.

The show was supposed to begin at noon, but Suzi arrived at 11:30 to get a feel for the day. The salesmen and manufacturers' reps who worked the show were arriving, but there were still fewer than 100 cars in the Exhibition Center parking lot. Suzi could have parked close to the entrance, but she decided to get out of her car some distance away and walk across the lot so the guys who were just arriving could watch her. She strolled toward the entrance like a fashion model on a runway, using a slight cross-over step which exaggerated the motion of her hips. The dainty click-clacking of her heels on the concrete drew their attention and her knockout body held it like superglue.

Suzi looked like pure, ravishing, sperm-spurting sex. She was of average height, but seemed to be almost all legs. Her breasts were not large, but they were firm and perfectly round. And her slim waist set them off and made them seem larger than they really were. While she was not skinny, she was fit and her muscles firm. She had cock-stiffening curves without having baby-fat bulges.

Her facial features were strong, provocative and stunningly attractive. The high cheek bones and bee-stung lips gave her an exotic look. She had recently gone back to being a blonde and, this morning, she wore her thick flaxen hair parted and pulled back on the right side, held in place by several small, brightly-jeweled clips. The front was teased up until it crested like a wave and spilled down over the left side of her face, nearly obscuring that eye. Suzi favored this style because, being left-handed, that was the hand she generally used to grab a guy's cock when giving a blow job, which meant that the right side of her face was against his body. Having her hair pulled back on that side kept it out of her way.

As she slowly strutted across the pavement, she casually allowed her blouse to slide off one shoulder and half-way down her upper arm, draping over the small, fashionable, pink-with-white-piping handbag she carried snugly under her arm on short straps. It was the kind generally preferred by streetwalkers because it's so hard for a purse snatcher to grab.

She exchanged suggestive glances with every man she passed and flirtatious words with many of them. Her path took her within a few feet of a tall, good-looking, muscular black guy who was leaning against a white Mustang, watching her intently. She gave him a small smile, then glanced down at the impressive and fast-growing bulge in his pants. Without breaking stride, she gave him a little pout, as if to say,Poor baby.

"I'm William," he grinned. "Nice Tattoo."

"Suzi," she replied. Then, eyeing his lumpy trousers again, "Looks like someone believes in love at first sight," and walked past, locking eyes with a gorgeous blond hunk standing near the doorway. She wet her lips with her tongue, raised an eyebrow suggestively and went inside.

Suzi loved to play the slut. She loved to tease the boys and see the agonizing lust she could kindle with just a look or a gesture. It turned her on and, as she approached the entrance, the leering and coquettish banter was wakening the first warm tingling of sexual arousal between her legs.

In the hallway leading to the main exhibition space she slipped into the ladies room to check her make-up: glossy bright pink lipstick, dark eye-liner to accent her huge green eyes, blue eye shadow on the lids, a hint of green underneath and outrageously long false eyelashes. Her fingernails were long, sharp and carefully painted with pink and lavender diagonal stripes. Large sparkly, dangly earrings, a big, colorful plastic bracelet and a choker made from wide, lacy pink satin ribbon with a large heart-shaped lavender stone completed her best tramp-on-the-prowl look.

Leaving the ladies room, she walked to the end of the hall and looked into the immense open space where the car show was to take place. It was big enough and high enough to accommodate a three-ring circus the last time one was in town. But today it was partitioned off with low, movable walls. Each exhibitor seemed to have a display area and a small semi-private office area. Suzi had no idea where she was going, except that she was looking for Dual Exhaust Motors, a local luxury car retailer. She paused, searching the room, hoping to see a sign for the company or a map of the exhibition area.

"Looking for something, beautiful?" asked a deep voice behind her. She turned to discover William, the swelling in his pants grown even larger.

"I'm the Dual Exhaust girl," she purred in answer.

"What a coincidence," he drawled with amusement. "That's my favorite kind of girl, and my favorite kind of car and that's where I'm headed right now. Actually, I know the guy who works there. Lance, his name is. It's over there, to the left," he said pointing. He hesitated for a moment. "I work over there," pointing straight ahead. "For an after-market custom parts supplier," he added, then paused again. "After you," he finally added.

Suzi knew he wanted to be slightly behind her so he could ogle her shapely undulating butt as they walked. But she was feeling increasingly lustful with each passing second and she had something slightly more physical in mind. She gently took his left hand in her right and intertwined their fingers, pulling him smoothly to her side. "Show me the way," she murmured, feigning shyness, then looked up at him with a sweet smile that made his knees wobble.

As they wound their way through the hall, male heads swiveled on all sides. Suzi heard a dozen rude but very flattering remarks, each one making its own small contribution to the fuel firing her increasing passion. She gave up her grip on William's hand and wrapped her arm tightly around his waist. He draped his over her shoulders, softly clutching her upper arm.

By the time they arrived at the Dual Exhaust display area, her nipples were so stiff that they lifted the teensy triangles of her bikini top completely away from the surrounding flesh, making them look like tiny, slutty umbrellas. The nearly nonexistent fabric of her bikini bottom rubbed pleasantly against her engorged clitoris with each step. She knew without looking that it would be a large and easily noticeable lump under the sheer cloth.

The area allocated to Dual Exhaust Motors was partitioned off and showcased three convertibles, varying from a red sports model to a big white luxury edition, all with their tops down.

"Lance?" called William.

"Back here," came the reply from behind a partition at the rear of the area, "in my so-called office."

Suzi reluctantly let William loose and, adopting her sexiest saunter, rounded the partition to meet Lance.

To Suzi's delight, Lance was the blonde hunk from the parking lot. She knew immediately that she would have to fuck both William and Lance, probably at the same time and certainly more than once.

Lance was facing Suzi, his butt perched on the near right corner of a small desk. He was leaning on his left hand while reading some papers he held in his right. His legs were splayed widely forward and bent at the knees. When he looked up from his reading and saw Suzi, his jaw dropped slightly and the papers slid out of his hand and floated to the floor, but he didn't move. As she slowly approached him, he stammered: "I'm L-l-lance."

She didn't answer him until she had stopped, her face a foot away from his, her legs straddling, but not touching, his right thigh. She held her arms behind her back, thrusting her stunning breasts forward even more than usual. "I'm Suzi, your Dual Exhaust girl," she cooed.

Lance found himself completely flummoxed. His eyes wanted to drink in Suzi's sweet sexy face. However, they also needed to leer at those magnificent mammaries. And then there was the ultimate goal, the inviting, provocative cleft between her thighs, which equally demanded his visual attention. But she was standing too close for him to see all three at the same time. The result was that his eyes bounced comically from one to the other leaving him momentarily paralyzed and speechless.

Seeing his dilemma, as well as the growing tumescence behind his zipper, Suzi smiled compassionately and asked, "Am I coming on too strong, handsome?"

He shook his head slowly, then finally remembered to close his mouth. "Nice ta-tat-tattoo," he stuttered, staring at her nipples.

"I am moving a little fast, aren't I, darling," she said softly and, taking his right hand in her left, she pivoted gracefully on her left foot, sat up on the desk next to him, legs slightly spread, and leaned against his shoulder, squeezing his hand in hers. When she saw William, who had stopped near the partition, she winked at him and spread her legs a little wider. The slender crotch portion of her bikini bottom disappeared between the swollen lips of her cunt, but still covered, without hiding, the hard protrusion of her clitoris.

William ambled over to the desk and leaned against the left side, behind Suzi and at right angles to Lance and her. "Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"A little late to be inquiring," shot back Lance.

"Relax, honey," whispered Suzi, nuzzling his neck and stroking his cheek with her left hand while, with her right, she felt for William's zipper. "There's plenty of me to go around," she added. "You know what they say: 'Two's company; three's a sandwich.' "

Lance, who had been watching, fascinated, out of the corner of his eye, as her breasts rose and fell with her breathing, turned toward her.

"It's okay, sweetie, you can touch them. They love being touched." And she started gently nibbling on his lower lip.

Just then, she found William's fly and, with a soft whirring, expertly pulled it down.That, she thought,is just about my favorite sound in the whole world. His cock sprung out of his pants like a jack-in-the-box, and she grasped it firmly, realizing for the first time how long and thick it really was. She groaned quietly in appreciation and anticipation. William's answering groan of pleasure was substantially louder.

"In fact," she continued to Lance, momentarily suspending her smooching, "my breasts are so sensitive that I can cum just from having them touched or kissed."

Lance took up her invitation and, brushing aside the insignificant patch of fabric pretending to cover her left nipple, he began to tenderly roll it between thumb and forefinger.

"Aaaah Uuumm," hummed Suzi.

"Lance, my man, I think we need to find out if this girl's telling you the truth," suggested William, turning to lick a small circle around her areola, then spiraling inward to her nipple.

As Suzi's eyes closed and the throaty sounds of her growing sensual thrill became louder, William took her nipple between his lips and sucked delicately. On his side, Lance began to lick her rigid breast tip and flick at it with his tongue while gently kneading the breast itself with both hands. Meanwhile, Suzi had freed Lance's stiff love shaft from his imprisoning pants, and her ardor jumped several notches when she discovered it was just as enormous as William's

"You're not really going to make me cum like this, are you?" Suzi whined coyly, while stoking a massive sex stick with each hand. "My pussy and ass need to be stuffed. My clit needs serious attention. It's not fair. I onlysaid I could cum just from having my breasts touched, not that Iwanted to," she complained unconvincingly. Lance shut her up by pressing his open mouth firmly to hers and thrusting his tongue deep inside, while gently continuing to stoke and squeeze her breast and nipple with his fingers.

"Think of it as a scientific experiment," William offered. "I heard there's some guy at MIT working on how to do this. Maybe we can get written up inScientific American........orThe National Enquirer."

Suzi enthusiastically returned Lance's tongue attack. She loved to kiss. As profoundly slutty as she was (and proud of it), she was also a hopeless romantic. She was perfectly capable of fucking a dozen guys over the course of a couple of hours, and being deeply in love with each of them, sometimes several at once, for 15 or 20 minutes apiece. She frequently remarked that, "Every good gutter fuck should begin and end with a tender kiss."

She now pulled away from Lance, grabbed William under the chin and lifted his mouth to hers. She began greedily nibbling his lips and wildly fencing with his tongue. Lance returned his mouth to her bosom, carefully rolling the rock-hard nipple between his lips, while William began a manual massage of the breast on his side.

Suzi's throbbing, quivering clit announced her approaching orgasm. "Come on guys," she pleaded. "That poor little girl between my legs is crying for attention. She's begging to be stroked, rubbed, kissed, sucked, petted, caressed, fondled....or something."

There was no response from he boys except their continued attention to her gorgeous and exquisitely sensitive nipples.

"Well, if you won't do it, I guess I'll have to," she said in mock petulance, and let go of William to reach for her own crotch.

Continuing to stimulate her tit with his right hand, William used his left to intercept Suzi, quickly grabbing her by the wrist. Gently, he pinned her hand to the desk behind her. "I don't think we should let her do that, Lance, do you?" he asked.

Suzi thought to herself,No, no Br'er Fox, don't throw me in that there briar patch, but responded by releasing her grip on Lance and reaching for her aching clit with the other hand. Lance imitated William and, with token resistance and minimal force, captured her arm and immobilized it behind her.

Suzi briefly pretended to struggle, but her orgasm was now so close that her eyes soon narrowed to slits as her head lolled from one side to the other.

"No screaming when you cum," instructed William. "Everyone can hear everything in here and we don't want to get in trouble. And, we don't want to have to gag you."

"God you're cruel," she whimpered, unable to suppress a little smile.

As her orgasm rose, crested and rolled over her, she slid slightly forward so that her feet reached the floor and her sharp spike heels dug into the carpet. The tang of sexual ecstasy exploded repeatedly from her clit and shot through her body. Her ass lifted off the desk as her body stiffened, and for about 20 seconds, she pumped her hips forward and back as if trying to fuck the empty air. Her clit pulsed and twitched visibly under its thin covering while her bloated cunt lips opened and closed like a hungry mouth. A spoonful of viscous liquid seeped out and drooled down the inside of her thighs. But she bit her lip and mostly muffled the prolonged grunts, moans, groans and cries of her vigorous climax.

When she was done, the men helped her back up to a sitting position on the desk.

"Thanks guys," she breathed quietly. "That was even better than I thought it would be. It should hold me for awhile." She rearranged her skimpy outfit and began to climb down off the desk. "I guess I should get to work," she announced briskly. "Lance, honey-pie, would you show me what you want me to do?"

Lance looked stunned, but William called her bluff. "See ya later," he sang, then hopped to his feet and reached down to stuff his still rampant ebony spear back into his pants.

Suzi was pretty sure he was counter-bluffing, but not sure enough to take the chance. She surrendered her pretense instantly and dove face first for his manhood. Before William could struggle the huge cock behind his zipper, it was in her mouth. His hands dropped away from his crotch and his fingers spread in pleasure as, in one smooth, quick motion, Suzi fell to her knees and swallowed the rigid 11-incher to its base. Her lips pressed against his pubic hair and balls, forcing him to bite his own lip to stifle a howl of delight. She held him there for 20 seconds or more, managing to keep eye contact with Lance most of that time, sliding William an inch out and an inch in, squeezing him with her mouth and throat, until she came up for air and for Lance.

She didn't have to wait long. Lance's big cock was in her lovely face as soon as she pulled off William, and in her mouth a deep breath later. He slid quickly down her throat.

When Suzi turned 14, her older sister had taken her aside and announced that, although Suzi was too young for "real sex", it was time for her to learn how to give a decent blow job. She showed Suzi to how to suppress her gag reflex by practicing on kielbasa. The lesson turned out to be a short one however as, on the first try, Suzi easily took the long, fat sausage all the way down her throat and held it there, without choking, for ten seconds. It was the last time anyone ever tried to teach Suzi anything about sucking guys off.

After administering to Lance to the same pulse-quickening mouth therapy she'd given to William, she paused for a moment, gripping one huge cock tightly with each hand, pumping slowly up and down. She looked up at the men and smiled seductively. "That was only an appetizer, boys. If you want me to actually blow you, it's going to cost..... $5,000.....each."

"Shit," groaned William. "I meant to stop at the ATM this morning but I frigging forgot." Then, turning to Lance, "Can you cover me, man?"

Lance hesitated, then realized that neither of them were serious and answered, "Uh.....Sorry. Left my wallet at home."

"Damn. Guess you boys will just have to owe me....Fucking deadbeats," she grumbled, then set about inhaling William again. As she did so, she saw a tall, thin, balding man step around the partition and into the office.

Suzi locked eyes with the interloper and began an extra-vigorous mouth message on William, who seemingly lost the ability to speak and just closed his eyes and began a continuous low moan.

"Aww, Frank, what the fuck are you doing here?" grumbled Lance.

Frank didn't even hear the question. He was first flabbergasted, then mesmerized by the sight of a dazzling blonde on her knees in Lance's office, dressed in the skimpiest outfit he'd ever seen outside of a girlie mag, deep-throating William's enormous black pecker.

"Fraaa-aaank.......oh, Fraaa-aaank. Earth to Frank," called Lance.

"Oh..yeah.....oh, heard these strange noises from my office next door and came over to check it out.....But, more to the point, what are they doing, and who is she, and why is she doing that with him,here?" demanded Frank, though he obviously already knew the answer to at least one of his three questions. However, in spite of his seeming indignation, Suzi could see from the growing protuberance in his trousers that he was responding to her in exactly the same way as almost every other man she had ever met.