Is that Dueling Banjos I Hear?


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Darnell looked at Chris for a long minute before he replied. "Loretta takes a lot of caren. I cain't always give as much time to those girls as I might likes to. They have a hard life likes the rest of us, but you will be leavin soon. Just be sure to remember that when you is with them."

Darnell did not say anything more on the subject. He got up and just said "Let's go. We gots 3 more stops to make afore we kin go home tonight."

Chris gave his words some thought, but wasn't sure exactly what Darnell was trying to tell him. He had been uncertain when he found out Darnell knew what he and his sisters had been doing at night, but Darnell was apparently not going to do anything about it. He had voiced his concern and he was allowing Chris to make his own decision about how things would progress in the future.

Chris worked with Darnell for a total of 5 weeks before Darnell was healed enough to go back to his trade on his own. Chris had not found staying the extra week any problem and in some ways was sorry to leave. His father could not get time to come pick him up, so he had Mazey drive him to town where he caught a bus back. He had to transfer 2 more times before he got to the station near home, the 6 hour car trip seeming short compared to the 13 hours on several buses. Chris's mother was overjoyed to see him, and his father tried to look happy, but Chris could see some hesitation in his eyes as he greeted his son. Back at home, Chris had to reacclimate himself to his former life, but soon he was settled into his usual routine.


The summer was already half over and Chris had some catching up to do. He had not had time to plan for his future, the trip to Kentucky took him away from friends and other plans. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, but knew he would have to make some choices soon. His father had been hinting that the Air Force would be a good opportunity for him, but Chris thought the only way he would go that direction would be if he could be a pilot. Since the Air Force required all its pilots to be college graduates any more, he wasn't sure he could put in the 4 years until he could even try to qualify for flight training. His mother was pushing for him to go to college, but Chris was only an average student at best and really did not want to tie himself down with more schooling. He did, however, sign up for a couple of courses at the local community college to make his mother happy and to give himself a backup in case he couldn't come up with anything else.

He had been able to see Melissa, he found that she and her mother had worked out a plan to persuade her father that Melissa was old enough to start making decisions for herself. He went out with her a couple of times, but the spark that had been there between them seemed to have dimmed somewhat during his absence. Chris thought some of it had to do with the way he now looked at life but some was also probably due to Melissa having to balance her feelings for Chris with her agreement with her father not to do anything too rash. Chris wasn't sure what Melissa would want from him, but he sensed her confusion at his reaction. She was reserved but she still expected Chris to be pushing her and was confused when he didn't. They were still good friends and went out occasionally, but things were now different. Chris was sorry to see things change, but glad at the same time that Melissa didn't appear hurt with the change.


Chris had found a part time job working in a hardware store in town. He discovered that he had enjoyed working with his hands during his time With Darnell and although he had to do some selling, he could help out with the repair jobs the store took on. He was making some money and the job kept him busy during the week. As he worked, he often found himself thinking back on his time in Kentucky and wondered how his other family was doing. They did not have a phone and Chris was not a letter writer, so he did not have any idea of how things were going for them.

As the summer passed into fall, Chris had not found anything he really wanted to pursue, so ended up taking the classes he had signed up for earlier in the year. He was still working at the hardware store and he and Melissa were seeing each other, but each knew that their relationship would only be friendly, the romance had fizzled out. With more schoolwork to do and the job, Chris was thinking about his sisters less frequently, though he still wondered how they were doing.

One day late in November, Chris came home from school and found his parents talking in the living room. He could not hear what they were saying, but his mother seemed agitated. She was not angry to his way of thinking, but her voice was a bit louder than normal and he thought he could sense some stress. He was going to go to his room, he did not want to get in the middle of any disagreement with his parents, but when she saw him come in, his mother asked him to join them.

"You are old enough to be part of this now, Chris. It involves the family and we need to make some decisions." She started.

Chris could see his father shifting uncomfortably on the couch next to his mother and wondered just what kind of decisions would need to be made, especially ones he would have a voice in.

His mother continued "I got a call today from a man who said he was Reverend Grady. He said he met you when you were visiting your relatives a few months ago."

Chris remembered the man, although he had not really met him.

His mother continued "He says that your cousin Darlene is pregnant."

Chris expected her next words to be something to the effect that "you are the father.", but she did not say anything like that.

"Darlene has developed gestational diabetes from the pregnancy and her kidneys have failed her. She has gone on dialysis, but really needs a transplant. He said she is doing fine for now, but they are worried about the future."

Chris was uncertain what to make of all this. "What is gesta umm gestalt err, um whatever you said she has?"

Gestational diabetes. It is a condition where pregnant women develop diabetes while they are carrying a child. It does not happen to all pregnant women; it is not very common, but common enough that it is not rare. You know what diabetes is, right?"

Chris did and said so.

"She has all the symptoms of diabetes, but there is another complication. She worked at some kind of plant where she was exposed to chemicals that weakened her kidneys. If not for this issue, she would likely be fine after the birth. Now, she has to have dialysis 3 times a week for the rest of her life or else she needs a transplant."

Chris was starting to understand the circumstances, but wondered about his family's involvement.

"What kind of decisions do we have to make here? What can we do for her?"

His mother looked at his father with some concern. "She really needs a transplant. Like I said, she will need dialysis without one and although one can live for years like that, it will not be pleasant. She will likely spend a lot of time in the hospital and things will be very difficult for her. Reverend Grady asked if your father would get a test to see if he might be a compatible donor and perhaps be willing to give her one of his kidneys." She again looked at Jerry who was looking kind of nervous as she spoke.

"Why dad?" Chris asked.

The transplant would need to be from someone who was a close match to her blood and tissue types. Usually, the best chance for a successful transplant is from a blood relative. Close family members are best. Normally, her sister Mazey would be the first to check, but she worked in the same plant and likely was exposed to the same chemicals. If her kidneys are already weakened, she can't be asked to give up one of hers. Her mother might be a choice, but when they tested her, they found she only has one good kidney now. Apparently, she suffered some problems during her mother's pregnancy and can't donate. He said none of the other family in Kentucky was even willing to be tested."

Chris knew his father was sweating the decision. Being tested, there would be no doubt about his relationship to Darlene. Chris already knew what that relationship was but wondered if his father knew that he knew. He guessed his father might suspect, but Jerry had not said anything since he returned from Kentucky. Chris wondered if he would choose himself or his own daughter.

Jerry spoke for the first time since Chris joined the conversation. "I am not sure I am even a good candidate, but if I donate a kidney, I will have to leave the Air Force. They won't allow me to stay in with only one kidney."

Chris had not considered that possibility, but still wondered just where his father's priorities lay.

"Can I get tested?" he asked. His mother smiled as he said this, proud he would want to do something to help. On the other hand, Chris saw a look of shock on his father's face. He wasn't sure if by being tested himself his father's relationship would be revealed, but suspected it might.

"That's really nice of you to volunteer, Chris. I would guess that cousins are almost as good as immediate family members, but I can call the hospital on the base and see if they can do the testing.

His mother looked at Chris with what he thought was pride and occasionally looked at her husband with what he guessed was annoyance.

Chris again thought back to his first concern -- Was he the father? He was pretty certain he was, he had not used any protection and had intended to get back at his father by screwing the girls as much as he could. His notion that this would somehow punish his father had only been fleeting, but the fact he continued to fuck his sisters did not change the outcome. He wasn't sure what to do, but knew that if he was the father, he had to step up and take responsibility for his actions. He wished he could talk to Darlene and get some sense of how she was doing, but right now that was impossible. As he pondered the future, he realized he was no better than his father since he too had impregnated his own sister. The only redeeming factor, if you could call it that, was that he had acted with his sister's permission and knowledge. His father had taken advantage of his own sister's mental slowness and to Chris that was unforgivable. Chris also knew that he would be a match for the transplant and wondered what it would be like to live without one of his kidneys. Others did it, so he would adapt as well. His only real concern now was how his mother would react when the truth was revealed. He wondered how she would deal with transgressions from both her husband and son. Chris was starting to regret some of his actions, and saw for the first time just how far reaching the consequences of his actions could be.

Several days later, Chris's father took him to the base hospital to have some blood drawn for the test. Chris had no doubt he would be compatible, but they still had to do the testing to be certain. His father had not said anything to him about his decision, but on the ride in, had told Chris he was proud of his son for trying to do something to help someone else. Chris thought this a bit hypocritical, but realized his father had a lot to lose if and when the truth came out. He wondered if his father had given his own actions from his youth any thought during the past 20 something years he had been away from that environment. Chris had only been visiting there for a few weeks and had many of his ideas turned upside down. He found it hard to understand how someone who had grown up in that area could put things behind himself and move on to something entirely different.

The blood tests would take a couple of days to be analyzed, but Chris was already planning to make the trip back to Kentucky. The university hospital had agreed to do the procedure if a good candidate could be found for the transplant. Chris had started to make plans to go, telling Melissa that he was likely going to be giving up one of his kidneys to his cousin. She was sad to see him go, but was impressed at his generosity and wished him the best for the operation. He didn't tell his parents, but withdrew from the classes he had scheduled for the spring semester. He quit his job at the hardware store and was set to make the trip as soon as the news came back from the compatibility test.


Chris was not surprised to find that he would be compatible and could donate one of his kidneys. The hospital said that they would not attempt the operation until after her baby was born, the stress of such a serious operation would likely do harm to Darlene's unborn child. Chris did not have to go to Kentucky for at least 6 months, but decided he wanted to be with Darlene to help support her during her pregnancy. He had not confessed his role in that pregnancy, and although it had not been confirmed by anyone, Chris was now even more certain he was the father. Shortly after the test results for his compatibility came back, his parents had a closed door meeting that he was not privy to. He saw his mother had been crying afterwards and thought maybe his father had confessed what had happened many years ago. He only knew there was a lot of tension in the house and his decision to leave this far in advance of his operation only added to his mother's stress. Chris knew that telling her of his own transgression would be too much for her to handle right now.


Chris left to return to his relative's home in Kentucky 2 weeks before Christmas. There was still a lot of tension at home between his parents, and even more once he told them of his plans to leave so far in advance of the transplant operation. His mother did not understand why he had to go so early, especially leaving before Christmas. He was not certain that his father had confessed his past sins to Chris's mother, but Chris suspected that was the cause of his mother's feelings. Having Chris go back to the very place the issue originated must have been devastating for her. It would only get worse, Chris knew, when he told her what he knew he had to.

The bus ride back down was as tiring as the last one he had endured, this time the cold and dreary day making it seem doubly long. The trees had all lost their leaves and without the color of summer, the desolation of this part of the country was even more noticeable. Mazey had driven Darnell's truck into town and met him at the bus station.

"Cousin Chris!" she shouted in greeting.

The cousin did not seem appropriate to Chris any more, but he wondered how many, if any, others knew of his true relationship to Mazey and her sister.

"How are you Mazey?"

"I is fine, and glad to sees you. Been a few months since I has had you in my bed." She laughed.

Chris felt a bit embarrassed at her words, but no one was close enough to hear and Mazey had always spoken her mind in the past.

"How is Darlene?" Chris asked the important question that had been on his mind.

"She is good, the treatments make her tired, but she is really happy about havin a baby. She always wanted to be a momma and now she is gonna be one."

Chris winced inside, but the deed had been done and he would have to deal with things as they were now, not how he might have wanted them to be.

"I didn't think about her getting pregnant. I should have known better. I'm not sure what is going to happen in the future." Chris confessed.

Mazey looked at him as he was thinking about the future.

"Ain't nothing anybody kin do now. We just has to move on, no point in worryin about what has happened. I don't thinks Darlene was tryin to git pregnant, but she is dealin with it now. She ain't told nobody who the father is, but I thinks Ma and Darnell knows."

Chris remembered the talk Darnell had with him when they were working together. Darnell had known then that Chris was sleeping with Darlene and told him to be careful. Chris wasn't sure if Darlene was already pregnant at that time, but he had not given Darnell's talk any more thought afterward. Now he was here trying to take responsibility for his actions, although he did not know what direction that responsibility would take him in.

"I know I have to take care of Darlene, but I am not sure how to do that. I'm not ready to be a father yet either, but now I don't have a choice. All I know is that I will do my best to be a good father to our child and take care of Darlene." Chris offered.

"They ain't much around here for you if you stays, but I knows that me and Ma will miss Darlene if she goes away. Darnell too." Mazey stated in response to Chris's words.

"I don't really know what I can do. I don't have a lot of experience and even if I did, like you say, there isn't much work around here. I don't want to have to take her away, but there are a lot more opportunities far from these hills."

Mazey stopped the truck as she pulled next to the house. Even in the low light of the winter evening, Chris remembered the house. He had lived in it for several weeks earlier in the year and despite tough times, he found he remembered a good time while helping out Darnell after his accident. As the truck engine stopped running, Darnell, Loretta and Darlene came out onto the small porch to greet Chris and Mazey. Darlene was almost bouncing when she saw him, and moving in front of her parents, gave him a big hug and kiss to greet him. She was definitely showing her pregnancy, but at about 6 months, was not yet as large as she would be soon.

Chris greeted Loretta and Darnell, glad that they did not seem hostile to him for impregnating their daughter. In fact, Chris was again struck by the strangeness of the circumstances and how people around here viewed things. He imagined what it would be like if he had come to Melissa's house with her pregnant and her father standing there with a shotgun just waiting to blow him away. Here things were just accepted and he was welcomed into their home with open arms.

After greetings, all went into the house. Now it was much colder than the hot and steamy place it had been last June when Chris was here before. With Christmas only 2 weeks away, there were a few strings of garland and some holly sprigs placed around the room. They did a little to brighten up the place, but not much. Chris thought again about the poverty and hard life they had here. Having another mouth to feed and a child in the home would be another stress they really did not need right now.

Chris was tired from the long bus ride and since it was late, all decided to go to bed. There were only 2 bedrooms in the small house, and now there was no pretense about Chris sleeping on the floor between the beds as they had implied last summer. He went into the girls' room with them, and all undressed for bed. The room was much cooler now, even cold. Each bed had a thick quilt covering it, something absolutely necessary now that winter was upon them. Both girls stripped down to panties but Mazey put on a flannel nightie before getting into her bed and pulling up the quilt. Darlene stayed in her underwear, telling Chris that he would have to keep her warm tonight. Chris was again unsure about their openness, but now that things had been revealed, realized he was not as bothered as he thought he might be.

Mazey added "You can help keep me warm tomorrow night." laughing at the stunned look on Chris's face. Before he could say anything, Darlene had put her arms around him and pulled him closer to herself.

"I missed you, brother Chris. I missed a warm man in my bed and a hard dick in my pussy. Coarse now I gots something to remember you by." She said, putting one of his hands on her enlarging belly. Chris felt the warm skin and ran his hand over the swell of her stomach. He thought it strangely sensual to know that there was a life inside her, a life he helped to create. Darlene let him feel her stomach for a few minutes, then took his hand and moved it to her breast.