Unthinkable Night


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Maria tilted her head back and looked up at the crescent moon and sighed again. "Mary, when the lights went out that night in the pool, and it was pitch dark ...... things ..... I mean ..... things aahhhmmmm.... the boys really quieted down ..... and ... the .... the ahhhhmmmm .... you know .... the actual intercourse didn't start until after the lights went out, and continued for a long time into the night.

"Yeah, you know how young boys are," Mary replied.

"Yeah," replied Maria "... but ... I mean .... you don't suppose our sons ... you know ..... I mean ---"

"I know EXACTLY what you mean, Maria .... but that is just .... too .... unthinkable."

Those were the last words that were spoken by the two knocked-up ladies that night. As they soaked in the opulent pool, the sounds of the enchanting crescent-moon-lit summer night engulfed them. There was not so much as a puff of a breeze that night.

The smell of the oppressive night humidity was palpable, just as it had been that night three weeks ago when new life had been so copiously ejaculated into both of them. The crickets were chirping and the frogs were croaking melodiously.

The forlorn, haunting flutes of loons in the large, nearby lake penetrated the soulful night air. Loons that had no business still being in Texas this late in the spring. And wombs that had no business working on babies not fathered by their hubbies.

Then, the telltale painful cries of a female cat as her Tom pulled his barbed cock out of her pussy, stimulating ovulation. All these sounds and smells of the magic night did not go unnoticed by either of the two. They both understood and pondered the significance of the night sounds, and the actions underlying them.

The struggle of staying alive for all God's creatures was, on this night, taking a time out for something even more significant. The drive to extend the species. The drive to survive into the future. The insane need for males to fuck, and females to be fucked.

And so, this night had been just like that fateful night that they had been impregnated. A night of insane fucking by the animal kingdom. And the remembrance of a night of successful breeding by two young boys.

Each getting to empty their young, horny, fertile balls deep into the ovulating birth canals of their best friend's mother. And who knows, with any luck, maybe even into the ovulating birth canals of their own ............ but NO ... that would be just .... too .... unthinkable.

Chapter 2 - Flashback

It had been 11:30 pm that fateful night. Kyle and Pedro were relaxing in the pool. They were celebrating their first night of freedom. Their plan had been to go to the movies, but they changed their minds at the last minute, concluding it was just too much work in the evening heat. The pool was a much better option, they reasoned.

They were incredibly happy that their junior year in high school was finally over. Studies came naturally to both of them, but they really didn't like school at all and were looking forward to the upcoming lazy summer. Living next door to each other resulted in them being best friends, virtually joined at the hip just like their mothers.

Kyle said, "Aaaaahhh ... aren't you just glad that we are outta there for three whole months??"

Pedro replied, "Yeah ... FREEDOMMMMMM ..."

Kyle added, "Just one more year of school left."

"Yeah, thank God."

"Then you and I need to think about starting a business together, just like our dads."

Pedro queried, "Yeah, we should. What should we do?"

"The only thing we like good enough to get straight A's in, electronics and software."

"That would certainly make the most sense. By the way, are your mom and dad still pushing you to go to college?"

"Full court press," Kyle lamented.

"Me too. Parents can be such a pain sometimes. But I guess they mean well."

"Yeah, they do. But sometimes I wish they would just give it a rest," Kyle said in frustration.

"10-4 Kyle. What are you fumbling with?"

Kyle said, "Well, I've been working on this wifi voice recorder. I got it working fairly well so far, so started to work on this android app for it on my phone."

All of a sudden, the app popped to life.

Kyle said surprisingly, "Hey, it's working, Pedro."

"Wow, it sure is. Is that our moms?"

"Of course, Pedro, don't you recognize our own moms?"

"Yeah, I was just surprised. Where is the microphone located? Pedro queried.

"I don't remember. Oh yeah, I left it in the kitchen or living room, I think."

"Wow, it's really clear sound. Looks like you did a good job with it. But we should turn it off now."

"Why?" Kyle responded.

"Well, it's not really ethical for us to spy on our moms, is it?"

"I don't know, might be kind of fun. Just consider it design checkout, merely for science, of course."

Pedro didn't answer. He merely chuckled.

Meanwhile, at Mary's kitchen table, she and Maria were commiserating about the long absence of their husbands up in their Austin office.

Maria said, "Sometimes I just wish they were garbage men or something, so they would just get home every night."

Mary replied, "Well, maybe something a little better smelling than garbage men."

They both laughed.

Mary continued, "I am so horny I can't stand it."

"MARY .....", Maria gasped.

"Well I am, and so are you, don't lie to your best friend."

Maria didn't say a word, trying to hide her blush.

Mary just grinned at her, causing her to blush even more, knowing that her extreme fire engine red blush answered the question. Maria was indeed hornier than a 16-year-old virgin in a dildo factory, just like her.

Knowing that Maria was very uncomfortable now, Mary changed the subject. "Hey Maria, have you and Jose made any progress convincing Pedro to go to college?"

Happy for the topic change, Maria answered, "Nope ... he just won't budge. Kyle?"

"Same, but we are running out of time. Only one year."

"Yeah, the clock is running down fast. We can't even get Pedro to hedge his bets and agree to take the SATs.", Maria added.

"Yeah, same for Kyle. Not too surprising I guess, since Kyle and Pedro are like Siamese twins."

"Kinda like you and me," Maria quipped.

"Yeah, that's a blessing at least. It's getting harder and harder to find deep relationships in people these days."

After a brief pause, Mary continued, "Maria, want to do something a little different for us tonight? A little something out of the ordinary? Something to treat our husband-less depression?"

"I'm almost afraid to ask what you have in mind," Maria said softly.

"Nothing wild, just a little addition to our usual Cola with something from Robert's happy cabinet."

"Mary, you know I don't drink, and neither do you."

"Yeah, I know. But I think we need a little anesthetic to forget about our celibacy."

"I don't know," objected Maria.

"Just a little."

"Well, OK, just a little."

On that note, Mary took their genuine, official old-style Coka-Cola glasses to the cabinet and added just a little, and turned to walk back. Then she stopped in her tracks, turned around again, and whispered, "What the heck." She poured in a lot more into the waiting Coka-Cola for good measure.

Returning, she gave Maria's glass back to her. Maria took a sip and coughed a little. "Wow, this stuff is really strong, Mary."

"Nah, it just seems that way since we never drink."

Maria said, "I wonder if our hubbies are doing this tonight ..."

Forgetting it was daytime on that side of the world, Mary answered, "They are probably sleeping."

"I hope so," replied Maria.

On that thought, Maria took a big gulp, again coughing. "You don't really think they would ... you know?"

"I sure hope not, Maria. But they are men, after all. And if we are this horny, imagine what it must be like for them."

Now Maria's mind was racing, just as the first effects of the alcohol hit her brain. On that, she took two more big gulps, and sighed.

Mary was also now feeling the effects.

Meanwhile, back at the pool, Kyle said surprisingly, "Holy shit, Pedro, our moms just said they were horny."

Pedro replied, "Yeah, that's crazy, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and they are getting sauced, too. I've never seen THAT before."

Kyle continued, "And they always tell US not to ever drink ---"

Pedro intercepted Kyle's sentence with, "Or we would be severely punished."

"It's kinda heady listening to your own moms talk about sexual things." Pedro continued.

"It sure is, Pedro. Hey Pedro, have you been studying those Chinese sex manuals that I found by accident while researching that paper for biology?"

"Yeah Kyle, who could put it down? Wow, the stuff those Han sex masters did to their women back then was incredible."

"Well, now that we know it all by heart, we gotta find some girls to try it out on. With this knowledge, and if the book isn't bullshit, we should have girls falling all over us. The sexual techniques are supposedly devastating to girls and women."

Pedro chided, "That's all well and good, Kyle, but we are virgins. Before we can make use of any of this stuff, we gotta first approach real girls, and talk them out of their panties."

"What about Kelly and Jennifer?" Kyle suggested.

"Are you crazy? They are cheerleaders and we aren't even close to their league, socially."

"Yeah, I guess you are right, Pedro."

Meanwhile, back in Mary's Kitchen, the two sauced girls were relaxed and chillin, oblivious to the fact that their spy-in-training sons were listening to their every word. Suffice it to say that both had been 'good' girls their whole life. Had it not been for the alcohol, the following off-color conversation would have never come up between them.

Maria said out of the blue, "Mary, I have to tell you something. A couple weeks ago, I found one of my sexiest bras under Pedro's bed. Plus, the past few weeks I noticed him peeking through the keyhole of the bathroom door quite a few times as I was taking a bath. You ever catch Kyle doing anything like that?"

"Yeah, I did notice Kyle rifling through my undies drawer and reading my bra tags a few times. And yeah, I have noticed him regularly camping out on the other side of the bathroom door keyhole as well."

Mary continued, "Hhhhmmmm, I wonder if Pedro and Kyle are comparing notes on the old keyhole trick, or if they are clueless to each other's activities. Remember, our sons are right at the age of their highest hormone levels. And it's probably a fair bet that they are boob men since their mothers are pretty top-heavy."

Maria whimpered nervously, "Mary ... I ... I ..."

"Spit it out, Honey."

"Mary ... I ... even though ... you know ..."

There was a long pause now as Mary was waiting for Maria's reply. "Earth to Maria. Earth to Maria. Come in Maria."

"Mary ... even though I knew Pedro was ... you know ... peeking night after night. I ... ahhmmmm ... I didn't ... you know ... I didn't plug the keyhole."

"And you feel guilty, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Shouldn't I feel guilty? I mean ... it's weird. It wasn't really anything sexual ... honest, Mary!"

"I know, Honey. I know exactly. Maria, if it's any consolation, I didn't plug the keyhole, either. And it wasn't sexual for me either. I know exactly why, and it's very normal. It's our female ego. In high school, remember when boys used to run into things as they gawked at us while walking down the hallways at high school?"

"Yeah, I remember, Mary."

Mary continued, "We were among the prettiest girls in school, and by far the most ... how shall I say ... well endowed??"

"Yeah? So what's your point?"

"The point is, even though we are happily married and have always been good girls, we are still female. We still have all the natural instinct and weaknesses that all women have. We instinctively want to be assured that we are still attractive. That we still have what it takes to attract males."

Maria objected, "But we have husbands ..."

"Of course we do, and we have always been faithful to them. But they are gone so much."

"What does this have to do with our sons?" Maria queried in a puzzled way.

"Well, I guess it's that they were innocently available for us to test our attractiveness."

"Just what the heck does THAT mean?" Maria commented annoyingly.

"Well, calm down a little, Maria. Just put two and two together. We didn't allow our sons to peek for any sexual reasons, right?"

"Of course not."

"And neither of us have ever been slutty or anything remotely like that, right?"


"OK, follow my logic. If we were driven by the relatively innocent desire to merely test our attractiveness, then the fact we allowed our sons visual access was the natural choice, right?"

Maria said, "I don't follow."

"Well, what would be our only alternative to our sons for this subconscious mission?"

"You tell me."

"It would have been to run around with or tease other men. Now I ask you, would we ever do that?"

"Of course not, are you crazy? Not in a million years would we cheat on our hubbies."

"Exactly. So, we allowed the natural, innocent curiosity of our sons accomplish our subconscious goal to prove our continued, natural womanhood in the least risky way, without anyone knowing, and with no one getting hurt. I mean, the boys sure aren't gonna tell. In their minds, they were the ones doing the transgressing. And it isn't as if any of this is gonna go any further, right?"

"Wow, Mary, your explanation sounds like a PHD thesis."

"Maybe, but doesn't it make you feel a little better about yourself, Maria?"

"Yeah, actually, a lot better."

Maria continued, "But it's pretty wild that our sons would be looking at us like THAT."

"Why Maria? They are horny young males."

"Are you saying that it's OK?"

"I am merely saying that it is what it is," Mary answered in a matter-of-fact way.

Maria briskly fanned her flushed face with her hand, and commented, "Wow Mary, this drink you gave me is really strong. I'm getting a hot flash from it."

"Yeah," Mary said, "It's so hot tonight. Let's go down to the pool and cool off. You can wear one of my bikinis. That way you don't have to go home to change."

"Gud idea-r," Maria replied, now obviously three sheets to the wind.

As Maria stood up, she stumbled. Mary had to catch her so she wouldn't fall over.

"Easy Maria," Mary said giggling, "you obviously ain't no good handlin alhocol."

Maria replied, "No sheet, and you ain't xactly Mother Teresa yaself ..."

Mary burst out hysterically at her partner-in-crime's stupor.

They both walked, well, kinda, to Mary's bedroom. There Mary said to Maria in a playful tone, "Hhhmmmm, let's put on my sexiest little bikinis. It's only you an me anyway, the boys went to da movies ternight."

"Err K"

It was all Maria could do to get poured into Mary's smaller D-cup bikini top. As she fumbled with the straps, Mary remarked, "Wow Maria, you sur hav an awesome set of boobies. Let me help you."

Finally, the two inebriated girls managed to barely get Maria's tortured pair crammed into the challenged bolder holder.

Maria said, "o krey, lets go fer I paz out frum heat."

Meanwhile, again back at the pool, the flabbergasted boys had been listening to the minute-by-minute confessions of their own moms, and much of it was targeted at them.

Kyle said teasingly, "Oh my God, Pedro, you've been on your knees peeking at your naked mother through the bathroom keyhole."

"SO HAVE YOU!!!" Pedro said defensively.

"Of course! Our moms are both stacked like sex goddesses. How could any red-blooded son resist THEM??"

Pedro said, "This is the first time that you and I have talked about our own moms this way."

"Well, this is the first time that we have known that our moms KNEW that we were peeking at them naked, and allowed us to continue. That's hot!"

Pedro said, "I think I'm gonna faint."

Kyle announced, "Holy Shit ... I've got a hard-on the size of Rhode Island. You??"

Pedro admitted, "Like ...... YEAH."

"They are gonna come here to the pool soon. Remember, they think we are at the movies. Quick, get over to the high corner of the pool, where they can't see us until they get into the pool. Remember, they are drunk and horny. That bodes well for us."

Pedro protested, "Are you crazy?? They are our mothers."

"Just go by the book and see what happens."


"They are drunk as shit. Remember what the books say about drunk girls? What does the book say that alcohol is?"

"uuuueeemmmmm ... liquid panty remover???"

"Yep ..."

Again Pedro protested, "Are you nuts?? They are our mothers, and you are talking about getting their panties off?"

"Well of course I will take your mom and you will take mine. Besides, we will just take things as they come. We may not get THAT far, but I'd settled for just getting a close-up and personal view of those awesome racks, wouldn't you? And maybe if we are super lucky, even get our hands on them."

"Oh God, I'm feeling faint again."

"Man up, Pedro. Promise me that you will follow my lead. Remember the seduction techniques. Do what I do. We will have a huge advantage over them since they are plastered."

"But Kyle, you said that if we get lucky, I would take your mom and you would take mine, right?"


Pedro replied, "Well ... I mean ... I uuueeemmm ... I mean, I have a huge obsession with MY mom. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah Pedro, I get it. I also have an obsession with mine. Both of them are like living dolls. Think of it this way. What would be your guess as to the relative probability of incestuous versus non-incestuous seductions tonight?"

"hhhmmmmm, I see your point."

"Just remember, concentrate on foreplay, foreplay, foreplay. Remember the book. And remember what my mom said to yours just now. They are looking for validation that they are sexy and beautiful. As strange as that seems for these knockout beauties, that's the way it seems to be, so let's take full advantage of that female psychology if we can."

There was a short pause before Kyle continued, "Heck, we probably ain't gonna get to first base with them anyway. Quiet Pedro ... here they come. Duck. Play it cool and slow. Follow my lead. Just take a deep breath and relax. This either works or it doesn't. If it doesn't, they may be too drunk to remember anyway."

All the way down the concrete sidewalk from the house to the pool, Kyle and Pedro could hear them coming. They were wearing casual cork high heels with soles that produced that characteristic clop, clop, clop. You know, the sound that would drive men crazy when worn by a particularly sexy, scantily-clad, beautiful woman.

The boys couldn't see their mothers. But that sound ... Pedro damn near came in his swimming trunks listening to it. He took a deep breath and remembered the psychological ejaculation control procedures that he had practiced diligently. Kyle was thinking and plotting, which helped him control himself a little. His mind was focused on how to maximize the boys chances of getting as far as possible.

The girls were talking. Maria's speech was noticeably slurred, and Mary's had recovered just a little bit from what the boys had heard on the microphone. They were giggling almost constantly. The boys could hear Mary say, "Maria, stop sippin on that drink. You've had more than enough for one night."

Maria replied, "Nonsense, I miss my Jose and I have not yet begun to defile myself tonight."

Mary sternly said, "That's it." She took the glass from Maria's hand and dumped the remaining liquid on the ground.

"It's gonna take you the rest of the night to dry out, Maria. But the pool water should help."

"And wad about you, Marry?"

"I, on the other hand, am a rock." As she said this, she stumbled on the sidewalk, just as they had reached the steps that went down into the pool. She caught herself, but Maria now burst out in drunken laughter and said, "Yeah, a rock ..." Both girls now laughed uncontrollably.