Unthinkable Night


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Mary was the first to disturb the peace, going back into tease mode. "So Maria, how many times did my son make you cum?"

Mary was surprised that Maria didn't take offense to her barb. Instead, Maria took a deep breath and said, "I don't know. I lost count at eight. But it had to be much more. With some, it was hard to tell when one stopped and the next began. Your son is such a stud, Mary."

Mary was taken aback at Maria's again wildly out of character comment, uttering nervously, "MARIA!!!!!!"

Maria returned loudly, "MARY ...... WHOSE THE PRUDE NOW??"

A long pause ensued, after which Maria queried, "Seriously Mary, how big do you suppose our sons are .... you know .... down there?"


Maria looked very shaken and started trembling from the brash way that Mary yelled at her. Mary noticed this instantly, and sobbed lightly as she returned, demurely this time, "Ooohhhh, I'm sorry Maria. I think this is the only time that you and I have ever spoken to each other in a cross manner. I'm so sorry."

"Yeah .... and I don't ever want us to talk to each other like that again. I'm sorry too, Mary. I guess it's just because of the sordid experience we have just been through together. I'm really sorry for insinuating that you forced me to drink the Everclear. I'm a big girl, I could have refused, but the fact is it was my choice, and I made it. Sorry, Mary."

"It's all okay now, Honey. We have always been like two peas in a pod, and let's now promise each other that we will get through this without damaging that, ever. Deal????

Maria sighed soulfully, "Deal ... besides, life would just be so much more stressful without you in it, Mary. You know how sensitive I can be. You have many times given me strength and support when I most needed it. Just like a big sister, but without the baggage."

Mary replied, "Yeah Maria, never worry about us not having each other, because that will never happen. We have been attached at the hip as far back as we both can remember."

Maria let out a long, deep sigh of relaxing relief at Mary's statement, and calmed back down to a blissful feeling of reassurance.

Another long pause before Mary changed her mood to one more impish, as per her more usual self. "But to answer your original question, Maria, I'd say our boys are like two peas in a pod also. I would say their erections were somewhere between 8 and 9 inches, hardly any difference between them at all, just like most every other thing about them."

Maria shivered noticeably, "My God Mary .... shit."

After only a short pause, it was Maria's turn to get uncharacteristically impish, when she said, "Hhhhmmmm .... that must mean you were watching your son with me?"

Mary followed immediately, using a flawless French accent, "But of course, madame. I have to make sure that my son indulges in only the finest of poosee."

Maria cracked up, almost falling into the pool.

At this point, the two ladies decided they had commiserated more than enough for the night, so they went to bed, exceedingly tired from their long day plus the psychological stress of their recent transgressions. They slept at Mary's house, and in the same bed, just like when they had slumber parties in high school. As best friends, they needed each other's comfort now more than ever.

To say that life got back to normal over the course of the next few weeks would have been painfully in error, but they stopped talking about IT, subconsciously thinking that if they avoided talking about it, maybe it really never happened. All they managed, however, was to turn the elephant in the room invisible, even though it was still there.

Sometimes when they looked into each other's eyes, they each became filled with shame. One would think that this may have slowly driven them apart, but instead, it brought them even closer, but in a silent way. But the silence was just about THAT. In all other ways, things got back to normal quickly, with no shortage of words(a well-honed female skill that had always been well-practiced by this pair).

The one thing that Maria failed to tell Mary was that she found a hidden book of limericks in Pedro's room. Naughty limericks. VERY naughty limericks. Sexually naughty limericks. The limericks relating the story about an old man in ancient China. A lusty man of profound fertility and sexual prowess. They weren't really pornographic, but as she read them, in some ways they seemed worse than pornography. Innocent?? Playful?? Maybe ... but they cut deeply to the heart of life and sex.

Why did Pedro have these? She wanted to ask Mary if Pedro had shared these with Kyle. But these were SO earthy. What if it was ONLY Pedro, and she told Mary? Could it ruin the close family ties of the two families?

An even better question was, why was SHE herself reading them? And why multiple times? And why did her hand go to her crotch as she read them?

She knew why. They were earthy ... very earthy ... very, very earthy. The rhythm of the limericks mesmerized her. But it was more than that. Combined with all that had happened, they were compelling ... very compelling. These limericks were like one of those songs that you just can't get out of your head ... over and over.

She couldn't understand herself now. She never was THAT kind of lady. Maybe it was because? Well ... maybe because her hubby, Jose, would very seldom ... well ... truth be told ... almost never got her to orgasm.

She loved her hubby dearly, and such issues were never important compared to everything else in their lives together. It wasn't ladylike for her mind to go to such personal things concerning her hubby, and she never had until this limerick from her son's naughty book had in such a raw way totally described her situation:

Her hubby could not ring her bell,

short-shanked if the truth she would tell,

but the old man did charm,

dick half-long as her arm,

with the church-tower she did compete well.

How could she possibly be thinking these lewd thoughts all of a sudden? Her feminine soul knew that the limerick held the answer. Yes, Kyle was half-long as her arm ... and heat shot up her spine now as she remembered ... the penetration ... the vaginal stretching penetration from taking a nine-inch dick... and the mind-blowing orgasms ensuing from the head of Kyle's wonderful cock caressing deep to her womb:

The head of his pecker would tease,

the deep places their men could not please,

it would hug the front wall

of vaginas it balled

Stroking well past the womb with great ease.

The raw limericks, paralleling reality in such compellingly nasty ways. Everything in her soul wanted to share this with her best friend Mary. But how could she? Mary always had this notion that she was pure.

And she WAS before the lewd, impure, revolting sexual activities that took place in the pool that ominous, dark night. That unthinkable event seemed to combine now with the ribald limericks to obsess and torment her thoughts. Still, keeping any secret from Mary made her feel bad. They didn't have secrets, one reason they were such close friends.

She had to get these crazy thoughts out of her head. The days rolled by slowly as tensions and worries slowly built up in both of the girls.

Now, there's an old saying that goes, "How could a day possibly get any worse in Auschwitz?" Well, that question had never been far from the girls' minds. A very natural question. After all, things are the way they are in this world.

But the question slowly progressed from a nagging whisper to a silent shout, begging to be answered. And they agreed it must be answered even if they dreaded the task. So, they both took steps to do just that, at the same time to avoid the unbearable drama that may otherwise come between them.

It was Mary that finally called Maria at 5pm, and they had a short conversation, but in some depth. Mary asked Maria to join her in the pool at midnight. So Maria put on a pair of cutoffs, threw on a t-shirt, and strolled across the lush lawn to find Mary already in the water, where she promptly joined her. The cool water felt good since it was another very stiflingly hot and humid night.

They didn't look into each other's eyes. They just sat shoulder-to-shoulder in the water on the steps at the edge of the pool and tilted their heads back to look up into the bright stars.

"Remember when you and I took our sons out of school for a year and spent it in France?" Maria asked.

"Oui oui, I remember. The boys were seven at the time, right?"

Maria chuckled at Mary's perfect French accent and replied, "Eight, I think."

"Oh yeah, that's right," Mary recalled, "remember that French boy that couldn't take his eyes off your boobs at that beach?"

Maria chuckled demurely, "Yeah, hehe, I do remember that. How old would you say he was?"

"I don't know, 16 or 17 I would suppose."

Maria replied whimsically, "Yeah, that's what I would guess. My God, isn't it just nuts how horny young boys are?"

Mary answered, "Yeah, it's just the way God designed things, I guess. And now we are the ones that get to pay the final price for that."

Maria opined, "Yeah, as you said, it all comes down again to the way God designed things."

Mary sighed, saying nothing.

Maria was the one to finally acknowledge what the drama of this night truly was all about. Sobbing and shaking uncontrollably now, she whimpered, "We aren't gonna be getting abortions, are we, Mary??"

Thus, the brutally naked question that had consumed their thoughts long before their respective doctors had delivered the fateful news late that afternoon, was finally brought to light.

"No Maria, of course not. We are committed, Catholic girls."

Cruelly, and out of the blue, a very earthy and unwanted limerick from Pedro's book popped into Maria's mind again, in an instant:

When the stud fucks the wives until dawn,

With skill and a cock with great brawn,

And dumps load after load,

up her child-birthing road,

Just seems proper the fuck ends with spawn.

Maria then followed, "Yeah, even if we weren't committed Catholic girls, I couldn't do that."

"I know that Maria. One of the many things that I have admired about you over the years is that you are so innocently pure at heart, pure as the driven snow."

Maria sighed and chided immediately, "Oh yeah????? Well, until a big dog came along and peed on my snow."

Mary chuckled and replied, "Well, that big dog was my son, and he didn't pee on you."

Maria immediately retorted, "No, he came in me ..... over and over."

Maria continued, "What I don't understand is how we could both get pregnant at the same time. I mean, on the exact same night?? And from only once ... I mean ... you know. What are the odds???"

After saying this, Maria's mind again tormented her, wandering to another naked, naughty limerick from Pedro's book:

She mulled her prodigious bad luck,

to be knocked up with only one fuck,

but with balls like a bull,

and presumably full,

His seed had maliciously stuck.

Mary answered, "Better than you think, Maria. Have you ever heard of synchronized periods?"

Maria asked, "No, not really. What is that?"

"Well, it's a strange thing, but girls that live with or are around each other a lot trend into getting their periods at the same time."

Maria commented, "Wow .....news to me. But I guess you and I surely qualify, living next door, being best friends, and basically being each other's shadow since high school."

The conversation paused for a while.

Maria was the first to again break the ice. "So, what you are really saying is that you and I were obviously synced up and ovulating that night, right?"

"Yep. It also explains why we were so naturally horny that night, remember? It made us more receptive to the boys ... well, you know."

Maria then blurted in a flabbergasted tone, "OK, that's all well and good, but it's still really improbable for both of us to get knocked up on the same night, isn't it?"

Mary said matter-of-factly, "Well, remember our sons' ages. Young boys have high sperm counts, cum like a fire-hose, and have huge volumes of semen. And they ejaculate a lot of semen jets per orgasm. And they can recharge almost instantly."

Again, Maria's demons came to visit, prompted by Mary's earthy comment:

The townsmen distraught and in gloom,

one-by-one their wives bellies would bloom,

the old-man's fertile seed,

and long cock like a steed,

fired huge-wads right up into their wombs.

Mary then queried, "How many times did my son cum into you, Maria?"

It took no time for Maria to respond, "Kyle came into me three times. Pedro?"

Mary answered, "Your son came into me three times as well."

Maria said, thinking of yet another lusty limerick from Pedro's book, "My God, that's a LOT of sperm. I guess that explains the babies.":

But before the old man shot his sperm,

the deep fucking was making her squirm,

Before he was done,

she had hours of fun,

and his massive wad came to full-term.

Now Mary was curious if she had really detected horniness in Maria, so she continued the lurid conversation. "With our boys being over 8 inches, their cocks are so long that they got their dick heads deeply penetrated right to our wombs, and bathed them in huge wads of hot, fertile seed. Some of the ejaculatory jets were probably shot right up through our cervical openings, and right up into our wombs. Did you douche that night, Maria?"

A shiver shot up Maria's spine as she replied, "No, I was too exhausted from the alcohol and sex to even think about it. You?"

Mary answered, "Yes, I did, but it was obviously too late. I guess if you think about it, the boys had each of us for what had to be at least 90 minutes total. Their first orgasms were from premature ejaculations, so those first wads delivered deep to the hilt end of our vaginas were in us for well over an hour. Long enough for their horny young sperm to swim up into our wombs and be safely out of range of a douche tube."

Maria added, "Yeah, your son came really fast the first time. Amazing that he could go three times without even taking it out of me."

Mary replied, "That's the way it was with your Pedro, too. That's the way young boys are. They were like the energizer bunny on steroids..."

Maria sighed deeply again and confessed, "Mary, your son Kyle took me SO deep. I've never been penetrated like THAT before."

"I hear ya. Same for me. Not even close."

That's when another unwanted limerick from Pedro's book popped into Maria's mind, uninvited:

Although she'd been taken by force,

She swooned at the skilled intercourse,

She came all night long,

on the sex master's dong,

as her raper was hung like a horse.

Maria sighed and said in a puzzled tone, "How can that be? I more or less thought this was a like-father-like-son thing."

Mary answered, "Apparently not."

After only a short delay, Mary stated, "Well, the boys are safely tucked away at camp now, so I'll get the tickets and make all the arrangements tomorrow."

"What????," Maria inquired.

"Maria, what would you do without me? We gotta get prepared to go!"

"Go where, Mary?"

"To Thailand. Don't you get it, Maria? We gotta go see our husbands sooner than possible. Think about it!!!!"

There was a silence from Maria for the longest time. Then finally, the light bulb turned on in her brain, and she rattled off in an excited and rapid fire mode, "Oh My God .... yes .... we gotta go .... we gotta go. I'm gonna go and call Jose right now. You go call Robert."

"No Maria, no. Calm down, Honey. We have to think about this logically."

"What do you mean? You're scaring me now, Mary. I'm really confused and scared." And indeed, Maria was literally shaking and sobbing again.

Mary hugged Maria tightly and said, "Oh Maria, Maria, calm down, Honey, and take some deep breaths. It's gonna be okay."

Mary waited a good long time until Maria settled down a little. This also gave Mary a little more time to calm herself, and think about things more clearly.

Finally, Mary said, "OK Maria, listen carefully and trust me, OK? We gotta work together on this."

"OK, Mary."

"OK, here is what we do. We don't call Robert and Jose. We go there unannounced. We will tell them it was a big surprise for them."

"OK, but why would we lie about that?"

"Well, first of all, you do understand that when Robert and Jose take on these long-term contract assignments in other foreign countries, they probably are not, how should I say, going without???"

"Without what?"

"Maria, you are so innocent ... Going without female companionship."

"Oh God, you mean Jose is cheating on me? Maybe even at this very minute?"

"Maria, please don't misunderstand. I don't know for sure that they are or not. What I am saying is that they are men."

"And men are dogs, right?", Maria snapped back.

Mary answered, "Well, not in all ways, but with sex, yes they are."

Mary continued, "And in Thailand, there is a whole huge industry for providing men with very young, very beautiful young girls. For the night .... for a week ..... for a month ...."

"I'll kill him right there," Maria blurted.

"You're not gonna kill anyone, Maria, just listen now. Our number one mission is to get there and get the 'cover sex' that we need to justify our pregnancies. Our second mission is to maybe get a little additional insurance in case things really get out of control. If we catch them off-guard by showing up unannounced, and we catch them with young girls, we will buy ourselves some leverage in case things go south for us later."

"This all sounds so sinister on our part," Maria said.

"Well, we at least get the info we deserve by doing this. It just may come in handy later. And we have to go there anyway."

"Yeah .... but if I find out that Jose is doing that ..... I don't know what I would do .... maybe I don't want to know."

"Believe me, in OUR situation, you DO want to know."

Then Mary retorted, pointing over to a corner of the pool, "Besides, remember that just a little over three weeks ago, my son had you trapped over in that corner of the pool. He tuned your strings JUST RIGHT, and played you like a Stradivarius."

Mary continued, "And in a few months, your belly will be swollen with his baby. And in nine months you will be singing for him again in the agony of childbirth. You and I will be out of options if we wait that long, Maria. We must plan ahead as best we can to survive this, together."

Maria completely disintegrated, and all Mary could do was hug her there, as they sat on the steps of the pool. The same steps where Mary herself had been TAKEN and knocked up by Pedro, her best friend's son. Maria and Mary both thought about that fateful night in this same pool.

Maria was trembling and wailing in the comfort of Mary's hug, for a long, long time. Mary was sobbing, also comforted in the arms of her best friend. How they could have gotten through this without each other was unthinkable.

After a long while, Maria said demurely, "Is it really possible that two young virgin boys could make love good enough to have us both screaming in shameful passion in their hands?"

Mary instantly shot to playful mode, and replied, "Well, perhaps it had more to do with their huge dicks than their hands, Maria."

Maria sighed deeply in surrender, "You're beginning to wear me down with your earthy nature, Mary."