Unthinkable Night

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Two Gorgeous Mothers get too much alcohol, and pay the price.
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This tale is dedicated to sons that have fantasized about taking their mothers, which is probably pretty much all of them. And, to mothers that have thought about sexual relations with their sons, which is probably more than most women would think.

This story is about two highly intelligent, creative, and well-read teenaged sons that had experienced an incredibly lucky set of circumstances due to the evils of alcohol, and a pool.

The two boys in this tale are high school seniors and best friend neighbors, but are eighteen, due to their mothers taking them out of school when they were young, to go on a long, once in a lifetime tour of Italy. There is a flashback in this story, but the sons were both 18 during that chapter also.

So, bucket your seat belts and salivate about your own mothers, or sons, as you follow this hot, horny story.

Chapter 1 - Unthinkable

It had been a beautiful late May morning in southern Texas. Mary and her best friend Maria had just woken up, uncharacteristically late for them. The noon hour was definitely making it's own proclamation that although it represented the transition from the unusually late-arriving spring, it was now coming in with a vengeance.

It was gonna be hot, Mexican-style hot. The ladies had just finished eating a light brunch in Mary's kitchen. After their unusual chatter-less demeanor, Maria walked over to her house right next door to Mary's. Their houses had been designed by their husbands, who were both architects and had been struggling in business together for the last ten years.

It was easy to see why Robert and Jose chose this location for their beautifully architectured homes. It was six miles from the edge of Brownsville, in a rural location completely devoid of any neighbors and other houses. And the views from the respective properties were the absolute best in the entire area.

The talented architects had designed a unique and innovative security fence wall as a precaution, due to their houses being located in an isolated location, and Brownsville being so close to the Mexican border.

As Mary glanced out of her window, she noticed her husband pull his SUV into the driveway. She wondered what was wrong since Robert and Jose had been working out of their smaller, Austin branch office for the last three weeks and were not expected home yet. "Oh no!" she thought. "Could it be that somehow Robert found out? No, that would be impossible."

"What's wrong, Robert? Is everything OK?" Mary asked in a concerned and dreading tone.

"Yes, Honey. Everything is more than OK. I have some great news," Robert said excitedly.

Relieved, Mary replied, "Well, don't keep me in suspense. Tell me already!"

"OK, well, you know that project in Thailand that Jose and I bid on?"

Mary answered, "The one that you said you didn't have a chance to land?"

"Yep ... that one."

"Oh my gosh, you got it??" Mary asked excitedly.

"Yep, they called us from Thailand very early this morning. It was the darnedest thing. Our bid wasn't the lowest, but do you know what sealed the deal for us?"

"Pray tell, Robert."

"Believe it or not, Jose and I showed them a picture of our homes at dinner one night. They were impressed with the security fence wall design. Since we patented the design, there was nowhere else they could get the security structure that they were so impressed with, so they gave us the WHOLE project. Not just the little test project that we bid on, but the entire project, start to finish!"

Mary gasped, "Oh my God, Robert. Does that mean ---?"

"Yes Mary, it means we will be filthy, stinking rich!"

Mary threw her arms around him, "After all these years, your hard work finally paid off."

"There's only one hitch, Mary. The client wants us to design from Thailand. So Jose and I have to move there. As a matter of fact, we need to leave late tonight. Our secretary already has our airline tickets ordered. They are in a big hurry to get this project off the ground."

"TONIGHT???? Oh, now wait just a minute, Robert. You guys didn't even consult with me and Maria about this?"

"We couldn't, honey. They forced us to decide immediately. It's a HUGE project, Mary. It will mean $34,000,000 net for our business, plus generous bonuses for meeting target deadlines."

Mary about fainted after hearing the mind-boggling amount. "Well, I can see now why you couldn't wait. But ... Maria and I can't move with the boys still in school. How long will this project take to complete?"

"Five years."

"Mary screamed, "FIVE YEARS ... how can we be apart that long?"

"Well, our agreement was that we work in Thailand for two years, then we can come back home and design the rest from here. They just want to be assured that we are all-in with their project since they have never worked with a small firm before."

Mary was a little stunned by all this happening so fast, so Robert continued, "Mary, in trade for all this money, there has to be a little sacrifice, right? But do you realize what this means? Jose and I will be able to send our sons to any University they want .... cash."

"Jose and I propose the following," continued Robert, "We forget about ourselves for the next two years, and make those two years TOTALLY about our sons. Me and Jose will make all this money, and you and Maria will get the boys through high school, help set up their applications and college interviews, then get them off to a good start with their college academics."

Mary objected, "But Robert, please remember that neither Kyle nor Pedro have college in their plans. Although their grades are high, they are not on top of their class as you and Jose were. Not high enough to get into the elite schools like you and Jose attended."

"Jose and I have a plan for that. Our University is looking to do an expensive campus upgrade and add some new programs. With the money we will be making, we can ... well ... how can I put this? Aaahhh ... well ... essentially do a buy-in for Kyle and Pedro."

"Now just wait a minute, I didn't know that was even possible. Is that ethical?", Mary blurted out.

"Well ... yeah ... I mean it doesn't seem fair. But that's just the way the elite schools work. It's essentially a set-aside for .... ahmmm ... shall we say ... generous University alumni."

"That's all there is to it?" Mary queried.

"Well, not exactly. The kids would still need to buy into this, up their grades in senior year, and study like hell for their rather late SATs. That's where you and Maria come in. For the next two years, Jose and I spend every waking hour making this money."

Robert continued, "And you and Maria spend every waking hour helping our sons get into University. You girls not only need to get them to buy-in, but get them to stick with it after they do."

Mary commented, "Well, you know the old saying, Robert. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

"Well, that's up to you and Maria. The two years of sacrifice will be easier if you have an aggressive goal in mind, and a purpose. It will make the waiting more bearable. Besides, it will only be a couple years for you girls, since the boys will start their senior year soon. If you can get them motivated and well into their College sophomore year, the battle should be won."

"That makes sense," Mary concluded.

Robert said, "OK then. Can you talk to Maria about this?"

"Shouldn't Jose be the one to break this to Maria?"

"Well, Jose had to stay in Austin to personally attend to some legal issues plus some incidental bank credit lines regarding this project. He didn't feel it would be fair to tell Maria about this project over the phone, and he doesn't want Maria to be left in the dark until he gets back late this evening. OK? Can you do that?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Thanks. Oh, and could you and Maria pack us for the trip? Just lite. Not like girls pack ... hehe. Remember, we aren't going into outer space, there are stores there. But, we will each need three business suits. We will be REALLY busy to meet our flight schedule. And don't let us forget our passports."

"OK, we will take care of it, don't worry."

"Thanks honey, I gotta get back to the Brownsville office now. I have a lot of technical documents to pack up."

"OK Robert, thanks for taking the time to come and tell me in person instead of by phone."

"Sure, I didn't want to do that to you. Who loves you, Baby?"

"You do, Robert. You love me."

"That's right, Baby. See ya later."

Right after Robert pulled out of the driveway, Mary half-ran over to Maria's house and entered quickly after knocking. She then excitedly told Maria everything in complete detail.

Maria said, "Holy cow Mary, we're gonna be rich!"

Mary replied, "Filthy stinking!!" They both started jumping up and down, laughing.

But it wasn't long before foreboding reality set into Maria. She said, "Wow Mary, first last night, and now this. It's a lot to take in. I'm still shaking and emotional from the intensity of it all happening so fast."

Mary made a long sigh, hugged Maria tightly, and said, "Yeah, I know what you mean, Maria. Well, we just need to take this one step at a time. Right now, I will go back home and pack for Robert, and you pack for Jose. Remember their packing request that I just told you about."

From that point on, the rest of the day went fast for the girls due to all the preparations for the travel of both their husbands and sons. Just after 9pm, Mary, Robert, Maria, and Jose were speeding toward the South Padre Island International Airport, where Robert and Jose would catch the first leg of their long, red-eye flight to Bangkok. The sons stayed home and got ready for bed since their travel day was coming up early the next morning.

The airport was not far, so the trip in both directions was fast and easy, due to no traffic at that late hour. Neither Mary nor Maria talked during the short trip home after dropping off Robert and Jose. They were both extremely tired from the events of the day, and about the only communications that could be heard were deep, sleepy yawns.

Since both were dead tired and knew they had to get up early the next morning, they went to their respective homes and crashed. Both of their sons were already sound asleep.

The morning came fast for both. Maria had an early flight out of South Padre Island International Airport to Monterrey, Mexico, where her parents lived. It was her mother's birthday. It would be a day trip only, due to the helter-skelter nature of all the competing, overlapping plans and events thrust upon the two mothers in the last 36 hours.

It was Mary's job that day to drive their sons, Pedro and Kyle, to the beautiful summer camp location located on a lake in a rural area close to Austin. Maria took a taxi to the airport since she wanted to let Mary get a little more sleep, due to the fact that Mary had a 6-hour drive to the campground then another 6-hours back.

Mary and Maria had a talk about this and decided that they would not tell the boys about their father's good fortune just yet. It could wait until they got back from camp. This would give the girls a chance to process how to tell the boys in a proper way, especially after the other unthinkable dynamics that had transpired.

All went according to plan that day, but it was another very long day for both of the girls. Mary actually got home first, due to some unexpected good luck getting through Austin traffic on the return trip. Mary got a phone call from Maria at 10 pm.

"Mary, my flight here in Monterrey has been delayed due to mechanical problems. I'll be in very late. There is another plane arriving from Dallas in less than two hours. They are going to use that plane for my flight. I'll be home around 1am. I scheduled a taxi already, so you don't have to pick me up."

"Maria Honey, you didn't have to do that, you know I would come and pick you up. By the way, how are your mother and father enjoying the house they inherited from your grandparents? Was it worth the move from Brownsville?"

"Yes, they like it very much. It's a bigger house, which they don't need at their age, but they like the fact that they are carrying on the family homestead."

After a slight pause, Maria said, "But Mary, when I get home, we have to talk."

Mary said, "Yeah, I know. Come over to the pool at 1:30 am. It's so bloody hot tonight. Call me at any hour if you have any further delays."

"OK Mary. See you then. If I don't call, it means I'm on schedule."

Mary arrived at the pool first. At 1:30 am, right on schedule, Maria crossed the lawn separating their two homes, dressed in a bikini and joined Mary in her pool. "Oh My God," Maria said, "this sure has been a physically and emotionally draining 48 hours."

Mary chimed in wholeheartedly, "Tell me about it!"

Maria immediately asked, "Do you think Jose noticed my nervous behavior on the way to the airport?"

"Probably, but I'm sure he just thought that it was due to the stress and suddenness of the news and the trip. I mean, we all know that you are a very emotional girl."

Maria replied, "You don't think he knows, do you?"

"Of course not Maria, how could he?"

"Oh My God, what have we done?" cried Maria.

"Yeah, what were we thinking?" Mary chimed in.

"That's the problem," Maria blurted out, "we weren't thinking."

There was a brief pause, then Maria said, "Getting Jose packed at the last minute, plus getting Pedro ready to leave for summer camp at the same time about killed me. There was so much to do and think about in such a short period of time."

Mary replied, "Yeah, me too. It's a blessing that both boys are attending camp together and that they left immediately after .... you know ....... the ... the ---"

Maria interrupted, "The Disaster."

There was another short silence until Maria continued, "It was so embarrassing and uncomfortable in the house yesterday, getting Pedro ready to go. He was looking at me funny all morning. And I was blushing every time he looked at me."

Mary replied, "Well, not too surprising after seeing his mother totally naked in the pool last night."

If it hadn't been dark, Mary would have noticed that Maria was blushing profusely.

Maria said, "God, we are SO disgusting. How did that even happen?"

"I don't know, Honey, but being the teetotalers we are, we never should have experimented with that Everclear in my hubby's liquor cabinet."

"Oh My God Mary, you gave me Everclear??? Don't you know that stuff is 95% alcohol??? No wonder I got so out of control!"

"Really?? 95%??? Being a teetotaler, I didn't know that. Sorry. Well, I guess I thought we were both really missing our hubbies so much, being in Austin for over three weeks, that maybe we should take a little alcohol, relax, and just let our hair down a little to forget about all that. But I had no idea that the bottle I mixed our drinks with had that much alcohol. My God, 95%???"

"Yep .......... well, we let more than our hair down, didn't we Mary?"

"Aaahhhmmmm .... yeah .... somehow .... we uuuhhhmmm ... let our bikini tops down ... voluntarily."

"eeeuuuuwww! .... Yeah, we did, didn't we?" Maria commented sheepishly.

"eemmmmm hhmmm ..." Mary acknowledged.

Maria then queried, "Guess we can't take much consolation in the fact that we weren't the ones that removed our bikini bottoms???"

Mary replied in a somewhat exasperated tone, "Now that's a lame comment. Let me explain it to you this way. If you went down to the zoo, reached through the bars with a five-pound porterhouse steak, would you expect the lion to say, "No thank you ma'am, it's just not right?"

"aahhhmmmm .... well .......... no."

Mary continued, "Frankly, I'd be more concerned about our sons if they HADN'T just taken us, with us shamelessly exposing our boobs to them the way we did and all. At least we had the sense to make sure that you had my son and I had yours."

"Yeah, thank God for that. Do you think we damaged our sons psychologically??" Maria asked in a concerned tone.

"Well Maria, your son nearly damaged me with that wang of his!" Mary then waited for a response of laughter from Maria, but none was forthcoming. Mary then quickly said, "Sorry Maria. But Naw ... males think totally differently about sexual things. In fact, they are probably proud as hell that they bonked us."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, Maria. And instinctively, I think you know that also, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess. Males are so disgusting."

"Well, remember, we were the ones that decided to tease our sons a little and go topless for them, just to see if we could embarrass them, remember?"

"Yeah," Maria chided, "after you half drugged me with all that alcohol."

"Now wait just a minute little miss goody two shoes," Mary blurted impatiently. "It's those 34DDs of yours that got the boys crazy."

"That's bullshit, Mary, you are a 34D, not much smaller than me."

"Well, yours are noticeably bigger to young boys like our sons. That's the way young boys are about boobs."

Then Maria said in a crazy manner, "Mary, you are such a PUTTZ ....." Then stuck her tongue out at her.

Mary did a double-take, and burst out laughing, "A PUTTZ??????"

They both laughed uncontrollably now, just as they did back in high school. When they finally stopped laughing, Mary was the first to speak. "Sorry, Maria. Yeah, regardless whether both of us had 34DD or 34D boobs, it wouldn't have changed what happened that night."

Maria said softly, "Sorry I stuck my tongue out at you, Mary."

Mary couldn't resist, "Well Maria, I couldn't help noticing that my son liked the way that tongue was polishing his knob. You are such a talented girl."

Maria faked like she was going to hit Mary, saying impudently "You are SO bad, Mary. Bad to the core."

"Well Maria, your long John Silver son sure got to my core. DEEP into my core."

Maria sobbed a little, admonishing Mary but in a very soft voice, "This is so serious and you are being so flip." Her trembling, soft sobbing continued.

Mary immediately hugged Maria tightly and said. "There there Maria, I'm sorry. You know, I am just as upset, I just show it differently." After blurting that out, Mary started crying uncontrollably.

Maria was floored. She had never seen Mary lose her composure this way. Mary was normally a rock. This breakdown was way out of the ordinary for her. So Maria tried the best she could to lighten the mood.

But the fact remained that Maria was at a loss for words, resulting in a remarkably effective mood breaker, surprising even herself with "Well, in case you didn't notice, your son Kyle cored out my apple pretty good, too."

Maria closed her eyes in shame from the words that had just come out of her innocent little mouth. Both of the girls immediately went into high school mode again, with laughter even more uncontrollable than before.

Mary slapped her knees several times as she mimicked, "Cored your apple?? Oh My God, Maria."

Maria replied, "Now you make fun of me."

This time, Mary was the one to get serious, knowing how sensitive Maria could be. She hugged her again tightly.

Maria paused a few moments before acknowledging the elephant in the room, and in the process, bringing down the house with the following comments, "Our sons are both hung like horses, aren't they Mary? Somewhere I heard that horses really like apples."

Mary collapsed in the hardest bout of laughter she had ever had in 39 years of life. Yes, the words were funny, but it was more than that. It was the combination of words, mood, and the totally uncharacteristic sexuality coming out of the normally demure, pure little Maria. They didn't stop until it was too painful to laugh anymore.

They paused a little bit to regain their composure, not to speak of their breath. They paused yet a little more, tilting their heads back and looking up into the night sky, and taking in all the beautiful night sights and sounds.